f_blueDo you actually deny what he's saying or what is your response about?
It was more a perfect showcase of how lack of elaboration can lead to misunderstandings :/
I'm not 'denying' anything, it was just the way that he threw this over-simply- and unqualified statement towards me that put me off. He made it sound as if I'd be using a file merge tool, then pack the result into a zip file, call it broeselhud and release it, when in fact I'm spending hours and hours on HUD updates (and yes, also on this one).
I was pretty tired yesterday so I couldn't be bothered to counter that bullshit post with anything more prolific than some likewise bullshit over-simplified statement, which was probably the wrong move but somehow felt good enough at that moment to shut up that finger pointing idiot who doesn’t have the slightest bit of insight.
To elaborate even further, yes, I took something straight from your HUD in this update – HudIconPanel.res ("- fixed MvM robot HP getting cut off"), which was just a 20-line file, but it was late and I wanted to go to bed at some point. You told me it'd work with what I've got, so I copied the file, tested it and voilà, it worked perfectly right away. I also fixed these things, based on your changelogs (believe it or not, but, at which I, as a matter of principle only had a look after I finished my own work. I didn't even look at your files for these changes as I'm apparently a bit of a masochist and like unnecessary challenges – – straight right-away copying would just feel wrong to me):
- fixed the Huntsman charge meter
- fixed item counters not being exactly above their labels
- fixed high killstreak numbers getting cut off
That's probably only about 5% of all the work in this update and, as I said, with the exception of a single file I did it on my own anyway, I just used your changelogs as pointers as to what I might have overlooked/not known of. But still, I agree that I should have given you credit nonetheless, and I'll do it here! Thanks man, you really are an awesome guy who does great work with broeselhud_blue, keep it up!