Account Details
SteamID64 76561197978308259
SteamID3 [U:1:18042531]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:9021265
Country United States
Signed Up March 19, 2015
Last Posted December 11, 2016 at 6:10 AM
Posts 735 (0.2 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.6
Windows Sensitivity
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
120Hz + Lightboost
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse G303
Keyboard Logitech G610
Mousepad Tt Esports Conkor
Headphones Audio Technica ATH-M50X
Monitor VG248QE
1 ⋅⋅ 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
#397 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion

This is a little update to post #363

Bunnymonster messaged me and still claims he is legit on his alt. I told him not only was the STV coupled with the logs a dead giveaway but his overall stats are so much better on his alt its laughable.

So I decided to make a couple graphs to illustrate the major differences I see between these two accounts:

The raw data:

Scout Alt DPM: 551.1 Avg
Sniper Alt DPM: 462 Avg

Main Scout DPM: 359.8 Avg
Main Sniper DPM: 284.1 Avg

Sniper accuracy Average of 41% (main) vs 58% (alt). Actual accuracy on bunnymonsters alt is actually less than 41%. I threw out several logs where he sniped for 1-2 minutes with 0% accuracy and one with 20% accuracy because of a small damage sample size. Also, I could only find 6 sniper accuracy logs on his alt, so I took the latest 6 sniper accuracy logs on his main.

posted about 9 years ago
#34 shwpuppet's amazing response about using crossbow in TF2 General Discussion

I love the crossbow! I probably wouldn't ever really care to play medic without it.

It does have a downside however. I often times will see bad medics way over using it, trying to heal their teammates from just a few feet away with it, the teammate doges and they miss the arrow. In that same amount of time, they could have easily healed them up with their medigun and gotten a few percent closer to having an ubercharge.

The other thing that is slightly annoying is some people (especially in lobbies) seem to try to juke your arrows causing you to miss. If you need an arrow either walk in a forward predictable pattern, or crouch out of harms way and call for an arrow. Moving then suddenly stopping often makes the medic miss due to them trying to predict your next position.

The other thing I see some medics doing that overuse the crossbow, is they will fire some spam arrows at the enemy when their own team is in need of heals. Yea those arrows can sometimes be very useful especially if you peg the enemy medic with a 75 damage arrow, but really you should make sure everyone nearby has a full buff before firing some spam arrows.

I'm no med main but these are just a few things I've noticed.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Logitech G402 Hyperion Fury $35 @ Amazon in Hardware

Amazon has the Logitech G402 Hyperion Fury FPS Gaming Mouse with High Speed Fusion Engine for $34.99 with Prime Shipping. The Lowest Price I've seen for this mouse. It gets great reviews.

If you don't have prime, just find a small filller item of <$1 then you will qualify for free shipping on $35+.

posted about 9 years ago
#188 My FPS config in Customization

Decided to try the ragdoll, gib and graphical parts of the script. It crashes my hl2.exe immediately when I try to connect to a server though.

I'm running an i7 3770K and a GTX 980.

Any thoughts on what setting might be causing this?

posted about 9 years ago
#389 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion

I have another cheater to report: Fearmie R^4 STEAM_0:1:54958330

I'll start off my post with a log from early last year:

Horrible accuracy of 45% and 215 dpm on scout. Then no more lobbies for a while...

First lobby in 5 months:

41 kills, 22 deaths, 47 headshots, 668 DPM.

2nd lobby in 5 months:

48 kills 7 deaths, 47 headshots 886 DPM.

Logs with accuracy stats

28 kills, 14 deaths, 28 headshots, 66% sniper accuracy.

Another log with 66% sniper accuracy, although smaller sample size:

57% Sniper accuracy:

61% sniper accuracy, and 88% scatter

59% Sniper accuracy

55% Sniper:

Out of every log I looked through, I only found one log with a reasonable 36% sniper accuracy, the rest were always above 50%.

