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Signed Up March 1, 2014
Last Posted October 1, 2019 at 12:14 PM
Posts 1307 (0.3 per day)
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1 ⋅⋅ 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 ⋅⋅ 87
#11 is Live in LAN Discussion

Please rename Twitter to Twitterung


posted about 9 years ago
#9 is Live in LAN Discussion
DeerThis is rad. If possible it would be cool if you could put the dates for i52 somewhere on the page.

This is a good idea, I've added it and also improved the vlogs layout a bit for Suyoo :)

posted about 9 years ago
#4 is Live in LAN Discussion
TurbomonkeyAre you grouping all the videos posted on youtube about tf2 @i52?

I was planning on taking my DSLR to record some stuff so I was just going to use a #i52tf2 on the video title.

You are turbomonkey138 right? Adding you should be fine

posted about 9 years ago
#1 is Live in LAN Discussion

A small hub page for i52 stuff has been made. The idea is to try to aggregate vlogs and related stuff in one place to make it easier to follow the general goings on @lan.

Previous attendees get to spot themselves in the backgrounds.

The stream (when it's on)

Twitter - Tagg get's his own bit as the official roaming reporter, but until then we get to see the minutiae of his personal life - Follow him! And we also have your tweets tagged with #i52tf2, or any tweet that mentions both i52 and tf2. This is moderated to avoid donger spam, it won't be watched 24/7 so things might take a little while to filter through.

Vlogs - a collection of youtube stuff from various vlogs or anything else I deem relevant. It's all Team iMmunity related material at the moment.

Tournament Brackets - just a page pinched from the i52 site with the teams, groups and eventually knockout brackets on it.

Flickr - once Tagg's images start getting uploaded a section for his photography should appear.

I made this as much for myself as anyone else because it's something I would like to see but if there's anything anyone thinks might be a good idea then let me know. If your particular combination of device and browser explodes horribly when accessing it then try it on an up to date chrome/firefox on a windows PC :)

It doesn't work very well on mobile devices, I might look at tidying that up a bit at some point but twitch's mobile support is dire so the stream bit will never work well on it (if at all).

posted about 9 years ago
#14 Who is doing an i52 vlog? in LAN Discussion
LuneI know yuki makes vlogs

Yuki's channel is already lined up.

Sideshow to provide the debauchery and hedonism.

posted about 9 years ago
#56 Player skill rating added to the game in TF2 General Discussion
erkstonmaybe minimum pregame time? it's with the other gamestate stuff and it seems they are listed in order:


It seems like there is an implication of a specific activity though. Perhaps this is where they do the weapons bans.

posted about 9 years ago
#54 Player skill rating added to the game in TF2 General Discussion

From browsing the pastebins it definitely looks like more than MvM or Quickplay changes. What's "strategy time"?

posted about 9 years ago
#40 i49 Fragumentary Vlog #4 in News
SideshowYou can't if you're at your parents house for the summer YAY.

Virgin don't want you to have any distractions from co-op half life 2.

Epic gaming.

posted about 9 years ago
#9 Who is doing an i52 vlog? in LAN Discussion

Any NA people doing a youtube vlog? I assume I need to keep an eye on shades channel.

posted about 9 years ago
#7 Who is doing an i52 vlog? in LAN Discussion
raikuI know tagg is going there thanks to the community but what exactly will tagg do, help with the production like lange? Or will tagg do some videos? :S

I think most of Tagg's stuff will be going into the main production output (which is going to be outrageously good), this is intended to give a platform to gonzo vlog type content to enhance the community feel and try to unify things into a single easy destination so they're not spread out over various threads.

posted about 9 years ago
#4 Who is doing an i52 vlog? in LAN Discussion

Rising messaged me, thanks for the details

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Who is doing an i52 vlog? in LAN Discussion

I'm looking at a sort of i52 hub page and it would be nice to bring anybody posting vlogs into it but I need to know a few details about exactly how they'll be handling the technicalities so if you're doing one please PM me or add me on steam:

posted about 9 years ago
#38 Best 6vs6 matches ever ? in TF2 General Discussion
numlockedobviously I'm biased but the bo3 lower bracket final (I think?) between Infused and TCM-Gaming at i43 was fucking intense!

Love Qun's pov vods of these with comms

posted about 9 years ago
#32 Epsilon need help. in LAN Discussion
WARHURYEAHIf you donated/donating more than $15 send me an email to warhuryeahdota[at]gmail[dot]com with a screenshot \copy of proof of donation and send me a demo, I will do a review for you, stream it & upload to YouTube.

Will work something up for weapon signings.

I don't have a demo. Can you review The Airshot for an hour?

posted about 9 years ago
#24 i52 funraiser in Off Topic

Discard everything except your clothes and go to Brixton, then play real life DayZ with the Yardies.

posted about 9 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 ⋅⋅ 87