Account Details
SteamID64 76561197995865266
SteamID3 [U:1:35599538]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:17799769
Country United States
Signed Up July 22, 2012
Last Posted October 1, 2017 at 11:27 AM
Posts 44 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 0.75
Windows Sensitivity 6
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech G400s
Keyboard Ducky DK9008 G2 Pro
Mousepad a very large card mat
Headphones Tt eSPORTS SHOCK
Monitor Acer X203H
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#908 I've updated some huds in Customization
HypnotizeArkanoid0The team/class selection screen is falling back to default on hudas for me, just started a few days ago and i'm not sure why.
I checked now and seems fine for me, sounds like you have a controller plugged in for me!

Turned out to be an issue with the latest version of steam beta.

posted about 6 years ago
#905 I've updated some huds in Customization

The team/class selection screen is falling back to default on hudas for me, just started a few days ago and i'm not sure why.

posted about 6 years ago
#3 looking for a crosshair/viewmodel config in Q/A Help

If you want something a bit simpler (and easier to modify, but harder to you if you don't know how scripting works) you can try out my viewmodel/slot-based-config script here.

posted about 8 years ago
#22 The SalTV Announcer Pack! in Customization

Yeah, another major necro, but if you are like me and are still using this pack and were dissapointed that it stopped working with the transision to .mp3, fear not! I have updated the pack once again!!nUkTATTT!JjJg61pHvJ1W9x-UEsQLh5iyKY6Kjm-CPmVk_j8NTpQ

posted about 9 years ago
#8 New (and bigger!!) ZOWIE FK1 in Hardware

Anyone want a slighty used G400s?

posted about 9 years ago
#15 My mouse keeps dying in Hardware

Zowie AM/FK or G400s

posted about 9 years ago
#7 TFTV/Twitch Invitational - Group Stage - Round 1 in Events
Frost_Bitehanbroloxalox demo for mixup for this?I think plat's demoing at lan with seagull roaming, but seagull has exams so he can't play yet.

I might be totally off on that though. Just what I recall from all the older drama threads.

Going by this something else is up.

posted about 9 years ago
#2 Solly LFT low open in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted about 10 years ago
#1 Solly LFT low open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Hey, I'm looking to join a loe open team, ESEA or CEVO, I've been out of the scene for about a year now, looking to get back in.

posted about 10 years ago
#71 Spec Tools in Projects

Tweaked it to be easier to build off of and bind to, and added better 6v6 bindings.
Defualt is 6v6 blu (4:med, 1:demo, 5&2:soldier, and 6&3: scout)
Hold 0 to swap to red, and enter to swap to hl/all classes.

alias spec_blu_scout "spec_player_cc 3, 1"
alias spec_blu_soldier "spec_player_cc 3, 3"
alias spec_blu_pyro "spec_blue_player_cc 3, 7"
alias spec_blu_demoman "spec_player_cc 3, 4"
alias spec_blu_heavy "spec_player_cc 3, 8"
alias spec_blu_engineer "spec_player_cc 3, 9"
alias spec_blu_sniper "spec_player_cc 3, 2"
alias spec_blu_medic "spec_player_cc 3, 5"
alias spec_blu_spy "spec_player_cc 3, 6"
alias spec_blu_soldier_2 "spec_player_cc 3, 3, 1"
alias spec_blu_scout_2 "spec_player_cc 3, 1, 1"

alias spec_red_scout "spec_player_cc 2, 1"
alias spec_red_soldier "spec_player_cc 2, 3"
alias spec_red_pyro "spec_player_cc 2, 7"
alias spec_red_demoman  "spec_player_cc 2, 4"
alias spec_red_heavy "spec_player_cc 2, 8"
alias spec_red_engineer "spec_player_cc 2, 9"
alias spec_red_sniper "spec_player_cc 2, 2"
alias spec_red_medic "spec_player_cc 2, 5"
alias spec_red_spy "spec_player_cc 2, 6"
alias spec_red_soldier_2 "spec_player_cc 2, 3, 1"
alias spec_red_scout_2 "spec_player_cc 2, 1, 1"