88% Sniper accuracy log

I reviewed the demo for this log right here:

I have no doubt that aim assist is being used. 88% Sniper accuracy across 6159 damage! And a couple shots were fired randomly at nothing.

Fearmie spent several minutes in spawn in this lobby, and disconnected manually from the server twice mid game (perhaps the hack crashed?). Fearmei also spent several minutes strangely shaking their mouse around while staring at a wall in spawn or in some corner of the map as if they were trying to calibrate their mouse sensitivity or having some kind of technical issue with their mouse.

STV can be downloaded from here:

posted about 9 years ago
#363 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion

Well I have another cheater to report. This one is a little hard for me to do, but I can't let a hacker slip by because their main account happens to be on my friends list.

Some of you might know bunnymonster (often uses the name just b.). Anyways, a while ago I was lobbying with someone that behaved just like bunnymonster, and I noticed they had the same ping, and spammed the same voice commands constantly as soldier (nice work).

I confronted bunnymonster and asked him if it was an alt. At first he totally denied it. Then I messaged a TF2C mod/admin and they confirmed that the IP's matched. He still denied it was him. Maybe a week or so later, he finally admitted that it was his alt account, and he uses it so he doesn't have to deal with people. He said everyone has alt accounts.

I knew something was extra special about the way he was playing. Super high DPM numbers and very high accuracy stats. I spent some time comparing his main account to his alt account, and the percentages and DPM numbers were so different, I was almost positive he was using this account as a cheating account.

I confronted him about that, asked him if it was his cheating account, told him to stop etc. He didn't admit that, and even told me something like "No, actually my stats on my main account are better...." Anyways after that conversation, I didn't see him on TF2C in about a month.

Today was that day. We were in a HL lobby, and our team dominated the other team. Our sniper (username: dapper) had over double the kills of anyone else and had an outrageous ~750 DPM. I looked at the steam profile, and remembered I had bookmarked that same profile and that it was bunnymonsters alt.

Here is the from tonights game:

I looked for an STV for that viaduct game, but there was none that I could find.

So I found a previous lobby:

He is using the alias ww there. Take note of the 69% sniper accuracy and 88% scatter accuracy. But no I wasn't just going to base my "call out" on just numbers. It just so happens that this lobby was played on a server that I set up on, and I have FTP access. So I poked around and found the STV for this lobby.!49RkXSRb!t1awuJ6pfFnTfeODJRx301PWScvR7p3jU-LO26DjsVE

Very obvious aim hacking going on especially on sniper. Silent Aim is being used.

TLDR Summary: it is clear to me that bunnymonster is hacking on this alt account. Is he using something on his main account? I'm not sure, if so its much much less obvious and probably not aim related.

posted about 9 years ago
#360 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion

@ egad. I looked at a few of his logs, and nothing looks fishy to me. But if you think he might be cheating, by all means do some more research, and download some STV's. Also I find this to be a useful tool:

If you look at the scout section and select the DPM tab, you can see a pretty steady and reasonable improvement over the past few months. You are correct that his tracking does seem to have improved quite a bit, but there are many reasons for that being possible. Changing mouse sense, or going from a garbage computer to a new computer, or using an FPS config, or just learning to aim better.

posted about 9 years ago
#374 Valve and Competitive TF2 in News
wareyasource2 means better lag compensation and better hitboxes even if nothing else at all

I can't wait for the day when I stop being shot 20 feet around corners... And when my view doesn't shake up and down when I run to close to an enemy. And when with 100 ping you can actually grab health packs, instead of running through them and dying on the other side. And when with high ping you can actually block fast capture points like badlands last by standing on them.

posted about 9 years ago
#158 Valve and Competitive TF2 in News

I'm excited! But at the same time, I don't think this will be a replacement for 6's comp, but it will be an alternative to pubbing/lobbies to some extent.

