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SteamID64 76561197961874481
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Country Sweden
Signed Up October 20, 2012
Last Posted June 29, 2015 at 12:32 PM
Posts 32 (0 per day)
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#7 Replacing font in HUD in Q/A Help
SBARROHOTTOPIC#4 tried it, didn't work

Trying #5

Apart from editing the code you posted you also have to replace all the other occurences of "Source Code Pro Semibold" in ClientScheme.res. Could this be the problem?

Edit: This:

"name" "Source Code Pro Semibold"
"tall" "12"
"antialias" "1"
"additive" "0"
"outline" "0"
"name" "Source Code Pro Semibold"
"tall" "12"
"antialias" "0"
"additive" "0"
"outline" "1"
"name" "Source Code Pro Semibold"
"tall" "24"
"antialias" "1"
"additive" "0"
"outline" "0"
"name" "Source Code Pro Semibold"
"tall" "24"
"antialias" "0"
"additive" "0"
"outline" "1"
"name" "Source Code Pro Semibold"
"tall" "48"
"antialias" "1"
"additive" "0"
"outline" "0"
"name" "Source Code Pro Semibold"
"tall" "48"
"antialias" "0"
"additive" "0"
"outline" "1"


"name" "Source Code Pro Semibold"
"tall" "12"
"antialias" "0"
"additive" "0"
"outline" "1"

Default is found a few hundred lines after the rest.

posted about 10 years ago
#4 Replacing font in HUD in Q/A Help

You need to change the value of the name field from "Source Code Pro Semibold" to the name of the of the replacement font font.

Edit: Install the font on your system and choose the name that is displayed in a menu of a program that uses it. I've noticed that Windows font showing utility won't allways show the correct one.

posted about 10 years ago
#12 Script Kiddie in TF2 General Discussion

//Inveted medigun
alias "medic" "clearBinds; bind e mslot1; bind f mslot3; bind q mslot2"
alias "plus_auto_attack" "+attack; bind mouse1 +minus_attack"
alias "minus_auto_attack" "-attack; bind mouse1 +attack"
alias "+minus_attack" "-attack"
alias "-minus_attack" "+attack"
alias "mslot1" "minus_auto_attack; yslot1"
alias "mslot2" "yslot2; plus_auto_attack"
alias "mslot3" "minus_auto_attack; melee"

//Engineer buildings
alias "engy" "clearBinds; xslots; bind r sentry; bind 3 dispenser; bind 4 entrance; bind 5 exit"
alias "sentry" "destroy 2; build 2"
alias "dispenser" "destroy 0; build 0"
alias "entrance" "destroy 1; build 1"
alias "exit" "destroy 3; build 3"

//Class switching
bind "del" "join_class random"
bind "downArrow" "join_class demoman"
bind "end" "join_class scout"
bind "home" "join_class pyro"
bind "ins" "join_class spy"
bind "leftArrow" "join_class soldier"
bind "pgdn" "join_class sniper"
bind "pgup" "join_class heavyWeapons"
bind "rightArrow" "join_class medic"
bind "upArrow" "join_class engineer"

//Spy disguises
alias "spy" "clearBinds; xslots; bind r disguiseEnemyScout; bind 3 disguiseFriendScout; bind 4 disguiseEnemyDemo; bind 5 disguiseFriendDemo; bind 1 disguiseEnemyPyro; bind 2 disguiseFriendPyro; bind t disguiseEnemySniper; bind g disguiseFriendSniper"

alias "disguiseEnemyScout" "disguise 1 -1"
alias "disguiseEnemySniper" "disguise 2 -1"
alias "disguiseEnemySolly" "disguise 3 -1"
alias "disguiseEnemyDemo" "disguise 4 -1"
alias "disguiseEnemyMedic" "disguise 5 -1"
alias "disguiseEnemyHeavy" "disguise 6 -1"
alias "disguiseEnemyPyro" "disguise 7 -1"
alias "disguiseEnemySpy" "disguise 8 -1"
alias "disguiseEnemyEngy" "disguise 9 -1"

