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Signed Up January 29, 2013
Last Posted June 23, 2023 at 12:09 AM
Posts 1213 (0.3 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 1.1
Windows Sensitivity 5
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Mouse Razer Deathadder
Keyboard Logitech G610
Mousepad Steelseries Qck Heavy
Headphones Sennheiser 569
Monitor ASUS VG259QM
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#9 Broken TFTV DM servers in TF2 General Discussion

When people don't just stand on roof the whole game gravelpit is probably my favorite overall map for DM, though it would be nice to see the servers fixed and maybe have the maps updated like Sunshine and Viaduct since it runs quite old versions.

posted about 8 years ago
#65 No explosion smoke script in Customization
RainmanBenroadsAfter spending a bit of time looking through the particle list provided earlier I found a few particles that in my opinion look the nicest

Using "electrocuted_blue_flash" and "electrocuted_red_flash" for directs and splash respectively. Unsure why air explosions on stickies/pills count as directs but it's not really a huge deal.


Nice! But I'm a bit confused. Isn't there only a file for all of the weapon explosions like "tf_weapon_rocketlauncher"? How do you change it for directs/splash?

If you look inside the files themselves you will see:

"ExplosionEffect"		"electrocuted_red_flash"
"ExplosionPlayerEffect"		"electrocuted_blue_flash"
"ExplosionWaterEffect"		"electrocuted_red_flash"

It's pretty self explanatory, the "ExplosionEffect" is for normal ground explosions, "ExplosionPlayerEffect" is for direct and air explosions it seems and "ExplosionWaterEffect" is just underwater explosions.

While not exactly related or exactly useful if you use some of the other particles you can create permanent particle effects that could be fun to mess with, for example I used the "critical_rocket_blue" to do this:

Could be useful when watching demos to see where a lot of spam is landing but would be super annoying to play with.

posted about 8 years ago
#62 No explosion smoke script in Customization

After spending a bit of time looking through the particle list provided earlier I found a few particles that in my opinion look the nicest

Using "electrocuted_blue_flash" and "electrocuted_red_flash" for directs and splash respectively. Unsure why air explosions on stickies/pills count as directs but it's not really a huge deal.


posted about 8 years ago
#3985 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

messing around w/ static damage numbers

posted about 8 years ago
#17 ESEA Megathread in TF2 General Discussion

11:15 PM - SYOPS^Zebra. ✌: ..!.. glad you all hate me and still got shit on!

posted about 8 years ago
#16 TF2 update for 6/11/15 (6/12/15 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion

My game has been validating for ~45 minutes now is anybody else having this problem?

did you download any maps from the workshop? I'm getting the same issue

I downloaded the new version of Pro Viaduct around last week when it first came out. I had to do a bunch of annoying shit to get it to work?
did you find a fix because it just keeps going

I'm trying to find/delete any workshop stuff that would have downloaded to see if that fixes it.

EDIT: I just unsubscribed from all the workshop stuff I was and it seems to be working now.

posted about 8 years ago
#14 TF2 update for 6/11/15 (6/12/15 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion

My game has been validating for ~45 minutes now is anybody else having this problem?

did you download any maps from the workshop? I'm getting the same issue

I downloaded the new version of Pro Viaduct around last week when it first came out. I had to do a bunch of annoying shit to get it to work?

posted about 8 years ago
#7 TF2 update for 6/11/15 (6/12/15 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion

My game has been validating for ~45 minutes now is anybody else having this problem?

posted about 8 years ago
#19 dx8 graphics on dx9 in Customization
mousiopekalhoFireBonafideSo now we also have this particle replacer for explosions, is there any reason left to still use dx8? Besides if you have a really shitty pc?is there a reason to not use dx8 ?
dx9 uber flashes when its running out. Other than that dx8 all the way.

purple water on old maps

The purple water is because the mapper did not properly build cubemaps, not exactly a fault of dx81.

I personally prefer dx81 mostly because it removes a lot of the obnoxious shiny stuff like the killstreak weapons and some unusual effects, however it does make it harder to see when people are getting kritz'ed so it does have some slight drawbacks. Also it might be just me but the rocket smoke seems far less thick and since I use the original it helps quite a bit.

posted about 8 years ago
#27 Koth Product (former pro viaduct) in Map Discussion

Besides the naming stuff (that I personally do not think is a big deal at all) I have noticed a few things, these are mostly things that I have overlooked but since you have fixed a majority of my major gripes with the map gameplay wise I guess it would make sense to focus a bit on some detail stuff.

The occluders on the board props on the window and the boxes in left side seem to a be a bit too short and having props disappear is not exactly ideal on a map that is in release candidate

When either a soldier jumps up near left side exit (on blue team) there's a strange flickering effect with rendering, I assume this has something to do with areaportals. In my opinion you should have it so that it works more consistantly so that people can jump up when they're in spawn to try and get a bit of information about where the enemy team is holding.

Similar occluder issue on patio side looking towards main entrance from spawn

While the basketball hoop and intel were fun parts of pro6 if the hoop is not going to be solid it kind of serves no purpose and should probably be removed since it does not really fit in in that area.

You can get caught on the windowsill if you're walking against the wall here, could be fixed by lowering the displacement slightly under it but as i've suggested in the past making the windowsills nonsolid might be a better alternative since the only real loss would be the pretty questionable sniper sightline.

