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Signed Up March 30, 2013
Last Posted May 21, 2024 at 6:43 PM
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1 2 3 4 5 6 ⋅⋅ 269
#1 Hunt Showdown in Other Games

this is like a top 5 fps tbh. hmu if u wanna play

posted 7 months ago
#54 crazy lft in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted 9 months ago
#27 rgl discussion thread in TF2 General Discussion

o to be on the third best na hl team and profit $1.80 ea

hunter is right lol i did the math backwards

posted 9 months ago
#20 RGL Sixes™️ Season 12 Post-Season Survey in TF2 General Discussion
there's a certain point where your behavior can't be passed off as just being a kid and you passed it a long time ago
You're so right guy from valorant. I am so sorry for making fun of someone that does degenerate things!
Also no one said anything about my behaviour being passable. I have no reason to be nice to this degen.

dude ur making me defend scratch. i need u to chill out. being a furry is so much more tolerable than going out of ur way to be annoying to everyone that u can. literally just stop being a part of this community if you dont feel a need to show the absolute most basic levels of decorum. you havent contributed anything menaingful in any of your posts as far as i can see. like i have a reputation as being an absolute shithead loser (and i am) and i dont try to piss people off as much as u

posted 9 months ago
#18 4dolf lft am in Recruitment (looking for team)

why the fuck did you necro a year old thread to post a period. what the fuck is wrong with you. no one wants to hate on a 13 year old but u got out of ur way to be so obnoxious i dont get it

posted 9 months ago
#19 RatThread: Small and furry in Off Topic

Sleepy Joe came to Dungeons and Dragons (Ratthew was there too but he mostly stayed in my hoodie)

posted 10 months ago
#56 Battalion 1944 in Other Games

Tldr check email for refund

posted 10 months ago
#5 [shounic]TF2 but without the sniper in TF2 General Discussion

i find it weird he said it "didn't change much" when it very clearly did change the way teamfights were being taken which seems pretty major to me. i guess he discounts it because stats remained similar and people didn't say it felt really different

posted 11 months ago
#76 Cheater bans should be permanent in TF2 General Discussion

seems weird how many people get banned for cheating and come back as good or better later on. guess it's good they didn't need the cheats!

posted 11 months ago
#8 RGL S12 Invite Qualifiers: Catgirl Cafe vs. Goblin Zone in Events

me playing invite quals so goblin zone doesn't get class restricted in advanced this season

posted about a year ago
#17 Meals that give you power? in TF2 General Discussion

+1 to anything with chicken thighs, so good and so cheap

posted about a year ago
#9 Favorite team memory? in TF2 General Discussion

when i played with the dog1 crew in esea days we spent a whole summer putting 100hrs a week into rust. we took over an island and paddie was our king. one night 8 of us teamed up with the other group on our island to spend like 5 hours sieging our rivals' base on the main land. still one of the coolest things ive done in gaming

also found this but not bumping the thread for it. rip dog1

posted about a year ago
#28 Cheater bans should be permanent in TF2 General Discussion

i like when he tries to shoot a stationary sticky 5 seconds later and missed by around 2 crosshair lengths

posted about a year ago
#2 Do you upvote yourself? in Site Discussion

yes but i wait half an hour so its not obvious

posted about a year ago
#28 9 EST scrims in TF2 General Discussion
maraudeRMaybe RGL should have a scrim finder on their website. You get to punch in your team's availability and it finds teams within +/- 0.5-1 division (ie low invite could match with bubble-top advanced) and then leaders would have to both accept.

This gets rid of the standardization as each team gets to put their availability in.

#22 we do not have nearly a large enough playerbase anymore to have east/west conferences. I wish we did, because I would love to scrim with less than 90 ping.

every scrim finding website has died because people would rather just ask people they know will be a good scrim

posted about a year ago
1 2 3 4 5 6 ⋅⋅ 269