alias "disguiseFriendScout" "disguise 1 -2"
alias "disguiseFriendSniper" "disguise 2 -2"
alias "disguiseFriendSolly" "disguise 3 -2"
alias "disguiseFriendDemo" "disguise 4 -2"
alias "disguiseFriendMedic" "disguise 5 -2"
alias "disguiseFriendHeavy" "disguise 6 -2"
alias "disguiseFriendPyro" "disguise 7 -2"
alias "disguiseFriendSpy" "disguise 8 -2"
alias "disguiseFriendEngy" "disguise 9 -2"

//Volume control
alias "volume0" "volume 0; unbind f2; bind f3 vol5; echo [VOL 0.00]"
alias "volume5" "volume 0.05; bind f2 vol0; bind f3 vol10; echo [volume 0.05"
alias "volume10" "volume 0.10; bind f2 volume5; bind f3 vol15; echo volume 0.10"
alias "volume15" "volume 0.15; bind f2 volume10; bind f3 volume20; echo Volume: 0.15]"
alias "volume20" "volume 0.20; bind f2 volume15; bind f3 volume25; echo Volume: 0.20"
alias "volume25" "volume 0.25; bind f2 volume20; bind f3 volume30; echo Volume: 0.25"
alias "volume30" "volume 0.30; bind f2 volume25; bind f3 volume35; echo Volume: 0.30"
alias "volume35" "volume 0.35; bind f2 volume30; bind f3 volume40; echo Volume: 0.35"
alias "volume40" "volume 0.40; bind f2 volume35; bind f3 volume45; echo Volume: 0.40"
alias "volume45" "volume 0.45; bind f2 volume40; bind f3 volume50; echo Volume: 0.45"
alias "volume50" "volume 0.50; bind f2 volume45; bind f3 volume55; echo Volume: 0.50"
alias "volume55" "volume 0.55; bind f2 volume50; bind f3 volume60; echo Volume: 0.55"
alias "volume60" "volume 0.60; bind f2 volume55; bind f3 volume65; echo Volume: 0.60"
alias "volume65" "volume 0.65; bind f2 volume60; bind f3 volume70; echo Volume: 0.65"
alias "volume70" "volume 0.70; bind f2 volume65; bind f3 volume75; echo Volume: 0.70"
alias "volume75" "volume 0.75; bind f2 volume70; bind f3 volume80; echo Volume: 0.75"
alias "volume80" "volume 0.80; bind f2 volume75; bind f3 volume85; echo Volume: 0.80"
alias "volume85" "volume 0.85; bind f2 volume80; bind f3 volume90; echo Volume: 0.85"
alias "volume90" "volume 0.90; bind f2 volume85; bind f3 volume95; echo Volume: 0.90"
alias "volume95" "volume 0.95; bind f2 volume90; bind f3 volume100; echo Volume: 0.95"
alias "volume100" "volume 1; bind f2 vol95; unbind f3; echo echo Volume: 1.00"

posted about 11 years ago
#27 LF keyboard good for typing & fps gaming in Hardware

I use a Majestouch 2 tenkeyless with linear black switches since 1.5 years back and I've been really happy with it. Linear switches are by far the best for gaming and I even prefer them over tactile and clicky switches while typing/programming. Don't worry about the resistance of MX blacks, I play scout and can easily switch direction several times per second without overlap. I wouldn't switch them for reds. Unless you write novels there is no reason to anything but linear switches anyway and in that case you should probably buy a modern day IBM Model M to go with your linear gaming keyoboard. Also, get a tenkeylesskeyboard if you can, it will allow you to move the mousepad and keyboard closer together which is more ergonomical, especially while typing. For you Europeans, The keyboard CO is probably the place to go. I've ordered from there with no issues.

posted about 11 years ago
#30 New player seeks emense knowledge in Q/A Help
k0ngzy#10 Thanks that's really cool! Using it now!
What are the common xhairs used by the pro scouts?

