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Last Posted January 2, 2015 at 3:27 PM
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#36 Superman! -no spoilers in Off Topic
brownymasterAlso, I forgot, but
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why did they want Louis on the craft again? It never seemed like he actually planned to do shit to her, and she was just randomly thrown into the fucking room w/ the convenient terminal.
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she said they probed her brain like what they did to superman. i guess they were just worried superman told her to hide the codex somewhere? dunno how they missed the S thing she was carrying though

I liked the movie a lot. I'm not interested in looking for things to complain about in a superhero movie. You can't have too much of

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superman and zod fighting in the sky. That, like the Iron Man 3 climax with all the iron men, was a creative and natural-feeling progression as the characters get more comfortable/imaginative with their abilities: Of COURSE fighting in the sky makes more sense than staying on the ground. Hey, we can do that! Let's go! It didn't conveniently forget about one superpower or another at any time.

Is it the Dark Knight? No. Is it worth watching? IMO, yeah.

posted about 10 years ago
#9 NY times called us fashionable! in TF2 General Discussion

How much research went into this article? A steam chat with some free-to-play kids?

posted about 10 years ago
#27 @keekerdc on the Highlander Lobby Announcement in News
atmokeekerdcThere's definitely a trend with the designs of final points where the layout is cramped and there's typically only two points of entry
Is this really the case? The only map in play that I can think of where this applies besides Badlands is Gullywash. It is not so for Granary, Process, Snakewater or Metalworks.

Badlands has 3 points of entry (upper, main, and lower right) and gully has 5 (shutter, lower, sniper platform, behind point, and river).

posted about 10 years ago
#13 The Division in Off Topic

This game looks great. I'm really hoping it eventually comes to PC.

posted about 10 years ago
#23 Super Smash Brothers 4 Official Trailer! in Other Games

A New Challenger Appears: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBoL1Ic9uWw

posted about 10 years ago
#4 @keekerdc on the Highlander Lobby Announcement in News

Ten minutes halves make no sense at all. If you're going to have two maps, make a halftime between them and give each map the full twenty minutes all at once. Countless times, the closest matches have single rounds go over ten minutes. You'd have a surprisingly large number of 1-0, 2-1, and 2-0 scores because there's no time for multiple rounds, and once you're ahead, there's no incentive to keep trying when it takes just ten minutes of stalling to win.

posted about 10 years ago
#117 The Weapon Balance Megathread in TF2 General Discussion
W/o the degreaser pyro becomes almost quite literally a W+M1 only class, honestly they should've just made the base flamethrower what the degreaser is now. Without the degreaser pyro is basically irrelevant.

Which is precisely the problem. I don't want to ban the degreaser. I'm banning it so they see that the pyro class is very broken right now.

posted about 10 years ago
#70 The Weapon Balance Megathread in TF2 General Discussion

OP != what valve is looking for.

They're trying to make the game interesting and fun. Is vitasaw OP? maybe, the extra uber isn't in itself an inherent problem. It's the need for the other medic to use it too to keep uber % even. The problem is it essentially "bans" all other melees, including the ubersaw which IS more fun. vitasaw needs a rework because it's annoying, not because it's OP. Same with wrangler.

The wrangler might be OP. It's debatable. But that doesn't make the need for a rework debatable. Engineers don't have fun using it, everyone else hates working around it, so there's no reason besides the current stopwatch meta to keep the item the way it is.

posted about 10 years ago
#29 The Weapon Balance Megathread in TF2 General Discussion

Degreaser isn't inherently unfun to play against. The problem it that it's detrimental to "variety" and the future development of the class because there can never be another primary weapon as good as the degreaser for the pyro. Therefore, all his new weapons must be secondaries and melees. But to make those good enough to be sidegrades to the axtinguisher and flare gun, they have to synergize with the degreaser and crit flaming players or otherwise reward quickswap (reserve shooter).

Basically the entirety of the pyro's past and future unlocks are balanced according to the ridiculous strength of the degreaser to the point where you only see other primaries if it's banned and you never see anyone use a secondary or melee that doesn't autocrit (except powerjack... which is only because it combines with the degreaser to give a buff that the pyro should arguably already have anyway).

The degreaser was banned in a pick/ban pug earlier today because the pyro class is the most one-dimensional of them all right now. Even the sniper has more variety because of the jarate vs SMG choice, the potential for huntsman use, etc. The only way you see depth in the class is by making the phlog allowed and the degreaser banned. I never saw a phlog pyro go unfocused long enough to get the mmmph anyway, but that weapon is another story. With this change, people got to see the differences between w+m1 aggro pyro, stock flamethrower passive/support/antispy pyro, and the too-versatile degreaser pyro that does both at the same time, better than either does its own job.

posted about 10 years ago
#16 ESEA-Invite: Top Guns vs. r5 in Events

That "ABOUT" section is pretty much wasted space.

"those crucial early season matches that give an advantage when it comes time to determine LAN spots"
you could say that about any match:
"those crucial middle-season matches leading up to the point where the bottom teams are no longer in the running for LAN"
"those crucial late-season matches/forfeits that break ties and decide the LAN spots"

It's kinda silly to call any match of the season more "crucial" than any other. Every match is equally important.

