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Last Posted June 18, 2018 at 6:38 AM
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#113 Ban the crossbow in TF2 General Discussion
bearodactylI can understand where you're coming from but that claim is by no means objective. Don't get me wrong, it is fun to jump around and do damage but there's more to medic than just hiding and healing people lol. I can't speak for others but some of the reasons I play medic is because it gives you a huge amount of control over the pace of the game with ubers and stuff, as well as the fact that you are the most important class in the game and depending on how well you play you can make a huge difference on the outcome of the game (i.e., if you play well and you survive/don't easily get forced/can accurately track ubers, you can turn small advantages into round winning plays, whereas if you play poorly and die all the time/drop uber it can cost your team rounds). Hitting surfs and crossbows/clutch ubersaws and stuff like that is also fun and rewarding.

Could not agree more.
I was speaking more from the observations I've made of the personalities in low level competitive scenes statistically. I personally get huge satisfaction from the dynamics of medic that you describe. On a team that is not unified/healthy though the toxicity flows most directly in the direction of the medic in my experience which is not so fun. High liability and deeply rewarding the medic can be.
In regards to the crossbow I would still play medic if it were banned, nerfed, or whatever because I'm the type of person who is just drawn to that class... and I used to really love the danger of the syringe gun retreat to scouts and soldiers with the perfectly laid stream of hypodermic needles through the air.

posted about 7 years ago
#7 good place to buy harddrives? in Hardware
Best Buy
any electronics store
Fred Meyer
Goodwill bins (not their retail stores)
a guy on the street
from me personally

edit: my point is hard drives are cheap enough that if you have to find the absolute cheapest one maybe put a few more hours in at work...

posted about 7 years ago
#111 is looking for talent! in TF2 General Discussion

If I had time I would volunteer to just record casts and upload them to youtube so there would be more NA competitive matches on there, but I don't have time... which is why I usually check youtube to hopefully watch casts of games I missed.
There was a good run of coverage there for a while so I could basically follow invite seasons without being able to watch live streams.

posted about 7 years ago
#106 Ban the crossbow in TF2 General Discussion

I would argue that medic is a class that will always have more of an expected weapon set than other classes... the medics team-mates expect a lot of the medic when compared to individual scouts or soldiers since team healing is so vital. The incentive to play medic is limited imho (it's objectively more fun to deal damage and jump around than hide and heal), so having a weapon that rewards skill in very practical ways makes the class more rewarding to play.
In fact I think the idea of banning xbow is silly, but either way there will be plenty of people who take issue with medic weapon-sets. There will always be some generous souls out there willing to sacrifice some enjoyment in order to strengthen those around them, and thank goodness for that.

posted about 7 years ago
#254 TF2 Legacy videos, round 2! in Videos

Grape deserves one for sure, although his Rocket Science series on YouTube is pretty great already.

posted about 7 years ago
#10 tf2 needs a hug in TF2 General Discussion

Mmmmm, bring it in...

posted about 7 years ago
#67 Freestate quits TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
nuttynutnutI think if Froyo picked up yomps and corsa then this could possibly be an ultimate newgen NA team. Maybe, just maybe, even close to i55 Froyo level. B4nny should overcome his ego and think of the possibilities.

I think i52 Froyo would reck i55 Froyo...

posted about 7 years ago
#1 ESEA S24 GF MVP's in LAN Discussion

Unfortunately I was not able to watch all the matches this last season, but after watching the first best of 3 in the grand finals I felt obligated to recognize a few performances by those players who made it to the Grand Finals.

Here is my list of players who seemed to channel their inner badass and create some major opportunities or changes in the GF matches.

1. Yomps/weedtitty: Seeing Yomps back on scout was a real pleasure for this series and he was consistently a force of DPS and clean up kills throughout the series.
2. Blaze: He's shown some great performances in the past so there should be no surprise, but I think Blaze opened up quite a few of the plays which kept Froyo in the game and led them to the win.
3. Cookiejake: Staying alive at crucial times, landing the occasional champion crossbow on both teammates and enemies, just being a badass medic in general. I spent some time as medic main, so I am empathetic to a med trying to make the best of a terrible scenario and Cookiejake is a veteran of this.
4. Garbuglio sniper: I had not seen this before from Garbuglio since there are fewer VODs going up from TFTV these days so I haven't seen a whole lot of the last two seasons, but on Viaduct Garbuglio sniper was amazing...

All of the other players deserve recognition of course, but I tend to appreciate the underdogs so (since seasons 7-12) I've been Hoping for a HRG/Froyotech defeat. Regardless of the results the finals were so fun to watch and I'd honestly say it must have been the best series since season 20 or possibly before that. Thanks for providing some coverage and actually uploading to Youtube TFTV.

posted about 7 years ago
#18 Regarding MM and new players in TF2 General Discussion

Trying to start out in UGC can be a frustrating experience for players who are actually interested in getting better in the competitive scene. I tried to start there with friends and then on a random team and both times I found that only a couple of people on the team were interested in scrimming and trying to improve.
I no longer have enough time to commit to TF2 to actually play on a team, but looking back I totally would have rather been playing ESEA than UGC when I could put in the practice.
I would definitely say that ESEA seems inaccessible to players trying to get into comp and not because of money (these are people who have probably spent $40 on hats), more the ego of the community and the horrible ESEA website.

posted about 8 years ago
#12 Highlight: Botmode vs. Running with Scizors in News
Foxjust reminding everyone he made those plays on this
setup of champions
also the keyboard is sitting on the bed which I will be sitting on for the duration of gameplay

no more setup excuses

$5 pledge gets a dedicated airshot or medic drop in a frag vid, should be plenty to go around

posted about 8 years ago
#3 Where are the s17 LAN vods? in TF2 General Discussion
ninjanickGXL vods just got posted a week ago on eXtv for the invitational part...

^go there if you dont wanna wait 2 months for ESEA vods


posted about 9 years ago
#1 Where are the s17 LAN vods? in TF2 General Discussion

I'm ready to be called a dumbass for not knowing where to find these, but where are the season 17 LAN casts posted? I had to work all that weekend and have been wanting to watch elevate do what they did. I checked TFTV's youtube channel, ExTV's youtube channel and nothing from LAN.
Can anyone help me out here?

posted about 9 years ago
#64 Tip of the Hats 2014 in News

I feel kinda lame for missing this, I guess I could donate to onestep camp directly?

Yep, went here to donate.

How did the fundraiser go?

posted about 10 years ago
#147 Superbowl in Off Topic

Happy drunk

There's only one team to blame for the boring game, the losing one.

Sad drunk

Edit:Go to your happy place Broncos fans

posted about 10 years ago
#34 Superbowl in Off Topic
phAZEwhat is wrong with you

how could anyone hate peyton i don't understand

Poking fun at somebody on the team that I'm not rooting for doesn't mean I hate them.

Go Seahawks.

Edit: actually I do admire him, but I'm not from Chicago I'm from Seattle. The babynames thing was actually only because I was curious what the origin of the name was, I had no idea that Peyton is an appropriate name for a baby girl.

posted about 10 years ago
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