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Country Rainbow Nation
Signed Up July 30, 2012
Last Posted March 20, 2024 at 7:50 PM
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#4 RGL S3 W1A: MyAnimeList vs. froyotech in Matches


posted about 4 years ago
#9 Redeye thinks TF2 should be an esport in TF2 General Discussion

He also answered my question - https://old.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/grgul2/ama_i_am_paul_redeye_chaloner_esports_host_caster/frzaa1x/

I still think the community isn't interfacing with Valve correctly and that we can still create better relationships with them that could lead to something like a compendium eventually.

If your answer to the question of why TF2 didn't take off as an esport is "Valve's fault" you're not looking at the issue deeply enough.

We need to continue to focus on growing the fundamentals of the competitive community, stuff like infrastructure (volunteers, admins, leagues/websites), media (Producers, Casters, Streamers, tf2bers), and events (LANs/Tournaments/Pug nights/Newbie MiX).

2020 was looking like it was gonna be a big year for TF2, then, yknaow, things. More recently, RGL and OzFortress have seen a surge of signups, I'm not sure about ETF2L. Things are starting to look good again imo.

posted about 4 years ago
#14 Should I watch LOST? in Music, Movies, TV

I used to be pretty into it, but I too felt betrayed by the ending. I think the storytelling is unique enough that it's worth a watch, especially in terms of how TV shows have been developing over the last 20 years, but as Arie also said maybe there are other shows to watch first.

posted about 4 years ago
#40 RGL S3 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

ggwp yeremy!

posted about 4 years ago
#72 Top 5 favourite current rappers in Music, Movies, TV

Thanks, I'll take ok!

Idk it's weird but I'm def feeling the musical vibe these days. Watched the new Beastie Boys documentary and that got me inspired, forgot how much I loved them in High School, back in 2000 lol. New Burnsiders song isn't far off and then I've already been kicking around ideas for a follow up. Would be fun to put together an EP.

posted about 4 years ago
#70 Top 5 favourite current rappers in Music, Movies, TV

So uhhh I did a thing. And this is besides the other thing we're working on.

Please check it out, lemme know what you think and drop some comments to boost it:
Miyachi - Mainichi (Portland remiX w/ eXtine)

posted about 4 years ago
#21 RGL S3 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

The social was a lot of fun. I won't bother bumping that thread cuz it was already dead.

1 - Rodney and The Stangers
2 - Space Cadets
3 - onlyfans.com/SpadesSlick
4 - Pastel Mirage
5 (tied on Villa) - Hairline Treatment Centre
5 (tied on Villa) - Give me five minutes
7 - ape masters Bosnia
8 - Frantic
9 - Ultralord and the Sheens
10 - The First Ever Yarn! Team Ever
11 - 2wycked esports
12 - TheTragedyOfDarthInkyTheBlot
13 - Purple Air Pods
14 - Glovebox Glock
15 - Portland Burnsiders
16 - Straight Outta ReSurfed

Def this was scrambled together so I didn't have a chance to really get everything properly setup beforehand.

Shout-out to the team captains for hanging with me. I'm really glad y'all had fun.

Shout-out to Antlers for putting a cast together tonight, Shout-out to Doomicorn and Ryan for casting! Also, def a shout-out to 24 from pug.tf for putting together some servers for us and helping me with some administrating.

Final shout-out to my teammates, y'all are eXcellent, let's keep gettin it.

posted about 4 years ago
#26 sick of this shit in TF2 General Discussion

yeah, when does the merch roll out. Could slang the shit to the kitchen industry crowd.

posted about 4 years ago
#22 RGL Main Pre-Season Social in TF2 General Discussion


This has all the group games with links to logs in it and standings after the two games. I'll update it tomorrow and re-post match-ups cleaner.

posted about 4 years ago
#21 RGL Main Pre-Season Social in TF2 General Discussion
bill_2 teams from each group move on? or just one?

You move on! And you move on! And you move on! And you move on!

(your placement in the group determines which team you play from one of the other groups, you'll play that bo2 series at 1030 even if you lose all your games)

posted about 4 years ago
#16 RGL Main Pre-Season Social in TF2 General Discussion


Group A
Yarn! Vs Glove
Harline vs Rodney

Group B
Burnsiders vs 5 minutes
Pastel Mirage vs Ultralord

Group C
onlyfans.com/SpadesSlick vs TheTragedyOfDarthInkyTheBlot
ape masters Bosnia vs Straight Outta ReSurfed

Group D
Space Cadets vs Frantic
2wycked esports vs Purple Air Pods
Match 2 - SUNSHINE

Group A
Hairline Treatment Centre vs The First Ever Yarn! Team Ever
Glovebox Glock vs Rodney and The Stangers

Group B
Pastel Mirage vs Portland Burnsiders
Ultralord and the Sheens vs Give me five minutes

Group C
ape masters Bosnia vs onlyfans.com/SpadesSlick
Straight Outta ReSurfed vs TheTragedyOfDarthInkyTheBlot

2wycked esports vs Space Cadets
Purple Air Pods vs Frantic

posted about 4 years ago
#13 RGL Main Pre-Season Social in TF2 General Discussion
chateauthis being streamed?

People be streaming. Idk about casted though....

Sounds like Antlers has a crew ready to cast tomorrow!

posted about 4 years ago
#12 RGL Main Pre-Season Social in TF2 General Discussion
I've been baited


I'm only giving that SpadesSlick guy so much free advertising. He's not even the real spadez.

posted about 4 years ago
#9 RGL Main Pre-Season Social in TF2 General Discussion

We made it up to 16!!! Shout-out to Lay who is now looking for a 930 scrim, mb. But otherwise I managed to cleanly get 8 more teams involved. I decided not to re-draw the other groups, and amongst the 8 teams that joined I drew those into two groups. I was 50/50 on this, so if people feel like I was wrong I can fiX it. It is more work though and might as well leave it settled so I can do other stuff, like more detailed match-up schedules.

ape masters Bosnia
Straight Outta ReSurfed

Space Cadets
2wycked esports
Purple Air Pods

Chicago servers are being provided by pug.tf, not a big deal if teams want to play on their own as long as they're cool about it. Just set timelimit to 45 (for the first group stage matches).

I'll be spinning up a discord for the team captains and trying to get finished organizing.

posted about 4 years ago
#6 RGL Main Pre-Season Social in TF2 General Discussion

Group A
1st team: The First Ever Yarn! Team Ever
2nd team: Glovebox Glock
3rd team: Hairline Treatment Centre
4th team: Rodney and The Stangers **PENDING CONFIRMATION**

Group B
1st team: Portland Burnsiders
2nd team: Give me five minutes
3rd team: Pastel Mirage
4th team: Ultralord and the Sheens

1st match-up (Gully)
Team 1 vs Team 2
Team 3 vs Team 4

2nd match-up (Sunshine)
Team 1 vs Team 3
Team 2 vs Team 4

3rd match-up (Snakewater)
Team 1 vs Team 4
Team 2 vs Team 3

Busy day at work today, looking forward to this when I get back!

posted about 4 years ago
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