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Signed Up October 9, 2012
Last Posted May 16, 2024 at 3:14 AM
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#77 TF2 IS CANCER in The Dumpster


i hecking love spiderman memes

posted about 7 years ago
#8 TF2 IS CANCER in The Dumpster

I read the comments on his profile...

He might actually be retarded!

posted about 7 years ago
#22 obamacare repeal bill gets pulled in World Events

that is a high tier burn

posted about 7 years ago
#8 ETF2L S26 LBF: Arctic Foxes vs. nerdRage in Matches

Thanks thalash buddy, it'd be pretty cool if you could give me feedback regularly because as I don't get any, I just assume that I'm doing a stellar job. Some of the feedback from.other players has been good and some have thanked me for giving an alternative perspective.

I mean, nobody else has complained or given me any feedback apart from "really annoying and sounds like he wants to die".

If you disagree with something as I said you're more than welcome to add me and chat about it. Apart from it being painful some specific examples would be beneficial to me.

posted about 7 years ago
#14 Uncle Dane reviews the built-in comp mode in Videos
uberchainWar is the lighthouse on Sunshine a nipple or a spire

It's a lighthouse.

posted about 7 years ago
#6 Uncle Dane reviews the built-in comp mode in Videos

:o i call everything that comes out of the ground a nipple.

I think we might be on to something, but i don't call badlands spire a nipple because that would be an incredibly long nipple and the last thing you want is your team discussing the social and self complications of having a nipple that long.

But on viaduct both of the rocks on middle are nipples and it makes more sense because they are opposite each other which directly resembles real nipples. Perhaps this goes a lot deeper that we thought...

Viaduct: 2 nipples
Gullywash: 1 nipple
Process: 4 nipples
Reckoner: 2 nipples

The remaining have no nipples, but there is a good amount of nipples present with process being the main offender.

In conclusion: remove process, save TF2 from 5cp???

posted about 7 years ago
#20 ETF2L Fresh Meat Challenge in TF2 General Discussion
wintermute701HoveringUmlautTheoryCoYoTeAll_Over_RSnice i cant wait to play my first etf2l open games
nice I can't wait to play my first etf2l open games with you all over

nice I can't wait to play my first etf2l open games with you coyote
nice I can't wait to play my first etf2l open games with you hovering

I regret my decision

posted about 7 years ago
#9 Iron Fist in Music, Movies, TV
LupusThe Marvel Netflix series (all of them) are pretty slow up to the 5th episode. As it takes time to establish good characters so judging the show on one episode is the same as judging a book by its cover.

Luke Cage was the exact opposite, it was fantastic until around episode 5 and then took a massive nosedive.

posted about 7 years ago
#13 PGL Krakow Major announced in CS2 General Discussion
dashnerbleghfarecget fucked esl
Funny, because PGL's observers were one of the MAJOR drawbacks of ESL Cologne (They handled production for the main event for ESL). Sapphire and Prius, two very seasoned observers who were responsible for almost all of Eleague, were unable to be utilized past the group stages because of a language barrier with the PGL production team since they all mostly only spoke Romanian.

Expect more of the same unless there's been a significant change in their production team. PGL puts on some of the most polished CS and Dota events I've ever seen from a production perspective, but their CS observing team is completely atrocious and it showed strongly at Cologne. They also have a penchant to go overboard with some of their production techniques at times, though they're often quick to react to feedback and tone it down once they realize people don't like having 4 Picture-in-Picture cams on-screen during a live game.

Not exactly ecstatic about PGL getting this event, particularly since DreamHack has been long overdue for a major and MLG is still in the dark after putting on one of the best CS events I've ever seen in MLG Columbus. Suppose it's to be expected at this point however due to Valve and PGL having tight ties from running all the major Dota 2 events since Shanghai wrapped.

It will probably be down to ESL and dreamhack being owned by MTG that they'll probably have fewer majors in the future, not only that but the regular BRAAAAAAND exposure that they shove down your throats really fucks the experience.

I'm not surprised Valve are taking PGL on, they put on a show that really just focuses on the game and nothing more, granted their observing at cologne was shit but they have shown they will listen to feedback and improve. They had a battleview at Boston which was regularly criticised, so they constantly adjusted it based on feedback and then scrubbed it all together when it wasn't working. And Boston was a fucking awesome major

posted about 7 years ago
#55 Demoman Detonation Delay in TF2 General Discussion

I'd literally get a tattoo of the tf2 logo on my forehead if this is fixed.

posted about 7 years ago
#16 Logan in Music, Movies, TV

I disagree with what he said, the thing is you can't have a comic book hero movie be so melodramatic for 2 hours. They moments in between the action were perfect for me. And I feel the fighting is incredibly well done as it shows Logans age and deterioration that is present and shown throughout the film.

And the ending was pretty much perfect, there was a slight hint of it being a bit too corny but it was very well done and emotional.

You also have to look at the partial inspiration for the film which is "Old Man Logan" it's worth a read and in some ways it helps you to understand a bit more about Logans current state.

posted about 7 years ago
#8 How do I remove a splinter in Off Topic

If the hit film War of the Worlds™ (2005) has taught me anything it's that the body will just push the splinter out when it's ready to do so. It's good practice to let the splinter feel welcome inside your body, keep it warm and comfortable, when I had one on my finger I drew a face around it and the splinter was the nose. When it was eventually coming out it looked like Pinocchio was telling a big lie as his nose grew longer and longer over time!

posted about 7 years ago
#259 ohboy in TF2 General Discussion
squidWARHURYEAHIthey had some pretty strong looking boys on the team and squid.
u were legitimately one of the only ppl in the community i could easily crush with one hand, watch it pal

Mate you wouldn't be able to get a firm grasp, I regularly moisturise my skin so it's incredibly soft and smooth, if you try and grab me I will just slip through your clasp and retreat to a safe distance.

posted about 7 years ago
#252 ohboy in TF2 General Discussion

I once called someone on mixup a fucking faggot at LAN and I still feel really bad about it, I think it was harbleu, I don't think he heard which is good because they had some pretty strong looking boys on the team and squid.

Anyway I just felt like getting this off my chest, I just feel disappointed in myself and I don't want my actions to haunt me in my next life when I get reincarnated as a cat because then I might be one of those cats with no hair and they always look really cold and it's not like I could just put on a sweater because I'd be a cat and I don't have thumbs.

posted about 7 years ago
#19 how to get a girlfriend in Off Topic

You see I just think that this has to much room for error.

1. Fake babies haven't really become more realistic, mainly due to them starting to look freaky, this then means you'd have to use a real baby.

2. You don't say what happens to the baby, do you still hold the fake baby? If so then surely the authenticity of said baby will be raised when the baby is not crying and when you are close proximity of the target. It would surely be crying if not then she would assumed that the baby has died.

3. How can you arrange further dates if your phone is broken? I think it'd be cooler if you throw your phone to the girl so that you may have a chance of touching hands when she returns it to you.

4. I think it would be good if you wore a tank top that has "TAP OUT" written on it. Then before jumping in to the water you can take your top off to reveal the fact that you could possibly be an ALL STAR MIXED MARTIAL ARTS FIGHTER THAT LIFTS HEAVY OBJECTS FOR RECREATIONAL PURPOSES IN A CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT.

Please respond to my queries and improvements, I am well experienced in getting girlfriends as I have 7 girls on my steam friends list and they are very loyal to me when I need a pocket medic in casual.

Many thanks,

Christopher William Parker

posted about 7 years ago
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