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Last Posted June 2, 2014 at 6:04 AM
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#7 [Help] Customize Chat/Chatbox in Customization

day #10: still looking for a solution, running out of food, water and ideas, but I'm closer to my objective, I'll write a post about what I found related to chat/chatbox ui editing.

posted about 10 years ago
#8 Alias in my config acting strangely in Customization

Something this simple shouldn't be hard to edit, so my guess is that you have something else on some other file conflicting. Try not to use the custom folder for config purposes, use just the cfg folder and check if you got something on your autoexec that could interfere.
I'm just talking out of my ass since you didn't mention anything about file locations though so, sorry if my post is useless.

posted about 10 years ago
#4 [Help] Customize Chat/Chatbox in Customization

sorry for doublepost, bump reasons.

I basically took chatscheme.res and sourcescheme.res, tried something drastic:
took the "replace" tool, made it look for every "255", replaced it with "0", yet, NOTHING changed.

Was using broeselhud as a base, tried to edit the default hud using the github files that someone from this community hosted on, still no changes.

What sorcery is this? :(

Any help at all is appreciated, if any more info is needed, just let me know.

posted about 10 years ago
#3 [Help] Customize Chat/Chatbox in Customization

wait... chatscheme.res exists???
im dumb

does this community have an irc channel? #TFTV on gamesurge didn't seem to work

posted about 10 years ago
#1 [Help] Customize Chat/Chatbox in Customization


People seem experienced with hud editing in here, wanted to ask if it's possible/how to change the chat

  • font
  • font size
  • chat transparency
  • chat BOX transparency
  • chat BOX size (without actually making it cropped)

I've tried to edit these before asking, failed miserably, might even edited the wrong files
(clientscheme.res for font and fontsize, nothing changed, basechat.res for chat and chatbox, made them worse, gotta take a screenshot)

And to make it more interesting, wanna share how your chat/chatbox looks like? (they're all probably the same and i'm just wasting your time reading this)

appreciate any help and pointers given. :]

posted about 10 years ago