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Signed Up December 3, 2012
Last Posted May 25, 2024 at 7:55 AM
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#46 ETF2L Season 22 Week 3: Full Tilt vs. The Last Resort in Events

Don't mind me, just posting logs


Documenting for generations to come

posted about 8 years ago
#1 ETF2L Season 22 Week 3: Full Tilt vs. The Last Resort in Events

The most important question. Will David be playing "Edwin Starr- War! (what is it good for)" or "Coney Island - Good Old War" by the end of it.

posted about 8 years ago
#9 ETF2L Season 22: One Night, Two ETF2L Weeks, Three Matches, Four Teams in Events
New edited eventbut what... A NEW CHALLENGER APPROACHING! No time to talk now! Join TurboTabs, Maks and Marblr on teamfortresstv3, 21:15CET if British-banter and ShaDowburn skillsticks tickles your pickle more.

What a turn of events.....

Show Content
get it? its an edited event page. Funny right?
posted about 8 years ago
#12 ETF2L S22 Premiership Week 2: Full Tilt vs. Animate in Events


posted about 8 years ago
#4 ETF2L Season 22: One Night, Two ETF2L Weeks, Three Matches, Four Teams in Events



posted about 8 years ago
#1 ETF2L Season 22: One Night, Two ETF2L Weeks, Three Matches, Four Teams in Events

Getawhale Euro-fanclub

posted about 8 years ago
#1 ETF2L S22 Premiership Week 2: Full Tilt vs. Animate in Events


sideshow is going to win, he'll


then proceed to


and send back to his


Mark my seb barton


posted about 8 years ago
#4 ETF2L S22 Prem Qualifier Round 2: Animate vs. top5rocket in Events


posted about 8 years ago
#1 ETF2L S22 Prem Qualifier Round 2: Animate vs. top5rocket in Events

Stark out. Wants to play razer cup. Is a solo cast on the horizon again?

posted about 8 years ago
#3 ETF2L S22 Prem Qualifier Round 1: top5rocket vs. Planet Express in Events

Bless your luck. Kaidus has stepped up.

posted about 8 years ago
#2 ETF2L S22 Prem Qualifier Round 1: top5rocket vs. Planet Express in Events

Did i fucking stutter

posted about 8 years ago
#53 i55 shoutout/thanks thread in TF2 General Discussion


hpqoeu - For being the first to attend lan by phone
Drackk - For avoiding those single player games,
sidestep - Making up for the last lan where you were missing,
turbomonkey - Helping TFTV on camera as short notice and your computer noobness making me feel i know lots about computers
nuze - having the ability to go missing and turn up at any moment,
moursi - fanshawe, fannyshave, fung-sway, fondue, facesore, flamestore
henghast - top banter savage flavour
kermit - top banter scottish flavour,
ethug - being a staple of my lan experience,
stark - top banter norman flavour
spudd - top banter
alfie - top banter meme flavour,
verse - Being the chillest dude at lan,
nation - For immediately taking my advice and making a move on a girl with a boyfriend two feet away from her
kratos - For taking 50 selfies a minute
sonixx - another staple of my lan i was happy to see
lux - all night torment of kr4tos and all nighter award
AMS - telling me exactly what i wanted to hear
War - the entertainer
Serotone - letting me compare him to dr.phil
davidthewin - sickest camera man
sideshow - golden boy of tf2
hafficool - passionate game talk
herr_p - having a sick lan not just ingame but out of game too spewing chatting gold 24/7
fir - all night award and being LAN santa claus (drunken jolly man spreading joy)
samski - good casting lad
molesto - excellent drunk
ondkaja - sick fucking strat man
vani - horrible drunk, kind guy
capz - perhaps the funniest guy at lan
smirre - coolest guy at lan
fanva - siiiick cunt barely scratches the surface
kaidus - funny chill dude
hildreth - all nighter award
mana - Top lad, bringer of good times, being a social machine as well as a working machine
arie - A-god :PogChamp:
commander_x - Great casting and good showing on the desk
will, fallen - doubt you're reading but it was nice for you guys to come say hello to tf2 nerds
dr.phil - that armwrestle with sideshow was like watching dragonball z
numlocked - you could have prevented everything seb
Black_bob, Cufc, Tango, Vaette, tpm, b0nes - My first tf2 crew still rocking i-series
Arx, beta - Sick chats about tf2 and streaming practises near production, was great for you guys to turn up
Sim, suyoo, ryushi - MY BOYS, Stream 2 Stream 2 Stream 2 Stream 2 Stream 2 Stream 2 Stream 2 Stream 2
gecks - james bond of tf2, so suave, so cool, so charming, so professional
poison, mattcv, potato - for beating ownage squad and basking in their salt
huhy - Cool of you to show up on such short notice and not only helping tftv out but being a cool cat to talk to
wolf - great guy, i hope you and your team's essentials.tf gets off the ground and soars
permzilla - don't forget your roots
o'leary - nice guy, nice talks
CeeJaey - Coming over to say hi, good luck with DeutchLAN
kritzkast crew - great guys thank you for offering to bite of you sausage, no thank you to whipping out the camera and threating to put it on twitter
nvc - cool to see you working with multiplay and being so accommodating with setup,
firestorm, tapley and nymphae - again; being so accommodating with setup and just being awesome to talk to too, dashner - you fucking did it bro, so proud of you,
airon - for caring so much about your craft striving for the best for the audience
bones - going the extra mile to help out and being so happy and fun that you just give of good times,
uberchain - taking some killer pictures and being my interview emotional coach
tagg - again; taking some killer pictures (and vlogs) and being the bearer of delicious treats
bluee - keeping tagg in check about REAL bacon and putting up with far too many feeling bluee jokes

if i forgot you, first forgive me its very late and tell me ill edit you in, no one left behind

posted about 8 years ago
#9 Gaming Grids TF2 Frag Fest EU #5 Finals in Events

My heart goes out to Jon on camera, No cheat feed. No magic future frag seeing powers

posted about 8 years ago
#2 ETF2L High Playoffs: Animate vs. top5rocket in Events


posted about 8 years ago
#13 ETF2L Premiership Week 6: Danger Dogs by TF2Pickup.net vs. Fenneks eSports in Events

The files were corrupted. No VODs i'm afraid

posted about 8 years ago
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