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Last Posted May 16, 2024 at 1:03 AM
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#29 Do you think current state of specialists is fine? in TF2 General Discussion
im talking about degresser pyro i.e 2013 pyro and comparing it to 2017 which in this example is just soley the dragons fury alone. 2017 pyro doesnt need any secondaries. it can deal with pyros just fine, so doesnt need a shotgun and does fast enough damage to not need the flare. shotguns also gonna do dickcheese at long range, flare has a massive cool down. neither are even worth taking out. its like saying as scout you use the pistol until ur close enough for the scattergun to not do 3 damage, but even that is more realistic cause the switch from pistol to scatter is much faster than flare to df.

there are more ranges than the range where shotgun does 90 and the range where shotgun does 3. jetpack is good. scorch shot

now the degresser pyro is garbage compared to this shit, but the question is which deserves to be better than the other? even when u could airblast for 100 percent consistent flare, i still think pyro in 2013 had a higher skill ceiling. if u placed the crosshair exactly where it is in that pic would the flare gun hit? fuck no. only other wep that requires this little aim is the medi gun, other than the other flame throwers.

DF Pyro is aiming extremely large projectiles. Airblast into secondaryis not aiming because it's 100% consistent. I agree that flamethrower tracking has a higher skill ceiling, but flamethrower wasn't the primary weapon, shotgun was.

The question about "what deserves to be better" is not something I care about. I only care about if the DF should be unbanned. Whether or not old Degreaser/Shotgun was harder or not is irrelevant to that.

in the time the DF kills a scout the old flames itself (no flare) would do idk 30-60 damage?

old pyro was fucking terrible. if DF is going to be viable in 6s with a gimped airblast and 100% speed and shit range it needs to be better than scouts or soldiers up close, or else why the fuck would you use it

when carpet makes the new vid using it and doing similar shit that darknecrid did in that vid we can have a better real life example i guess. if b4nny had vods up of when he first used it, where like 6 ppl chase him hes low hp and he kills them all, taking no damage and is kind of surprised id clip that and show u

walking into dragon's fury while clumped is the same thing as walking backwards into a spy or standing at long range vs a sniper. if you play at the optimal range of a slow, inflexible class, you are making a mistake and deserve to be punished.

if they swap a soldier, you win the spam fight. if they swap a scout, you pressure flank and 2v1 flankers or walk in for free. or you just stay out of range and poke with hitscan and stickies until they die.

posted about 6 years ago
#26 Do you think current state of specialists is fine? in TF2 General Discussion
Hermann_von_SalsaAmbushing is usually the moment where the DF annihilates players. This would not be an issue if aiming with it was so easy. It does enough damage to kill even Heavy with few shots, so ambushing Pyro can kill even Soldier without him being able to react

Tomislav Heavy works exactly the same way, is easy to aim, and is a complete non-issue.

What you fail to take into account by saying "Pyro kills people too fast by ambushing" is that ambushing is not reliable. It relies on people not checking corners. Pyro has no escape options and DF pyro has shit airblast. If you check the corner, they will die. It's just like saying "Spy is overpowered because backstabbing kills people instantly and takes no skill." DF Pyro getting into a position where they can kill people is easily countered by playing smart, and if they are playing dumb, you can probably make a similar play on Soldier, but you aren't stuck on a class that is only capable of ambushing if you decide to stop hiding or kill them all, and you can get into hiding positions faster and easier.

Airblasting penalty or secondary delay won't come to play because of reasons I just showed, and really are not a proper drawback imo

sorry, can you rephrase your argument? i don't understand why you think DF pyros never need to airblast or use their secondaries.

Are you saying you never need to use your secondary in a CQC fight because they will never leave flamethrower range and you never need to airblast?

DF projectile is different from old flames, so I don't think we can compare them (even new flames are broken since you don't need to track properly in order to do good damage)

what are you responding to I have no idea

posted about 6 years ago
#22 Do you think current state of specialists is fine? in TF2 General Discussion
morwannegNot anymore, flame particles got reworked. See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIIgr_qt8mwfunhaver1998idc about the animation i care about where the crosshair is placed which is light years away. do u think this is harder than lighting someone on fire with old flames and then hitting a flare straight after? there's no way, but this dragons fury shit is even better than that, within range ofc, kills faster, u dont gotta switch, now ur secondary can be whatever and its also easier.

also it is just as difficult to hit 1 flame particle before as it was now

posted about 6 years ago
#20 Do you think current state of specialists is fine? in TF2 General Discussion
funhaver1998idc about the animation i care about where the crosshair is placed which is light years away. do u think this is harder than lighting someone on fire with old flames and then hitting a flare straight after? there's no way, but this dragons fury shit is even better than that, within range ofc, kills faster, u dont gotta switch, now ur secondary can be whatever and its also easier.

considering you can't airblast to hit a 100% consistent flare, and considering that if you miss, you are unable to do anything for longer than if you miss the airblast-->flare with degreaser, and considering that you have no option to hurt people while still being able to airblast immediately after? yes, it is harder.

of course it's better at killing than degreaser pyro, because degreaser pyro is fucking garbage at killing people. it's obviously not a straight upgrade because it's extremely terrible at stalling ubers and reflecting, and therefore, really shit if you can't get up close. this is why secondary choice matters - it determines how you compensate for being too slow to catch up to people and worthless outside of flame range.