This thread mentions some of the pros crosshair preferences. A small green cross is a good choice, it contrasts againt red/blue trunks and the environment and gives a good feel for the axes. For instance, you can grab this from my HUD. It doesn't come with the shortcomings common in most HUD crosshairs.

Some handy slot binds:

alias "xslot1" "slot1; r_drawviewmodel 0; viewmodel_fov 0"
alias "xslot2" "slot2; r_drawviewmodel 0; viewmodel_fov 0"
alias "yslot1" "slot1; r_drawviewmodel 0; viewmodel_fov 54"
alias "yslot2" "slot2; r_drawviewmodel 0; viewmodel_fov 54"
alias "melee" "slot3; r_drawviewmodel 1; viewmodel_fov 54"
alias "xslots" "bind e xslot1; bind q xslot2"

The "viewmodel_fov 0" command removes your own hitscan trails (also flames, needles) which is particularily nice for scout. It makes it a lot easier to see what you're shooting at. You'll wan't to use the xslots settings for every class and weapon except medic needles (yslot1), medic healgun (yslot2) and pyro flamethrower (yslot1).

Class switch, building and disguise menus are pretty clunky and are better circumvented with scripts that require fewer keypresses. There are scripts for this in the manual that comes with my HUD.

Other things that are nice to have early on:

m_rawinput "1" //bypass operating system for mouse input

//good starting interp values for scout (the defaults are aimed at dial-up connections in Siberia)
cl_interp "0.030"
cl_interp_ratio "1"

hud_combattext "1" //enable damage numbers

//gossip girl sound binds (makes it easier to hear where the sound is coming from)
dsp_enhance_stereo "1"
dsp_slow_cpu "0"
snd_async_fullyasync "1" // may help stop freezes and sound looping
snd_pitchquality "1"
snd_spatialize_roundrobin "0"

//hitsound binds with maximum interval to better be able to pinpoint damage
tf_dingalingaling "1"
tf_dingaling_volume "1"
tf_dingaling_pitchmindmg "255"
tf_dingaling_pitchmaxdmg "1"

Get a different hitsound, like this. The default is just plain awful.

posted about 11 years ago
#5 [HUD] Ell's HUD (Video by Saemzi, V4.1) in TF2 General Discussion

V4.2 & Bash's Scoreboard are up

posted about 11 years ago
#4 [HUD] Ell's HUD (Video by Saemzi, V4.1) in TF2 General Discussion
PlatypusI like the look of it, but one thing small thing that's a make or break for me is the ability to tell if your disguise is friendly or enemy (blue or red) at a glance.

If you have disguise binds that always behave the same at any given time you can develop the confidence that you pressed the right button. I think you should too, since it will allow you to focus on more important stuff. There is a section in the manual about this. The only time when it may absolutely critical that you get it right is in a league or cup game and then you can easily tell by the team tag of the person you're disguised as. I took out the team colored background for better visibility.

posted about 11 years ago
#2 [HUD] Ell's HUD (Video by Saemzi, V4.1) in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 11 years ago
#1 [HUD] Ell's HUD (Video by Saemzi, V4.1) in TF2 General Discussion

A minimalistic HUD with vibrant colors.

Download & pictures

ETF2L Thread
Steam Group

posted about 11 years ago
#5 MvM issue in Q/A Help

Could be because you're running a HUD with pre-MvM update files still in it. Try removing it and see if it works.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Weapon sound in Q/A Help

Max out the hitsound volume and decrease your regular volume. I need to use 1 and 0.15 respectively, so the numbers are not accurate.

