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Signed Up October 20, 2012
Last Posted November 21, 2022 at 4:53 PM
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#9 Fc660c keyboard - really shitty review in Hardware
silitUpdate: While I love this keyboard, and plan to hold on to it, I often find myself switching back to the KBT Pure and it's MX Red switches for tf2 related endeavors. I'm not sure I like having feedback on my spacebar - it feels stiff for rocket jumping.

That said, this keyboard is still fucking amazing, and I plan on keeping it. I may sell my CM QFR if anyone is interested.

I am too jealous of you

my Leo that I ordered still hasn't arrived yet

I want it to arrive already


posted about 11 years ago
#3 alosec stream in Requests

Thanks slin you the best <3

posted about 11 years ago
#1 alosec stream in Requests

country: US

I stream semi-consistently, mostly just trying to stream pugs/scrims/surfing/jumping whenever I find the time in between homework and real life

Thanks for checkin me out yo

posted about 11 years ago
#28 Anyway to get a name change? in TF2 General Discussion


8) love ya man

posted about 11 years ago
#1 What would you do if you woke up 1 year earlier? in Off Topic

So last night I had a dream. It was a fucking weird dream. I woke up in my bed just like any other day, but instead of it being May 15, 2013, it was May 15, 2012.

It felt.. extremely odd. I woke up in my household, but it was.. different. I had a roommate. Oh wait, that's a brother. My brother was black and his name was Taggerung. WTF

Next thing, comp tf2 was really shitty back then. Or, at least it was in my dream, I actually wasn't around then to experience it. I asked Tagg what grade he was in. He's a sophomore in highschool.

I'm rambling, I know. This was a really jumpy dream. Next thing I remember I was playing tf2. To Tagg, I was a fucking beast. I remember playing in a pub and doing work. I was jumping around and airshotting everyone. Tagg had this wonderful idea of recording myself to put on youtube (I'm gonna be a star_!), so I recorded myself playing to upload. Later in the dream, this video would be renamed to "fucking incredible, never knew my bro was this good" and would be playing on every tv screen in the household.

Also, as a side note, some of this dream didn't have to do with tf2. Both of my mechanical keyboards broke on the time switch, two things I hold very dear to me. The blackwidow became an ALPS board, but kinda shit itself on the switch. The Leopold with reds became a operation board game. Sometimes when I hit a key, I would be electrocuted and the key would elevate a little bit, turn red, and then pop off. I then had to cool it down and replace it on the board if I wanted to continue using it. God damn, writing this, this dream sounds so retarded.

It was now later in the evening, around 7 pm. I was sitting down at my desk ready to chill out and play some #tf2mix. Oh fuck, #tf2mix isn't a thing. Well, time to play in I recognized one person when I joined the mumble, that that was michael_. He was aliased as some stupid shit like `micha7el, but I still recognized his name. For some reason, I remember sitting in the warmup for a pug, but for some reason I left the game soon after. I then went back to sleep in my bed and woke up today, like nothing had changed at all.


edit: also, I helped my dad buy a smoker, something he'd always wanted. I helped buy the exact one that we have in our garage right now, something he probably wouldn't have accomplished on his own.

posted about 11 years ago
#7 A New PUG Group for low-mid open skill levels. in TF2 General Discussion

I offclassed and did well. Definitely good for newish players or for more experienced players wanting to practice another class.

posted about 11 years ago
#11 New Whose Line Preview! in Off Topic

the part where Wayne said, "kawaii, uguu" was possibly the best thing I've ever heard him say

posted about 11 years ago
#264 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 11 years ago
#34 Moist in Off Topic

Yo, is one of your team mates named Varun? Some kid got interviewed for my yearbook, and when he was asked what his most hated word was he said 'moist'. If it's not him, then a lot of random people everywhere just kinda hate the word 'moist'.

posted about 11 years ago
#217 ESEA s14 Invite Gossip Thread in TF2 General Discussion
DrPloxomadcra7yDrPloxoWhat the fuck did i just read.TF2 porn.Can the next one be how tlr and ruwin ran off to frag hitler in the past, but instead fell in love?

The Story of TLR and Ruwin winning WWII

This tale takes places shortly before i46 LAN, a time when Platinum was very anxious about his plan to become the greatest caster ever finally coming together. However, to achieve this goal, he needed to invent a time machine to travel back in time to kill Hitler. Why? Hitler would eventually go on to murder djc's grandfather in a concentration camp, and Plat needed djc's father to be alive so djc so can be born so he can steal his skin. (Side note: this is why TLR was mix^'s pocket and Plat was the demo. Demo is an easier class, enabling him to practice less, and put more effort into developing his time machine.)

Well, the day had finally come. Platinum has finished his time machine and it is time for his team mates to use it return to 1945 to meatshot the worst person who ever lived.

