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Signed Up April 24, 2014
Last Posted October 27, 2017 at 6:46 PM
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#928 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion

One IP match is enough to link two accounts together on TF2C. The only reason kKaltuu made that comment was because there was an IP match between Atrocity and Yuri.

posted about 8 years ago
#55 TF2Center Update: Advanced Lobbies! in Projects

Honestly speaking as a TF2C Mod I think tf2pug.me will be pulling a significant amount of higher leveled 6s players away from AL-6s. But really, that's perfectly fine. Many higher leveled 6s pug alternatives already exist in both NA and EU, and it'd be foolish to assume that AL would upset that balance. TF2C has always been a majority HL lobby site, since there are no feasible alternatives. It's relatively quick (most of the time), easy to fill up 18 slots, not a total clusterfuck for people trying to make pugs, etc...

AL is a big improvement from the flaws found in regular lobbies, which can only help the mid-level players. I say mid-level because it's the demographic that AL should cater to - not a beginner, wants to improve, but also not good enough to hang with the HL Gold+/6s High Open+ crowd. It's a good middle ground for the people who want to play something more serious, yet lack the connections to do so in other settings. The way I see it, more options for an improved standard of competitive play can only be beneficial.

posted about 8 years ago
#873 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion
It doesn't look like he's played any lobbies/comp matches.

No TF2C profile either.

posted about 8 years ago
#747 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion
CrayonNippleanicca| steamname: [IDLR] CRI
| steam3ID: [U:1:175206110]
| steamID32: STEAM_0:0:87603055
| steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198135471838

saw him cheating in a pub and may be playing on a HL team this season. he's listed as a ring/tryout here http://steamcommunity.com/groups/Idleizers
dont think he has a ugc page right now though

Yea, I cut and reported CRI, 3 people added me telling me about it, and I reviewed his demos, it was obvious hacking, like aimbot, nospread, and jumping with the minigun reved up as heavy, I'll probably report him to UGC as well

Send me some demos.

posted about 9 years ago
#27 Consolidation of the TF2 competitive scene. in TF2 General Discussion

I don't see a point to having an international league like that, since the different regions don't play together for the most part. The closest thing is playcomp.tf, which has a good but brief summary of all the major leagues and formats. So just direct the new players there.

posted about 9 years ago
#8 asian pipe jesus? in Videos
Lockriceasians are good at calculus

not all of them >.>

posted about 9 years ago
#671 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion

Hello friends
An update from UGC

We've not added anyone to the ban list this offseason so far due to other priorities (mostly site and rule changes - ticket system coming soon!). HOWEVER, due to the combined contributions of this thread, as well as TF2C help, we've basically queued up ~25 cheaters to be banned before the season begins, and are keeping track of ~10 others that lack sufficient evidence (STV, POV, etc). Our current ban list has 10 people banned specifically for cheating - 35 is a lot!!! Do note that for now, there are different ban lengths for match and non match hacking, but the lengths are not set in stone.
As a reminder, you're free to add any of the UGC admins (preferably NA admins) to report suspicious players with sufficient evidence. Thanks for all the contributions, looking forward to more!

posted about 9 years ago
#664 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion
moonyTERRYCREWSIn our weekly edition of "this kid is too stupid for life", I come bearing news of yet another Sun alt. This one was much much harder to find, since he's apparently realized that "SunTF" as a customID may be a bit too obvious. Instead, he's opted for a different customID, while sticking to his roots with an in game name of "sun", and using possibly every hack available to the casual consumer in a Valve pub.


Featuring his trusty sidekick hobo, who you may have seen posting in this thread

Hey, sun here. Like the actual sun. I can get in a mumble and confirm that I am sun. My voice is u n i q u e. This wasn't me. I don't know who hobo is. Check the IP or do some magic. I have never spinbotted, I used to trigger. This is someone else. I got a concussion playing rugby 2 weeks ago or so on may 1st. This is my first time on a PC since then. This can be confirmed by several people in the community. I'm not that stupid Terry. Almost, but not that stupid. Also, its a three letter fucking word. Anyone can rename themselves sun. and who the fuck is hobo.

If you were a legitimate player, I would probably assist you in figuring out the owner of the account I mentioned. But you've proven to be a liar and a cheater relatively recently, so really the only reason your reputation is being harmed by this account is because you have a track record of alts that you hack on all named Sun. Sorry about your concussion. Get better soon!

posted about 9 years ago
#644 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion

In our weekly edition of "this kid is too stupid for life", I come bearing news of yet another Sun alt. This one was much much harder to find, since he's apparently realized that "SunTF" as a customID may be a bit too obvious. Instead, he's opted for a different customID, while sticking to his roots with an in game name of "sun", and using possibly every hack available to the casual consumer in a Valve pub.


Featuring his trusty sidekick hobo, who you may have seen posting in this thread

posted about 9 years ago
#591 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion
89zombiezHydrolicismfadeKayliskhttp://logs.tf/815121?highlight=76561198008697463 100% Accuracy w/ Sniper Rifle
http://logs.tf/814247?highlight=76561198008697463 98% Accuracy w/ Scattergun
http://logs.tf/814245?highlight=76561198008697463 100% Accuracy w/ Scattergun
http://logs.tf/814230?highlight=76561198008697463 97% Accuracy w/ Scattergun
and the list goes on and on. This player also has alts, I've played with them before.

Paging kkaltuu for his magical powers of seeing IPs. http://logs.tf/814297?highlight=76561198008697463 also this gem where they have 79% shotgun accuracy and 85% widowmaker accuracy.

Yep, Kaylist = coolbeans

posted about 9 years ago
#18 4v4 New Map Tournament in TF2 General Discussion
MapleTERRYCREWSShould post map DL links sometime soon so people don't waste time tomorrow.

You also seem to be missing a team that signed up in the steam group in your brackets.

I got the map list this morning so I wanted to get it out as soon as possible, I'll track down the DL links when I have the time. The team on the Steam page told me they had to bow out of the tournament, so far as I'm aware the bracket should all be up to date.


posted about 9 years ago
#16 4v4 New Map Tournament in TF2 General Discussion

Should post map DL links sometime soon so people don't waste time tomorrow.

You also seem to be missing a team that signed up in the steam group in your brackets.

posted about 9 years ago
#428 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion
ILLEGALELEPHANTGUNfor shame, Phlogy and Prodigy. you were both cool and played legit while we were on Lurkn, why give up and make alts to hack together on? btw that themed username medic/pocket relationship is kind of cringey.

That team has now had more hackers on it than any other team in recent memory, other than Roxanne's teams. I would rethink your being on that team if I were you.

posted about 9 years ago
#427 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion
Name: Masturbaiting Lettuce

Log in question: http://logs.tf/801503?highlight=76561197998884823

He was on my team, when I spectated him he would be looking/shooting at walls. When I started spectating him more I noticed he was looking at the enemy teams position as they were behind walls.

Also 81% scatter accuracy?

He had the worst movement, but would pull out winger, start jumping around, and lag switching anytime I looked at him. Turns out it also makes you absolute shit at dodging direct hit :D.

Anyways, I've been forwarding people in this thread to kKaltuu for TF2C bans, as well as keeping tabs on them for myself when we change the rules regarding VAC bans and cheating for next season.

posted about 9 years ago
#85 Exposing a 19K hour cheater/hacker -- Seven in TF2 General Discussion
joetf2he uses this account now i believe


2 vac bans and 1 game ban

That's bullet.

posted about 9 years ago
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