posted about 6 years ago
#18 Do you think current state of specialists is fine? in TF2 General Discussion
Hermann_von_SalsaWhich won't matter because hitting them is easy in melee range

how do you get into melee range against soldiers, scouts, and medics? pyro is slower. you are going to be hitting them with the tip unless they walk into you or you're hiding in a corner

Funhaver posted an image which explained my point well.

your point is irrelevant to the fact that i am talking about the delay between airblasting and having a primary weapon, which has nothing to do with the size of the projectile, so i don't understand what you're trying to say

also i edited my post to address funhaver

DF's damage output is enough to make secondaries irrelevant.

not if you use airblast or they back out of range

The original point was that hitboxes /flame particles makes it easy to aim, and you can spam it with only basic knowledge of aiming.

see response to funhaver.

posted about 6 years ago
#14 Do you think current state of specialists is fine? in TF2 General Discussion
Hermann_von_SalsaFast firerate makes up missing shots, and since you can use it in melee/close range, missing shots won't be an issue.

you literally have a third of the fire rate if you miss

Hardly an issue related to hitboxes which will register if just one flame particle hits.

what are you talking about? i'm referring to the 1.5 seconds of complete uselessness if you press m2

This also's not an issue related to it. Secondary rarely comes to play in DF ambushes.

it rarely comes into play because the df has anti-synergy with secondary weapons

Expect that you cannot spam it in melee/close range with no self damage, and with faster firerate.

you can't spam DF or you have slow fire rate, you have to hit every shot. it shoots much slower than pipes if you miss

it had a higher skill ceiling when i was playing pyro and ppl did the degresser axtinguisher thing than this. u just sort of kind of aim it where they are with huge margin for error, if they in range, it hits, and then u just do the same shit again. why people think this is harder than what we had before i dont get it

who cares if the particle hitbox matches the animation? old flame animations were infinitely worse at denoting where the actual hitbox was. the question is if the fat hitbox makes it broken, and it isn't. hitting projectiles is difficult, doubly so if you're punished for missing. there's a reason the direct hit, demoknight, and huntsman are never seen - the projectiles are not consistent enough to bother with.

posted about 6 years ago
#11 Do you think current state of specialists is fine? in TF2 General Discussion
funhaver1998 the DF isn't even that much harder to aim than the regular, you can still miss and hit, you've just gotta be consciously shooting someone and twice. it still has an extremely low skill ceiling that wont transfer to anything other than being aware youre shooting a target i guess

what? it's significantly harder. you're punished for missing shots, punished for airblasting, and punished for not holding w (since the afterburn dissipates quickly and you have to hit a 25 damage shot to reignite them, also slow switch speed and shit airblast makes it harder to switch to secondary). it's the same skill as hitting any fast moving projectile - flares, pipes, huntsman, crossbow etc, but it has the additional element of lining up penetrations

Hermann_von_SalsaDF needs smaller hitbox before we allow it IMO

small enough that it becomes a non-factor and nobody will use it?

posted about 6 years ago
#4 Do you think current state of specialists is fine? in TF2 General Discussion

unban dragon's fury and jetpack and pyro might be a pretty solid generalist

sniper is a generalist if you hit everything

fix seeing disguised spies' health bars

Hermann_von_SalsaHowever I've always wanted Valve to focus more on Gunslinger, and turn Engie more into support rather than defender, since Heavy already exist.

i really don't want mini-sentries to be ubiquitous in 6s, they're fine right now as a last-ditch defense

posted about 6 years ago
#8 Roamer Things - Team Fortress 2 Fragmovie in Videos
Hunter_2_050 second intro on a 3 minute frag movie?

I really like this frag video but I also thought this was excessive.

posted about 6 years ago
#3 salmonbun LF sub spot in Recruitment (looking for team)

i love salmonbun

posted about 6 years ago
#69 Pyro does way too much damage now in TF2 General Discussion
cp_process_final1i think people cant deal with the fact that pyro can do something now

pyro was formerly one of the highest skill ceiling classes in the game

now my grandma dying of lung cancer could install the game and get the same flamethrower DPS as satan, imagine if you could have perfect accuracy as scout or soldier or demo with the pyro panic button script

the problem isn't that pyro is too strong, the problem is it takes zero skill in a DM-based game

it's fucking obnoxious when pyros who were literally irrelevant before the update walk into our entire team and kill 4 people / 1v1 revved heavies / detonator jump into our Medic and kill 2 people by flailing

posted about 6 years ago
#34 Pyro does way too much damage now in TF2 General Discussion

The flamethrower glitch is absolute bullshit. Literally everyone who has a nonzero amount of limbs can hit max flamethrower DPS, and you can obliterated behind corners from being tagged by a stray particle.

They need to fix this shit fast.

posted about 6 years ago
#46 RGB LAN - March 2018 in LAN Discussion

sparkle gang will be there!

posted about 6 years ago
#29 Crasian LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

Crazy rockets, put him on Soldier and he will squish!

posted about 6 years ago
#17 waxx LFT Open Scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

I played a season of HL with him and he has great hitscan, makes some bullshit plays, supports his flank like a champ, and is a fun person to be around who cares a lot about the game. I know he will squish in Open on Scout. Pick him up before people realize exactly how much of a FRAGGER he is.

Sorry I local muted you for a whole day, blame anime!

posted about 6 years ago
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