It was April 30th, 1945. Hitler's empire was falling down before his eyes, but there was still one group of prisoners left to burn; this group was the vital group that needed to stay alive, as this was the group containing djc's grandfather. Just as Hitler was planning to bring the lever down, releasing the gas upon the unsuspecting Jews waiting for their shower, Ruwin and TLR step in and save the day. TLR pops Hitler a nice juggle, sending him high in the air. Hitler reacts quickly, pulling out his butterknife, ready to sail right above TLR's head and get him with a sick jumpstab. The pocket soldier reacts fast, firing a quick airshot into the air, barely whiffing past Hitler's ugly moustache. Just as quickly as TLR is about to die, Ruwin fires a crucial meatshot 8) at Hitler. Oh shit! Wait! Ruwin forgot to unequip his cupid bow! Luckily, Ruwin misses Hitler but lands a love arrow right into TLR's leg. Tyler grasps the shot and falls down out of the way of Hitler.

Ruwin fumbles with his pistol, and Hitler slaps it out of his hand. Ruwin falls to the ground upon receiving the powerful blow, which leaves Hitler standing powerfully over both Ruwin and TLR. Hitler lets out a maniacal laugh, and grasps the underside of his chin. He pulls back a flap of skin and throws it across the room. Ruwin and TLR stare in disbelief. A devilish smile runs across Hitler's new face as he utters the words, "Muahahah! It was me, Bradford William Ross! You fools! You've walked straight into my trap! I've been planning to sabotage mix^ for months; it's always been my dream to remake the Laser Beams with Lange and Seanbud!!" Brad grabs the pistol from the floor and points it directly at Ruwin's head. The time has come, our heroes are about to die.

A minute passes which feels like an hour. "Not today." says enigma who emerges from the shadows. enigma is out for blood, and he isn't going to fuck around. He immediately loads a pistol shot directly into the back of Brad's cranium. The killer suavely pulls a rag from his pocket and calmly wipes the pistol of prints and plants the murder weapon into Brad's hands. enigma turns to his team mates, ready to inquire if they are ready to leave, only to find his scout partner and pocket soldier engaged in a deep, passionate kiss. enigma is grossed the fuck out (just like I am writing this wtf am I doing) and pulls the two along back through the time portal to report to Platinum that the deed is done.

End notes: This story explains why Pyyyour left Mix^, why enigma no long plays scout (he is scarred from seeing his team mates make out, every time he plays scout he thinks of it), and why Ruwin wanted to med: so he could heal his lover.

posted about 11 years ago
#16 spoiler tags in TF2 General Discussion
Show Content
Stay Puft is the destroyer
posted about 11 years ago
#210 ESEA s14 Invite Gossip Thread in TF2 General Discussion
LionxAloSec how long did it take you to make that up?

Like ~10 minutes to get it from my head to a point where it made some sense.

DrPloxomadcra7yDrPloxoWhat the fuck did i just read.TF2 porn.Can the next one be how tlr and ruwin ran off to frag hitler in the past, but instead fell in love?

I'll get right on it.

posted about 11 years ago
#196 ESEA s14 Invite Gossip Thread in TF2 General Discussion
manaSylvesterwould have been cool if plat went to r5 to pocket question mark?

it would have been a funny plot twist if it actually happened
I want to hear the backstory of how this would happen so I could read some good fiction.

It was summer, 2012. His chance had finally come. It was the day after the grandfinals of i46, and all the players and casters were boarding their planes to return back home. It was a foggy Monday morning in the hotel lobby, and Plat was ready to face his victim. In the hazy crowds of nerds, Plat and djc's eyes connected. Plat knew instantly what he had to do. djc, the unsuspecting beautiful person that he is, warmly greets Plat with a big manly bear hug. Plat reaches into his trench coat, pulls out a pistol and presses it to djc's stomach, slowly whispering into his ear, "It's time." djc refuses at first, but he knows his fate is sealed.

Plat forces his hostage into the men's bathroom, where he proceeds to go all Men in Black on his ass and steal his skin, just like that creepy roach thing did to that farmer. Plat had now achieved his life-long goal: he was finally a casting master! Oh shit, wait, he also has to play for the Runaway 5. That's right folks, Plat has actually been pocketing for r5 the whole time! This explains why mix^ did so shit this season, they didn't have their beautiful Plat on demo, they had djc. Also, foster is Platinum's son, so that is why he loves r5 so much. This is also how r5 made it into invite: using the leadership of the great Platinum as their pocket.

posted about 11 years ago
#80 Your favorite game(s) in Off Topic
TwitchTVJohnCoD 4 promod

TwitchJohn knows where its at.

posted about 11 years ago
#27 My first frag video (feedback appreciated) in TF2 General Discussion

That spy play was ridiculous. Nice video

posted about 11 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 ⋅⋅ 51