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SteamID64 76561198053653249
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:46693760
Country Hong Kong
Signed Up October 22, 2013
Last Posted July 30, 2020 at 12:22 AM
Posts 581 (0.1 per day)
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Mousepad It's mostly used as a large coaster for drinks
Headphones Dirty
Monitor Also very dirty
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#1 i52 Fundraiser Commission Artwork! in TF2 General Discussion

Hey guys, we have like 13 days to make 3000+ for the fundraiser, so I decided I'd try to help out by offering what I can- drawings.

Here's how it'll work:

Send me your preferred class[es], with a list of cosmetics and the weapon you want [if you want it]. Also optionally include pose, color, a screenshot, extra anything otherwise I'll choose myself. You can either message or post here, or add me on steam. I'll then send you my paypal information.

Once I finish them, I'll do one bulk donation of the collected amounts [I kind of want a tshirt]. All of the money generated by this will go to the fundraiser unless you would like to send me a tip, which is greatly appreciated.

Examples and pricing [everything is full-color and clean lines!]:

Little guys: $15 per character, $20 for two


Full-body: $30 for single character


Multiple characters: $45 for 2, add on $10 per additional


Here's another small gallery of icons I've done to show off my style, I am not doing them for this fundraiser, sorry. But have a look if you want! http://imgur.com/a/YEDkh#0

I'll take as many as I can before I have to leave for Vancouver from the 3-17. If I'm not able to finish it before I go, I will let you know and try to have it as quickly as possible when I get back, so keep that in mind before you order. If you have something time-sensitive, let me know and I can try getting it done asap.

Commission list:

posted about 9 years ago
#5 New weapons in TF2 General Discussion

Holy shit... the parachute is real.

Also the shield and Sniper rifle look like a lot of fun. Can't wait to try them all out. The new Scatter seems like it'd be a tricky weapon if the Scout is sneaky enough.

posted about 9 years ago
#33 driving test tips in Off Topic

If you have a chance, get your parent to sit with you and have you drive around the area of the DMV. On that drive, take note of any particular signage, amount of lanes, turning lanes, etc. Having some familiarity with the area is a big help so not too much stuff takes you by surprise. [An example... one of the stoplights near the DMV I took my test at had a 'No turn on red' sign for if you were making a right turn. It was a small sign that would have been very easy to miss if I didn't know about it.]

When turning into a busy street make sure not to just look behind for oncoming traffic, but for people entering or exiting in front of you. They can fly out pretty fast and unexpectedly.

Even if you think you don't have to signal, do it anyway. Lane changes, exiting parking lots, pulling towards and away from the curb, turning corners, etc.

If they have the portion of the test where you have to back up against a curb, you can take it slow. No need to rush it, take your time and make sure you're looking at the mirrors as well as over your shoulder.

You should also know the functions of your car controls. Turn signals, lights, defogger, emergency lights and all that.

Good luck!

posted about 9 years ago
#37 i52 Showmatches Set #1 in Events

GGs, really entertaining matches guys. Jesus, Mireln...

posted about 9 years ago
#18 the art thread in Off Topic

I've also done a buttload of people's outfits for Steam avatars, here's a small selection. the whole album so far: http://imgur.com/a/YEDkh

















posted about 9 years ago
#17 the art thread in Off Topic

Wow there's a lot of really artistic people here, that's awesome.

I actually draw a lot of TF2 stuff, here's some of my favorites:








posted about 9 years ago
#20 i52 LAN Fundraiser in News

Woo! Also I was wondering if there will be there ways to help fund this? I wouldn't mind doing a couple art pieces for people if most of the money I'd get would go towards the fundraiser.

posted about 10 years ago
#37 Things that make you happy in Off Topic

Baking cookies. They don't have to be all fancy or pretty, I make lumpy plain chocolate chip cookies that taste amazing. If you like M&Ms like me, put those in then they are nice and colourful.

For best results, let them settle for a few minutes out of the oven, but eat them when they're still warm. Accompany with milk or ice cream.

posted about 10 years ago
#30 Need help getting back up again in Off Topic

Welp, pissed off the boyfriend since I've been so busy and pretty much bombed this entire year's worth of illustration courses. Pretty sure graduation is set back yet another year and I can't really afford to take a 7th. Fuck this and I was just starting to feel a bit better.

SnowyYou mention your friends and boyfriend, but you're forgetting the two people in the world you love you more than anyone. I know it can be embarrassing to share with your parents anything personal, let alone something so hefty, but even despite the million times they've disappointed you throughout your life, they'll come through for you when you need them most.

My parents are fantastic... I just can't ever open up all my problem since I know they'll worry about me while they have enough to think about. Well they already have one genius child so there's no need for me I guess...

posted about 10 years ago
#54 UGC Platinum Pre-Season Analysis Podcast! in TF2 General Discussion

Thanks for putting this together guys! Will you be taking viewer questions as well?

posted about 10 years ago
#10 "Through the Years" by rj in Videos

I just saw I got a shoutout!

Anyways, good luck buddy, it was a pleasure to play with you when I could. Hope to Lan with you in the future. <3

posted about 10 years ago
#4 I wrote a short story in Off Topic

Is there a non-kindle edition for us kindle-deprived people?

posted about 10 years ago
#7 Bay Area Meetup 5/18 in LAN Discussion

So... any news?

posted about 10 years ago
#82 Family issues when playing in Off Topic
flameI got my graduation GPA up from a 2.5 cum to a 3.2 in 2 years so never count yourself out. You just gotta want it.

Referring to your dad as a 'faggot' isn't gonna get you anywhere than a future of shit and misfortune. Not sure of your financial status but if your parents are as shit as you seem to think you better focus on yourself and not your 60 hz 5 year old monitor.

This worlds fucking cold. Eat or be eaten. Get your grades up, pray you can afford college, and go. Don't come to tf.tv looking for sympathy from other nerds for your problems cause trust me, theres a whole lot of people who wish their life was as easy as yours right now.

Seconding the stuff about GPA. Luckily in High School, you've got 4 years and a dedicated faculty to work it out. Go make up grades in summer classes if you have to. I was getting low grades in classes left and right when I was your age, it wasn't until I was a Senior that I turned it around with a bit of effort and graduated with the rest of my class.

If your Dad is concerned about your grades dropping, he's doing his job as a parent, I believe he wants you to do well. He could just not care about you and let you slip, but he's not. If TF2 is getting in the way where it's consuming most of your time I'd at least go back up or something and take it a little easy to get yourself back on track.

posted about 10 years ago
#18 Need help getting back up again in Off Topic

Thanks for the responses so far. I'm definitely going to look into talking to someone over these next few months.

I think what's held me back from talking is that my life conditions aren't bad at all, they're actually quite good. I have had several people in my life with much worse problems that seem to be fine- it's always a trouble to admit I'm upset for whatever reason, it's like why am I feeling like this when there's people way worse off? Are they thinking 'Oh Jas is so privileged why would she be depressed?'.

[I know that's mostly not true, I made a vague post on Facebook asking how people coped with anxiety/depression and got a mountain of responses, texts, and messages over Steam of people reaching out and making sure I've been okay. I cried even more.]

posted about 10 years ago
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