Having rockets/stickies explode and stick on air is kinda strange, I would suggest using func_nogrenades like many jump maps do so that they will just simply disappear.

The lighting around this lamp is really strange, the wood turns almost a metallic gray and I imagine that could be fixed in editing the color of light that the prop emits.

Underside of this seems to be untextured or have some strange lighting bugs and stands out a bit more than it should because of it.

Would be nice to have it so all classes could climb up on these boxes by making a little lip for them to climb up on, could be a nice thing for medics to dodge on and make the area a bit more interesing overall. Also would like to have the fairly large gap to the right of it allow rockets and other things through since it's kinda odd that it just blocks everything for no real reason.

You can still get caught on this final metal plate when you're running around on the little ledge that holds them.

Maybe make these houses on each side a bit more "themed" since you did that with the main house on each side already. There's also a few occluder things with the pipe on the side of the house and it disappears right around the exit from stairs in house

Per usual I will probably update this post tomorrow morning when I take a better look at the map, overall I think this map has improved quite a bit overall and I am really glad to see it being updated as often as it is.

posted about 9 years ago
#37 No explosion smoke script in Customization

Using the demo from this thread ( as a basis here are my results with Zesty/Ryans modified ctx/txt files


2639 frames 22.382 seconds 117.91 fps ( 8.48 ms/f) 7.272 fps variability


2639 frames 21.796 seconds 121.08 fps ( 8.26 ms/f) 7.593 fps variability

Granted it was only one sample but it does seem like using Ryan's modified ctx files would get you ever so slightly more fps, however I did notice large fps drops during the demo playback when the red x error appeared so that might have caused a few issues in itself. If I can find a way to prevent the red x error I imagine this could actually provide a fairly large boost in FPS for people on weaker computers.

rage1Benroadsedit: to address OP I spent around 20 minutes flipping through some of the game files to try and find where the Halloween/Full Moon effects are called but I could not find anything, it would be very nice to just have them force disabled on most servers but I'm not if it's even possible to force them off without a few SM mods installed.
I don't think some script not working with these is a good reason for disabling them. Is there any possibility to disable them clientside though?

Personally I have always disliked the full moon stuff, the outfits are pretty obnoxious even by TF2 standards and for some reason I often drop far more frames when full moon is active. As for disabling them client side I have yet to find a way to do anything like that, I think there is a no hats mod variant that will only remove the hats that are full moon locked but I doubt it would change any of the other things like the voices/explosions/paints changing spells.

As for other things in the .ctx/txt files, when I was looking through them and noticed the value "PunchAngle" and when I tried changing it on sv_pure 0 servers it seemed that I could remove the screen punch completely but on sv_pure 2 it would revert to default (3 for scattergun and 2 for shotgun, I imagine all other shotguns are the same but I only tested the soldier's). However I could increase the PunchAngle past the defaults and it would work fine on sv_pure 2, I imagine this is not exactly helpful for anybody since it would only allow you to make the kickback more visible when firing certain hitscan weapons. If anybody can come up with a way to get the removal of the punch working on sv_pure 2 I would be very interested as it's always been a small thing that has irrationally annoyed me about TF2.

posted about 9 years ago
#29 No explosion smoke script in Customization
Zestyone of my friends completed this so it works with loose cannon and cow mangler explosions (and sentry rockets)

Tried this and everything seemed to work except for the Cow Mangler, not really a huge issue since the weapon is pretty rarely used even in pubs. Do you know if it matters what format the modified files are in since the ones you linked are all .txt files instead of .ctx, I imagine it makes no difference since both seemed to work on sv_pure 2 servers.

Would be really cool to see if the rocket trails can be changed using a method similar to this. The air strikes rocket trail is much thinner and less smokey than the other ones and would be a nice replacement imo. As for the scattergun thing it seems like unless it personally bothers you a bunch it's kinda not in your best interest to use it since you can kinda get a decent amount of information from the tracers. Another thing I might check out tomorrow is if using either of these makes any difference when it comes to fps, since it seems the Sapper_coreflash does not really draw anything particle wise and could maybe help people out a bit performance wise.

edit: to address OP I spent around 20 minutes flipping through some of the game files to try and find where the Halloween/Full Moon effects are called but I could not find anything, it would be very nice to just have them force disabled on most servers but I'm not if it's even possible to force them off without a few SM mods installed.

posted about 9 years ago
#6 garbage in my console on startup in Q/A Help
aieraBenroadsclear at the end of your autoexec and then you just alias the commands that stay.i tried that but some of it is still there

before clear at the end of your autoexec (or any other configs you call from there) you should have a list of aliases that prevent them from showing up in console like this:

alias fog_start
alias fog_end
alias fog_startskybox
alias fog_endskybox
alias r_farz

Most of those are outdated commands that still exist in various FPS configs. I did that for any commands that came up when loading the game and now my console looks like this when I start TF2.

I am pretty sure you cannot remove the PREC message and the item schema one but I really don't mind them that much anyway.

posted about 9 years ago
#2 garbage in my console on startup in Q/A Help

clear at the end of your autoexec and then you just alias the commands that stay.

posted about 9 years ago
#86 Crouch Key? in TF2 General Discussion


Normally use the mouse2 when I am ctapping, shift when normally jumping. Kinda weird but helps me with muscle memory.

posted about 9 years ago
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