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Signed Up December 29, 2012
Last Posted September 2, 2018 at 4:03 AM
Posts 204 (0 per day)
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#57 $60 in TF2 General Discussion

I think $60 is okay considering the size of the prize pot NA invite has, but it might not seem so good when/if EU first gets an invite division and the prize pool is much less.

posted about 10 years ago
#122 i49 Predictions in LAN Discussion

Just read through this thread and only one person managed to predict the top 3 (Tooni), and he got -fragged for it.

Nobody got the top 4 or 5 right, unless I missed someone.

posted about 10 years ago
#901 i49 in TF2 General Discussion

I just wanted to mention that the format of the tournament was absolutely great.

Having the invite group play for seedings meant we got to see a lot more great games, starting with low pressure ones and gradually ramping things up.

At i46 it went from being endless 5-0 rolls in the groups to good teams being knocked out a few maps later in the brackets.

posted about 10 years ago
#138 I49 VTV Constructive Criticism in TF2 General Discussion
NizzaSal tried his best with .jukebox and ryb, but damn, those two :D it was really funny in a way and also awkward...

posted about 10 years ago
#838 i49 in TF2 General Discussion

Please tell me a full VOD will be available.

posted about 10 years ago
#42 i49 Grand Finals in Events
EggplantAt some point won't they *have* to start playing (no matter what the stream's status is), since the stage is booked all day for various events?

Sadly yes, but they're willing to delay a long time (stuff has been delayed by multiple hours before).

posted about 10 years ago
#8 Multiplay Stream in TF2 General Discussion

Guys, the stream isn't down, they're just playing Snakewater.

posted about 10 years ago
#765 i49 in TF2 General Discussion
nerkulYeah, I think i49 has shown us that the EU timelimit rules are superior from a viewer's perspective.

The timelimit forces the team behind to attack, but encourages the team ahead to defend. I think they cancel each other out to the point where the ruleset doesn't really matter.

Maybe the awesomeness of the games was down to having so many great teams who aren't totally familiar with the other's play-styles.

posted about 10 years ago
#4 French Caster @ i49 in LAN Discussion

I watched some of his stream. Even though I don't speak much French, I could tell he was a good caster.

posted about 10 years ago
#655 i49 in TF2 General Discussion

That was amazing to watch, but I feel so bad for iM.

posted about 10 years ago
#99 I49 VTV Constructive Criticism in TF2 General Discussion
ThufirTalking to the crowd between maps is by far the worst idea you've had.
It's like a stream chat, only worse, and I can't avoid it by going fullscreen.

VTV always fail to see these trainwrecks coming.

posted about 10 years ago
#2 Check pings to those servers! in Off Topic

Location: London

posted about 10 years ago
#376 i49 in TF2 General Discussion

Where can I donate to i52?

posted about 10 years ago
#340 i49 in TF2 General Discussion

Could we have some rock-paper-scissors action going on? Where iM counter HRG, HRG counter Epsilon, and Epsilon can beat iM?

Epsilon vs iM is next I think...

posted about 10 years ago
#105 i49 Predictions in LAN Discussion

This might be a mistake, but after seeing the warm-ups I'm going to change my prediction to this

1) HRG
2) Epsilon
3) Broder
4) iM
5) infused
6) punchline

posted about 10 years ago
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