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SteamID64 76561198051219850
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Country United Kingdom
Signed Up April 20, 2014
Last Posted May 24, 2024 at 3:48 AM
Posts 2263 (0.6 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 2.4
Windows Sensitivity 1
Raw Input 1
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Mouse dfhgj
Keyboard laptop
Mousepad aaaaa
Headphones thj
Monitor asfesgr5y467
1 ⋅⋅ 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149
#6 New NASA picture of Andromeda in Off Topic
BonafideStuff like this always really saddens me that I will never actually be able to explore it

u are exploring it right now from your personal computer in this video! :)

posted about 8 years ago
#4 looking for a crosshair/viewmodel config in Q/A Help

hm since we're on this topic i kind of want to ask something about the crosshair switcher. if you set your secondary to another crosshair then your primary and then die with your secondary, i respawn with my primary weapon but the secondary crosshair and then i can't switch to the secondary on the first scroll wheel spin i have to do it twice. is it supposed to be like that?

posted about 8 years ago
#233 i55 in TF2 General Discussion

wtf? my point was that they didn't have a perfect lan, not that it hindered them at all.

posted about 8 years ago
#229 i55 in TF2 General Discussion

they don't even have a perfect record because they lost in the groups. i can't believe you are still spewing this shit and you didn't even watch it.

i don't even know why i replied actually

posted about 8 years ago
#222 i55 in TF2 General Discussion

? they were having a conversation about the seating and he just comes in here like an idiot with his completely irrelevant shit. how can you say that euros take the game way too seriously when they never bring it up?
it's cool you have your predictions on who you think will win, but posting this shit in literally every i55 thread is boring and dumb

posted about 8 years ago
#4 DeutschLAN EU Showmatch: Fair Enough vs. Samsung Galaxy Gang in Events

just a joke my friend :)

posted about 8 years ago
#41 Razer Arena adds TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

so any team can join this thing? you can have an invite team and an open team in the same thing?

posted about 8 years ago
#151 Froyotech i55 Fundraiser Update in TF2 General Discussion

what's the reason behind doing it after i55 and not before if u don't mind me asking?

posted about 8 years ago
#14 Mouse Issues in Q/A Help

lads i have reinstalled and now things feel ok and i recommend the same to you op. i promised we would get through this together and look at us.

we made it.

the thing that i downloaded the night this went shitty again was avast btw so maybe that's the common software that's fucking us? i don't know brother, all i know is that we are probably both safe from this mouse accel hell and that's all that matters. stay safe.

ty to all those that have helped the cause

edit: ok i installed the mark's shit to get rid of accel and now it feels weird omggg i fucked it up

posted about 8 years ago
#12 tf2 memories in TF2 General Discussion

? what alien wiener??? all i see is frags and plays my friend :p

posted about 8 years ago
#128 Anime to watch over the summer in Music, Movies, TV
there's no "come on".

zeitgeist theory, philosophy of plato, the remarks of Ayn Rand about objectivism in her books The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged. Standpoint theory, radical skepticism. objectivism as addressed in The Capitalist Manifesto, Epistemology as a fundamental basis of human wisdom, and all the works of pre-socratic philosophers.

or do you think that's equivalent to "do you literally have mental retardation" and downfragging without stating opinions?

you can't be that naive, and i expect you not to.
idk what you're expecting people to do. you expect people to post 'good anime' unbiased to their tastes and then when we ask you what kind of anime fit into this you say that none of them can because they are all flawed, derailing this already shitty and annoying thread with even more garbage sending us on this pointless conversation in order to flex your ego or something. 'come up with something smart and then we can talk' loool

i expect people to stop being so ignorant. to get off their finger pressing downfrags and state an opinion for a change.

unbiased, unprejudiced, impartial, non-discriminatory, broad-minded........rational.

i'm not flexing my ego. like Socrates once said, "I only know that i know nothing". i'm not trying to give the image of arrogance, but this is a matter of credibility. do you know why it's a matter of credibility? because i referenced the works and philosophies of brilliant people with intellectual capacity to fundament my thesis.

what are people agains't this basing on? that people can like whatever they want? that i have mental retardation or, as shifta said, autism? there's no argument, there's no factual basis, there's no intellectual or historical reference, there's only ignorance and blind hatred/discrimination.

no, i mean what do you actually expect people to recommend this guy? which i think you have forgotten, was the actual purpose of this thread. if we had it your way, this thread would be this guy asking for shit anime and then we are only left to reply 'sorry, good anime doesn't exist and so we can't recommend you anything because all of the anime we define as good anime is clouded by our own biased judgements'. you have just created a pointless conversation and that's why people are calling you names and downfragging you, not because they disagree with all the theories you have stated, at least from what i can see. your argument is completely not relevant in this discussion.

posted about 8 years ago
#112 Anime to watch over the summer in Music, Movies, TV

idk what you're expecting people to do. you expect people to post 'good anime' unbiased to their tastes and then when we ask you what kind of anime fit into this you say that none of them can because they are all flawed, derailing this already shitty and annoying thread with even more garbage sending us on this pointless conversation in order to flex your ego or something. 'come up with something smart and then we can talk' loool

posted about 8 years ago
#103 Anime to watch over the summer in Music, Movies, TV

well then what do you expect people to recommend this guy?

posted about 8 years ago
#101 Anime to watch over the summer in Music, Movies, TV

quert did you not see my question or are you ignoring it? do you know any anime that is objectively good and also why is it objectively good?

posted about 8 years ago
#11 Mouse Issues in Q/A Help

is this normal?

and no, i've never used the mouse pointer thing

posted about 8 years ago
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