//volume control
alias "vol0" "volume 0; unbind f2; bind f3 vol5; echo [VOL 0.00]"
alias "vol5" "volume 0.05; bind f2 vol0; bind f3 vol10; echo [VOL 0.05]"
alias "vol10" "volume 0.10; bind f2 vol5; bind f3 vol15; echo [VOL 0.10]"
alias "vol15" "volume 0.15; bind f2 vol10; bind f3 vol20; echo [VOL 0.15]"
alias "vol20" "volume 0.20; bind f2 vol15; bind f3 vol25; echo [VOL 0.20]"
alias "vol25" "volume 0.25; bind f2 vol20; bind f3 vol30; echo [VOL 0.25]"
alias "vol30" "volume 0.30; bind f2 vol25; bind f3 vol35; echo [VOL 0.30]"
alias "vol35" "volume 0.35; bind f2 vol30; bind f3 vol40; echo [VOL 0.35]"
alias "vol40" "volume 0.40; bind f2 vol35; bind f3 vol45; echo [VOL 0.40]"
alias "vol45" "volume 0.45; bind f2 vol40; bind f3 vol50; echo [VOL 0.45]"
alias "vol50" "volume 0.50; bind f2 vol45; bind f3 vol55; echo [VOL 0.50]"
alias "vol55" "volume 0.55; bind f2 vol50; bind f3 vol60; echo [VOL 0.55]"
alias "vol60" "volume 0.60; bind f2 vol55; bind f3 vol65; echo [VOL 0.60]"
alias "vol65" "volume 0.65; bind f2 vol60; bind f3 vol70; echo [VOL 0.65]"
alias "vol70" "volume 0.70; bind f2 vol65; bind f3 vol75; echo [VOL 0.70]"
alias "vol75" "volume 0.75; bind f2 vol70; bind f3 vol80; echo [VOL 0.75]"
alias "vol80" "volume 0.80; bind f2 vol75; bind f3 vol85; echo [VOL 0.80]"
alias "vol85" "volume 0.85; bind f2 vol80; bind f3 vol90; echo [VOL 0.85]"
alias "vol90" "volume 0.90; bind f2 vol85; bind f3 vol95; echo [VOL 0.90]"
alias "vol95" "volume 0.95; bind f2 vol90; bind f3 vol100; echo [VOL 0.95]"
alias "vol100" "volume 1; bind f2 vol95; unbind f3; echo [VOL 1.00]"

tf_dingalingaling "1"
tf_dingaling_volume "1"
tf_dingaling_pitchmindmg "255"
tf_dingaling_pitchmaxdmg "1"
tf_hud_num_building_alert_beeps "1"

posted about 11 years ago
#9 Can't access outdated HUD thread on natf2 in Q/A Help

Not much happening here O_o

posted about 11 years ago
#8 Crosshair 7 in Q/A Help

A HUD (custom font) crosshair is really the only way to go if you wan't special shapes or dimensions except for in a few special cases. It also rids you of the antialiasing in the built in crosshairs. Viritually every custom crosshair out there is also flawed in some way (font asymetrical/not centered - requires painstaking centering for every res, size interval not dense enough to fit grid, otf format doesn't position properly etc)), so it's a good idea to make your own. I recommend FontLab. I made this crosshair for my HUD. I estimate it would take me less than an hour to make another one like it, but I'd rather not since I'd end up maintaining 20 clueless peoples custom HUDs. I can however show you the ropes if you wan't to give it a try. FontLab and TF2 HUD files i a jungle if you don't know where to look, but when you do you find that there are few things you actually need to learn to get things done.

posted about 11 years ago
#35 Mouse Recommendations in Hardware

Do your homework, a lot of the mice in this thread have issues with prediction and acceleration. I've considered most of these mice at some point and the only ones I found working properly were Abyssus, Deathadder, G400, AM and possibly WMO/IE3.0. Abyssus jitters on many surfaces but it acceptable at 450dpi and low sensitivity, wonderful shape and very light. G400 is sturdy with a well performing sensor but is too heavy. WMO has slight negative acceration, even with custom drivers and a polling rate of 500hz.

posted about 11 years ago
#8 Can't access outdated HUD thread on natf2 in Q/A Help
hoolii'll let pingu know

Oh, I almost forgot. THANK YOU.

posted about 11 years ago
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