alias spec_set_blu_6 "bind KP_END spec_blu_demoman; bind KP_DOWNARROW spec_blu_scout_2; bind KP_PGDN spec_blu_soldier_2; bind KP_LEFTARROW spec_blu_medic; bind KP_5 spec_blu_scout; bind KP_RIGHTARROW spec_blu_soldier"
alias spec_set_red_6 "bind KP_END spec_red_demoman; bind KP_DOWNARROW spec_red_scout_2; bind KP_PGDN spec_red_soldier_2; bind KP_LEFTARROW spec_red_medic; bind KP_5 spec_red_scout; bind KP_RIGHTARROW spec_red_soldier"

alias spec_set_blu "bind KP_END spec_blu_scout; bind KP_DOWNARROW spec_blu_soldier; bind KP_PGDN spec_blu_pyro; bind KP_LEFTARROW spec_blu_demoman; bind KP_5 spec_blu_heavy; bind KP_RIGHTARROW spec_blu_engineer; bind KP_HOME spec_blu_sniper; bind KP_UPARROW spec_blu_medic; bind KP_PGUP spec_blu_spy"
alias spec_set_red "bind KP_END spec_red_scout; bind KP_DOWNARROW spec_red_soldier; bind KP_PGDN spec_red_pyro; bind KP_LEFTARROW spec_red_demoman; bind KP_5 spec_red_heavy; bind KP_RIGHTARROW spec_red_engineer; bind KP_HOME spec_red_sniper; bind KP_UPARROW spec_red_medic; bind KP_PGUP spec_red_spy"

alias +spec_team_toggle_6 spec_set_red_6
alias -spec_team_toggle_6 spec_set_blu_6

alias +spec_team_toggle_hl spec_set_red
alias -spec_team_toggle_hl spec_set_blu

alias +spec_team_toggle +spec_team_toggle_6
alias +spec_team_toggle +spec_team_toggle_6

alias +spec_style_toggle "alias +spec_team_toggle +spec_team_toggle_hl; alias +spec_team_toggle +spec_team_toggle_hl"
alias -spec_style_toggle "alias +spec_team_toggle +spec_team_toggle_6; alias +spec_team_toggle +spec_team_toggle_6"


bind KP_ENTER +spec_style_toggle
bind KP_INS +spec_team_toggle

edit: forgot some ""

posted about 10 years ago
#5 Removing non-hud crosshairs in Q/A Help

VTF crosshairs are the ones incompatible with sv_pure 2 right? Try "cl_crosshair_scale 0; cl_crosshair_file crosshair5"

posted about 10 years ago
#3 Scripting help in Q/A Help

Tested and working.

bind MWHEELUP prim
bind 1 primt

alias prim prim0
alias primt primt1
alias primt0 "alias prim prim0; alias primt primt1"
alias primt1 "alias prim prim1; alias primt primt0"

alias prim0 "slot1;r_drawviewmodel 0"
alias prim1 "slot1;r_drawviewmodel 1"
mr64bitbind <key> +toggle1 //(name this whatever, just make sure it doesn't interfere with anything you already have)
alias +toggle1 "mwheelup" "slot1;r_drawviewmodel 1;bind <key> toggle0"
alias +toggle0 "mwheelup" "slot1;r_drawviewmodel 0;bind <key> toggle1"

I haven't tested this, but I think it should work. Someone who is more familiar with scripting should correct me.

What you have here is close, "mwheelup" "slot1;r_drawviewmodel 1;bind <key> toggle0" isn't valid syntax(you need a "bind" first), you can only bind one command to a key or alias when binding inside an alias(so you bind an alias to an alias), and you should never use the "bind" command in an alias, it makes them hard to modify and is bad form(pull them out to the top with an alias instead, you only need to change one binding, and you don't need to know how the scipt works to change the key its bound on)

posted about 10 years ago
#4 Crosshair help in Q/A Help

You need a .5? Try running the game with 1 pixel less in both horiz and vert. E.x. 1600x900 -> 1599x899

posted about 10 years ago
#54 Secret Life of STAR Revealed in Off Topic
LangeMoyIt’s a lot of work; Serge recently spent about 20 hours creating a seven-minute video.Not really sure about these statistics....
That number wouldn't surprise me at all. Gathering footage, hunting for good parts, & editing everything together + adding little touches can easily take 20 hours for a 7 minute video. 20 hours is actually a decently fast turnaround for a video of that length.

I know a professional video editor, he works at a rate of an hour per minute of edited video.

posted about 10 years ago
#21 The SalTV Announcer Pack! in Customization

Major necro, but I packed them to vpk so it work nicely with steampipe.

posted about 10 years ago
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