Spectator outlines though is awesome! Wallers be warned! ;)

posted about 9 years ago
#42 b4nny at Valve HQ in TF2 General Discussion

Called it! I knew they went to discuss comp TF2 matchmaking. Will be damn interesting to see how they implement it. Exciting stuff!

posted about 9 years ago
#21 b4nny at Valve HQ in TF2 General Discussion

+ b4nny @ valve HQ

= Competitive TF2 match making confirmed

posted about 9 years ago
#14 Behind the Scenes: TF2 Production in News

Very cool! You guys are awesome and make watching casts so much fun! :D

posted about 9 years ago
#338 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion
DerpCowAvastfudaFirst time posting...

dude's name was kaz, has 100 hrs (74.1 last two weeks, 11.43 on record ROFL), he had 94% scattergun aim, 80% accuracy sniper aim...
steam profile:

log in question

Played a couple lobbies. Kid is amazing, hits ridiculous shots. No game hours and no game sense whatsoever. Very fishy.

didn't wanna post because of this shitty old alias but he jumps while shooting his minigun at tick 56500 in the demo, guess he forgot you can't do that

Good catch guys. Definitely another cheater. Extremely high accuracy, no game sense, holding W the whole time and landing almost every shot. Silent aim cheats can be sometimes hard to spot, but the heavy jumping part is definitely a 100% dead giveaway. To save people the time of looking at the demo, I made a short youtube clip of him jumping while firing his minigun:

Also one last thing I'll mention is Kaz is banned from a garrysmod server community (the server plugin detected cheats). (STEAM_0:1:50164062 on that list).

posted about 9 years ago
#326 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion
bowswer5Does anyone remember Tanner from awhile back who made awful shitposts on the forums and was known for intentionally trying to scam from the competitive community? He's been cheating in centers on a new alt for attention as of today. It's definitely the same person if someone else wants to look into it a little deeper than I have.

Steam Profile
TF2Center Profile
TF.TV Account
Old TF.TV Account (for context on his shitposts since the account in question isn't linked there)

Logs #1 (note his performance against a Platinum sniper except the fact he is an low level soldier with no known credibility/experience on sniper whatsoever)
Logs #2 (59% accuracy full-time 6's sniper throughout a 30 minute game)

Meanwhile he was also on Stabby's stream during this game bragging in Twitch chat about this shot and how well he did in his center against Arzt. smh

Another Tanner here I remember that was a scammer that tried to scam me. He bet me in ultiduo that he'd win, I beat him and he never paid up.

Looking at some of the friends in common, I'm starting to think that this guy has several accounts.... Could the one you linked and the one I linked all belong to Ruztic?

I think we need some admins to look up these guys IP's to confirm if this guy has multiple accounts he uses for scamming/cheating/trolling.

posted about 9 years ago
#325 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion
Lobby #393529

~500 hours on TF2. Was blatantly hacking. 85% scout. 70%+ sniper. Shooting ground and misfiring purpose as well. Also pretty toxic from what ive played with him on Please ban from Center

Good catch! Funny thing is an IM player messaged me a couple days ago saying he was almost positive Ruztic was cheating, but had no real STV or proof at that time. I said lets keep an eye on him...

RuzticReally now xD - Please provide demo proof, clearly i wasnt misfiring purposefully, clearly shown in the demo aswell that i took legit shots.

I'm sure you pressured your M1 down and aimed in their general location, but its very obvious that you used an aimbot...

Has STV showing ℛuztic blatantly amby triggerbotting. Moreover it exhibits his complete lack of game sense the 1st two rounds holding w as pyro. 42 headshots after 2 rounds as pyro.

Very obvious and consistant with several other amby hackers I've seen lately. You can also see clear use of walls several times when he's playing spy. After seeing that STV, I am 100% sure he is using a Silent Aimbot or something similar. He only did a few backstabs, but they were so quick, I would also suspect he's using an auto stab. Walls/ESP and aimbot 100% confirmed though in that STV.

posted about 9 years ago
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