Instead of trying to make the match sound important, try to make it sound interesting by comparing demos, medics, pocket, how they handle ubers, how their playstyles work against each other, etc.

posted about 10 years ago
#55 Highlander pick/ban system in TF2 General Discussion
DarkNecridKoobadoobsTo those saying "just look at the UGC banlist":
Valve doesn't believe right now that we properly represent the feelings of the whole TF2 playerbase. This system gets the silent majority into a position to voice their mind. I think it is very likely that most players will have similar opinions to us about weapons, but valve won't be convinced until we do this, so we need to create a system that allows pubbers to reach our conclusions about weapon bans as quickly as possible without actual telling the pubbers to believe that because then Valve will think we're brainwashing everyone.

If this was 6s I'd get that, but this is Highlander which is very very big, for the most part has no one arguing over weapon bans (except Wrangler), and has very few weapon bans in the first place.

tbh I bet Highlander is a pretty substantial part of the community already, so i don't think it's that far of a stretch to look at the banlist.

You don't have to convince me. I agree with you, but only like 1-2000 players are registered in UGC, and there are hundreds of thousands of TF2 players. You can see why valve might be skeptical to believe us blindly without this system supporting us.

posted about 11 years ago
#51 Highlander pick/ban system in TF2 General Discussion

To those saying "just look at the UGC banlist":
Valve doesn't believe right now that we properly represent the feelings of the whole TF2 playerbase. This system gets the silent majority into a position to voice their mind. I think it is very likely that most players will have similar opinions to us about weapons, but valve won't be convinced until they see the ban stats, so we need to create a system that allows pubbers to reach our conclusions about weapon bans as quickly as possible without actual telling the pubbers to believe that because then Valve will think we're brainwashing everyone.

posted about 11 years ago
#50 Highlander pick/ban system in TF2 General Discussion

Start with UGC banlist.

Every player picks up to one item not on the banlist to ban.

Then, from the list of items banned by every player + the UGC banlist, every player gets one "lock" and one "save." They can lock up to one item to prevent it from being saved and they can save up to one item to take it off the banlist if they want to.

Each round of picking would take up to 2 minutes on average probably, and there are going to be a lot of people who just skip to get into the game faster, so I'd estimate this would take around 5 minutes. If we let people start picking bans while they're waiting for players (don't show the results until all 18 are present and have picked though), then that can speed it up even more.

After the game, a window pops up asking if the player thought they made good choices with their picks and if they thought an item that was allowed had a big impact on the game.

Everyone needs to keep in mind that Valve isn't going to look at the bans and assume the most banned weapons are overpowered. They're going to assume that those are the weapons that people want to see the least. It signifies a need for reworking, not for nerfing. If they ban sandvich everytime, valve sees that a large portion of the community doesn't like the heavy to carry a hp kit. That doesn't necessarily mean it's too strong, it's just not fun to play around.

posted about 11 years ago
#192 How to Get to In-Game Comp Lobbies in TF2 General Discussion
KohakuKoobadoobsKohakumy wordswordsNot a whole lot of items are banned in HL, honestly; UGC bans like, what, 16 weapons? Sure, I guess this might help balance the weapons for Highlander players and probably just improve the game for most players overall (which is cool), but that specifically doesn't really matter at all to 6s, because the reasons why weapons are or aren't banned in either format are often fundamentally different. No matter what kind of data Valve extrapolates from this, this is not going to change many or any 6v6 banlists to any relevant degree.

I dunno where you got that I thought this would "hurt" 6v6—if this helps 6s in some way, cool. It is, however, uninteresting and slightly disappointing to a 6s player who has been playing this game for a long, long time, and generally has no interest in HL whatsoever.

I got that from where you implied this would degenerate the game into a godawful unlock-fest.

Do you think it's best for 6s to have a small range of available weapons? Would it be better or worse for every weapon to be a perfect sidegrade so that nothing needed to be banned in 6s? That's obviously an extreme scenario, but what if the atomizer was changed so that you didn't need to ban it as a result of this lobby system telling valve to change it? Can we agree that balanced sidegrades have historically been a very good thing for 6s (gunboats, kritz, etc.)? I disagree that weapons can't be balanced for both formats.
I think it's closeminded to think that this can't help 6s. The players will get into HL and may look for an even more competitive format, and 6s is much more accessible once you know HL. This will eventually lead to a bigger whitelist and a bigger league for 6s IMO.

posted about 11 years ago
#186 How to Get to In-Game Comp Lobbies in TF2 General Discussion
EpochMaybe having a highlander style with some of the 'less OP' classes having a class limit above 1 and allowing teams to play around with more strategy in regards to rolling double engineer, spy, pyro or something like that. alternatively, you could balance the classes seen as OP for their insane strengths and see how that goes too, although I could see that being a problem. And maybe doing 8v8 so that teams are atleast forced to rotate their classes atleast a little bit throughout their games.

I think you're asking too much of pubbers to figure out good classchange strats. You'd see the same thing you see in the average valve server: 2, 3, even 4 spies with not a single medic or demo.

posted about 11 years ago
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