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Last Posted June 1, 2024 at 12:57 AM
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1 ⋅⋅ 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ⋅⋅ 38
#8 [PSA] RGL Store refuses to remove low quality item in TF2 General Discussion
crackbabydumpsterthis post reads like rgl is a big org or actual business or something. it's not lol it's just a bunch of volunteers trying to bring in enough money to keep competitive 6s afloat.

i get the sentiment but merch is not a new thing and much smaller organizations than rgl have some kind of 3rd party merch setups just like this. it seems extremely normal to have an issue with something coming out shitty, even if its as trivial as a one-time manufacturing mistake

posted 7 months ago
#10 tf2 just got plugged by zendaya in Off Topic

who did you think b4nny was dating?

posted 7 months ago
#1 there should be a hat in The Dumpster

there should be a hat thats a little platform on your head and it lets teammates stand on top of your head not just enemies and you could do boosts or even runboosts perhaps do you reckon rgl would allow such a hat?

posted 7 months ago
#13149 stream highlights in Videos


posted 7 months ago
#22 Ruleset Adjustment in TF2 General Discussion
DoughyThere is no way you guys did infinite overtime ruleset for a whole lan with bo3's in GROUPS and didn't expect to run late at some points. If it only ran 2 hours over on one day then that's actually incredible.

its almost like games dont run nearly as long as every euro whos never played this config insists they do
if localhost actually budgeted the proper amount of time for pauses and getting set up then there would be plenty of time cushion for the one anomaly game that happens every now and again

posted 7 months ago
#7 Ruleset Adjustment in TF2 General Discussion

two hours for a bo3 is crazy when you already know the average game is 40ish minutes
at that point either team taking a tac on any map or talking about things at all just starts pushing the schedule back

posted 7 months ago
#27 Is there a SINGLE reason in TF2 General Discussion

well-timed bump as a reminder

posted 8 months ago
#22 OMG 3 in TF2 General Discussion

main takeaway is that b4nnys pug attitude is so bad that it even keeps cheaters from winning pugs for him

posted 8 months ago
#25 RGL S13 Advanced Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
Fireball7d7Sandbagging is bad, but moving up teams to a higher division and then having them die is also bad.

I think these move-ups have less to do with sandbagging (there arent any sandbag teams in adv and main has like a couple, and one of which didn't even get moved up lol) and way more to do with the decrepit state of adv. The div has had a low team count for a while but this time it was just not enough teams to adequately run the division.
Theres a couple of reasons for why adv is so dead starting with just how circlejerky the div is. In advanced youre reaching a level of tf2 where teams need more cohesion than any div below. Making a brand new team is just so risky because if the team has too many problems then it just will not be fun and youre locked in for 3 whole months of prison. The work needed to make a team "work" and the risk of playing with new people puts most people off of making new teams so everyone just falls back on circlejerk teams that already know how to play with each other.
Next is just the time commitment. 3 months + preseason is a pretty huge commitment and not everyone has the time. Notice the trend as well of how many people choose to offclass in main on a no scrim team instead of play advanced. are they sandbagging? kind of. but are they going the only route that they have time to play the game? also yes.

as far as solution go i think there are two things that will help a lot. First is just combining IM, Main, and Adv into 2 divisions. Low main can become high-IM, and mid-main and up will have to play against all of advanced unfortunately but those advanced players deserve to play in a division with teams.
Next i think the endless march of season after season should get interrupted. Swapping out a full season for a cup or tournament will have a ton of benefits. Far more people will be willing to play and be willing to make teams when its just a week long commitment or maybe a month if you count pre-cup scrims. Teams that would have played a full season will still be able to participate and can just grind scrims as usual, unaffected outside of not having consistent matches. Plus the relative lull will get people excited to play full seasons and ease burnout so the seasons that do happen have healthier team counts, and maybe even new non-circlejerk teams that decide to stick together.
Basically the monotony and grind of season after season combined with the circlejerkiness of higher-div tf2 means this problem is only going to get worse. It might be too late to restructure stuff this season but i do think going forward some kind of structural change is needed to keep the league healthy and fresh

posted 8 months ago
#2775 Do you like the song above? in Music, Movies, TV

never heard it before, fun song

posted 8 months ago
#36 logan lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

up and comer

posted 8 months ago
#4 logs.tf should show what hats you wore in The Dumpster

this guy bombs your med wyd?


posted 8 months ago
#9 Sniper lft EU in Recruitment (looking for team)

all these people clowning on his profile dont understand what it takes to be a good sniper main

posted 9 months ago
#61 wild_rumpus lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

bump for next season, adv demo

posted 9 months ago
#8 can someone explain in TF2 General Discussion

i can see diamondback being broken in pubs but idk about 6s
if a revolver crit on demand is so broken then why do spies run stock revolver over ambassador? if a spy can get off a stab and still fire a shot after then why not have a one time chance at a crit since that could only happen when they picked a good timing. not to mention that you could get unironic chainstabs in moments like those with big earner instead of just one crit shot

i understand thinking diamondback is stupid or not fun to play against but definitely not too strong

posted 9 months ago
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