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Signed Up November 15, 2012
Last Posted May 27, 2024 at 10:46 PM
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1 ⋅⋅ 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 ⋅⋅ 59
#16 SC2 players in Off Topic

Sorry to start off late, but event starting now! Come on in :D

posted about 11 years ago
#4 Natural Selection 2 in Off Topic

I just go Zerg Rush them marines, NEVER SEE IT COMING.

posted about 11 years ago
#12 in TF2 General Discussion
dMenaceSad thing is, there is more truth to downpour's post than immortal's. Immortal's is what you all want to hear, downpour's is the hard truth. There's still no reason for Valve to center any focus on a very small percentage of the game.

It's the 2nd most play gamed on steam usually(2nd to Dota), I think there is still a POSSIBLE chance that Valve can consider respecting the game/format/competitive scene a bit more now at the LEAST. I agree with both downpour and immortal, after so long, it's hard to think they'd care, but this event is probably the most we've ever done as a community and for society. I'm thinking there's a chance.

posted about 11 years ago
#14 SC2 players in Off Topic

So this friday(tomorrow), we're going to have an event for SC2 where we all join the mumble for once and play together :D. Here's mumble info, you can join the SC2 channel and it's sub-channels:
I'm thinking of doing some 1v1s and some people can watch and enjoy as we take turns, do 2v2/3v3/4v4's, and etc. It really depends how much people we can get. If you guys got any ideas leave a post here, also leave a post if you're interested in coming so I can get an estimate of how many people is going. Thanks guys! Hope to see ya'll tomorrow ^^
EDIT: Also join the group: to get a reminder for tomorrow if you'd like, we're also hoping to schedule weekly events so the group doesn't die out again and just have fun X].

posted about 11 years ago
#3 SC2 players in Off Topic

I do, we have a mumble(that's usually empty) for it. Also have a steam group

Also I already have you added ;_;, YOU NEVER NOTICE THE FISH THESE DAYS.

Magikarpkr, char code 300

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Steampipe Option for TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

"Please note: we still have not yet released a client that can talk to this server. Please hold off on reporting problems for now."

Currently, if you go to the TF2 properties, you can select steampipe in the beta tab. But you won't be able to join servers currently or some hours ago. But youc an still run a local server and play around on maps and with bots.

posted about 11 years ago
#19 New Zelda Game coming holiday 2013 in Off Topic

Has there ever been a Zelda game on PC?(I lack in the Zelda series). I think they should start to do so to be able to gain more fans and purchases possibly for it. Many Zelda fans probably play on the PC, I think they'd very very much love if one very good one came out on the PC.

posted about 11 years ago
#397 UGC Admin TF2_Moose VAC Banned in TF2 General Discussion
sdogg2mMagikarpSome players dislike some other players to a certain extent, but can still show some respect for them.
Also if you really did love the game, then start respecting it and stop bashing it on a TEAM FORTRESS 2 FORUM.
Honestly, I think it's best if we all just ignore his posts, as Munch stated, there's no reasoning with him. It's like talking to a wall...

Who is bashing it? I love the game. I am talking about you guys bashing each other and highlander.

Look at this thread before I posted, not a great representation of a quality community.

I am just taking this time to point out your e-angst and to show that in the grand scheme of things it is important just to enjoy the game and not worry about other issues so much.

Moose is banned which is UGC's problem. If highlander is not your thing then great, you don't need to express it for the 1000x. You love ESEA 6v6 fun, that is wonderful their are some streams on the top right, watch away! In a highlander forum but don't like highlander, we don't need the horrible attitudes. Claim that its the problem of a highlander player when you guys treat each other like garbage only makes everyone look more silly.

"Seriously more people watch Direwolf20's minecraft videos than pay attention to our "e-sport.""
That's pretty much bashing it in a way as comparing our game in a way to make our game look lower than something else which pretty much makes it look bad. You're pretty much representing TF2 as some joke. Also this thread got remotely worse when you came in, maybe a bit better to show that this community can all agree that you have downs or something and you're making us look worse.

posted about 11 years ago
#389 UGC Admin TF2_Moose VAC Banned in TF2 General Discussion
sdogg2mstringer_bellI love how this dude is constantly trying to steer this into some " hates highlander" shit to avoid having to deal with the fact that people are actually just talking about him being a simpleton (which most people wouldn't even give a shit about if he didn't shoe-horn his obnoxious, ill-conceived opinions in everywhere).
Who said that? A lot of you guys hate each other that is what is so humorous.

I stop posting for a week and you guys will be gnawing each others heads off.

Can't you all just get along?

Some players dislike some other players to a certain extent, but can still show some respect for them.
Also if you really did love the game, then start respecting it and stop bashing it on a TEAM FORTRESS 2 FORUM.
Honestly, I think it's best if we all just ignore his posts, as Munch stated, there's no reasoning with him. It's like talking to a wall...

posted about 11 years ago
#4 Anyone have links to S8 VODs? in Off Topic

Thanks Guys! :D

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Steelseries Mousepads on 1saleaday in Hardware

There's also sales in the FLASH section for some gaming keyboards, like 2 gaming mouses, and 2 gaming headsets.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Anyone have links to S8 VODs? in Off Topic

I remember back then, I think during Season 8 with the coming of Check Six during ESEA LAN, Lange was there interviewing players on the stream and hilarious stuff happened.

I remember Ggglygy's interview pretty funny saying "All the cap points" when Lange asked how he's at the top of the scoreboard haha, and Ggglygy saying "I might have to take my shirt off". Another one was where I think Lange was interviewing TLR, and in the background you'd see Fragile humping the air from behind and dancing :P.

Just wondering if anyone still has access or bookmarked those links for the memories.

posted about 11 years ago
#56 TF.TV CS:GO GROUP in CS2 General Discussion

Invited all ya'll, I don't know what I'm doing tonight :C.

posted about 11 years ago
#9 Install TF2 on an SSD? in Q/A Help
hookyIt only works for Steampipe games.

On that note, I'd wait until the 23rd at this point. That's when TF2 will be converted to Steampipe.

I am so anticipated for that day... I wanna see if Valve can pull it off flawlessly without any mistakes or errors. Probably not, but it will help many players that are barely playing with a config, and just the happiness of those people makes me happy :).

posted about 11 years ago
#51 TF.TV CS:GO GROUP in CS2 General Discussion

Sent it to the four of ya'll, enjoy!

EDIT: 5, pharoah ninjaing me!

posted about 11 years ago
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