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Signed Up December 17, 2017
Last Posted April 20, 2024 at 10:02 AM
Posts 62 (0 per day)
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#96 (web FPS) in Other Games

Hosting a short Krunker gun game tournament tonight. Similar to Arms Race in CS:GO, this is the game mode where you have to be the first player to get a kill with every weapon in the game (13 weapons total).

The registration/check-in form will be available around 7 PM EST in the Krunker Discord server ( The tournament starts at 7:30 PM EST with a warm-up match first, then 5 matches that will count for scoring. Top 3 scorers win p r i z e s.

posted about 4 years ago
#95 (web FPS) in Other Games

[tftv] is now one of the top 100 scoring clans worldwide! Good work by everyone who contributed points. Not sure what effect this will have on the frequency of hackusations. We should probably host more in-house tournaments soon.

posted about 4 years ago
#92 (web FPS) in Other Games

Here's a quick compilation of what competitive TF2 players have accomplished in Krunker in the past ~1.5 months. Perhaps one day we will indeed "learn how to play" the game.

posted about 4 years ago
#86 (web FPS) in Other Games

Bowman has been buffed in update 1.3.3.

== UPDATE 1.3.3 ==
- Added Contraband Sniper Skin
- Fixed Weapon Pickups Bug
- Fixed Invisible Weapon and Texture Bugs
- Increased Aim Speed of Crossbow
- Fixed Invalid Version Bug on Map Uploads
- Increased Crossbow DMG to 150
- Reduced Reload Time for Crossbow
- Fixed Some Exploits on New Map
- Added Unique Ambient Sound to New Map
- Fixed Weapon Pickup Popup Issue
- Removed Golden M from Kanji
- Adjusted Fence Texture
posted about 4 years ago
#85 (web FPS) in Other Games

Major update 1.3.1 is now live! If you're a medic main, check out the new crossbow class; it's challenging but powerful. Remember to join the [tftv] clan once you're level 10+.

== UPDATE 1.3.2 ==
- Increased Crossbow Arrow Movement Speed
- Fixed Headshot Sound

== UPDATE 1.3.1 ==
- Updated Deagle Model
- Updated LMG Model and Skins
- Added ELO Display to Account Page
- Updated Red Dot Sight Model and Texture
- Added Ability to Select teams to Custom Game Settings
- Added Ability to Load Mods from Custom URLs
- Updated Game Stats on Advertise Page
- Reduced File Size of Weapon Models
- Added New York Servers
- Ability to add Pickupable weapons in editor
- Fixed Playerlist issue when game is ending
- Resized and moved checkpoint popup
- Added 5 new Sprays
- Fixed Billboard Bug in Editor
- Checkpoints no longer persist after hosting a game
- Added the ability to select billboards in the editor
- Fixed Key Bind Bug
- Adjustments to Sound Logic
- Made Enemy Footstep Sounds a bit louder
- Increased Runner Range
- Detective now wears Blue Jeans
- Reduced LMG Damage from 22 to 20
- Moved Default Region setting to the top
- Updated Social Page Style
- Increased Step Sound Volume
- Fixed Major Bug with Spawn System
- Updated Spectator UI
- Compressed Sounds for Better Performance
- Sound Logic Optimization
- Ability to Name Teams in Custom Matches
- Can now Rebind Mouse Keys in Settings (Wheel coming soon)
- Updated Billboards
- Fixed Copy Paste Issue in Editor
- Added Bowman Class (Crossbow)
- Added New Map Kumori

edit: added 1.3.2 notes

posted about 4 years ago
#79 (web FPS) in Other Games

Quick reminder that the tournament starts after 7:30 EST tonight and will be streamed at (no casting or music, please listen to your own). If you have a friend that is competing, feel free to cheer them on. glhf, I'll edit this post later with some results.

Edit (copy-pasted from the Discord server):
"Here are the results:

1st place: ult with 177 total kills
2nd place: edin with 169 total kills
3rd place: dbk with 135 total kills

highest-kill game: ult with 43 kills in match 1 (Subzero)

Screenshots of the scoreboards will be posted if you would like to verify the calculations. Congratulations to the winners; I'll contact ult and edin through DMs about the game key prizes. If you have feedback to share about the tournament (what you liked, what you didn't like, etc.), please feel free to post in #feedback. We may or may not host future tourneys based on the feedback. Hope the games were fun!"

posted about 5 years ago
#78 (web FPS) in Other Games

The FFA tournament has been moved to Saturday, May 25th at 7:30 PM EST to accommodate more schedules. To access the tournament registration form and read more information, visit the Krunker Discord server. Players from all regions are welcome to participate, but NA players will be given priority.

Prizes for this first tournament are rather minimal; first place gets a choice of two games from my Steam key list, while second place gets to choose one game. The main purpose of the tournament is to give people an opportunity to play the game in a semi-competitive setting.

If you haven't tried out the game yet and are in the mood to farm some kids for $0, check it out at

Edit: Tournament rules and format can be found at The whole thing should wrap up before 8:30 PM EST on Saturday.

posted about 5 years ago
#61 (web FPS) in Other Games
daybraeki have just discovered that there are nukes on 25 ks.

minicircleA few more things to note:
- If you get a 25 kill streak, you gain access to a nuke (triggered by pressing "1" on your keyboard). This triggers a 10-second timer, then eliminates all enemies who are alive.

But yes, this game is very sick. The clan is growing quite a bit too; we might make it on the leaderboards within the month.

posted about 5 years ago
#45 (web FPS) in Other Games

Servers are back up. Also, we've made a clan! If you're level 10+, you can go to Profile -> Clan and request to join. The clan tag is tftv.

posted about 5 years ago
#44 (web FPS) in Other Games

Yes, they were trying to deploy the 1.2.6 update but it seems to have disrupted server functionality. They are currently working on it. For more updates, you can join the official Krunker Discord server at Or join the Krunker server at :)

posted about 5 years ago
#28 (web FPS) in Other Games

Made a Discord server for Krunker players. jetz, if you want to use this to host CTF pugs, let me know.

posted about 5 years ago
#26 (web FPS) in Other Games
ivan_use utilities for custom cross

To elaborate on this, if you are playing in your browser, you can install Tampermonkey, then install Utilities (made by the creator of the official client, I believe)

If you are playing by using the client, the Utilities options are built in. In both cases, there will be a "Utilities" button under the Krunker logo in the main menu. I play with Display set to Custom, Style set to Filled Circle, Always Show active, Color set to green, and Length and Thickness both set to 2.

Both browser and client versions of Utilities also give you the option to set a custom scope image as well as the option to disable black boxes (the black area around the scope when scoping in with the sniper rifle). This can give you a potential advantage due to increased visibility while scoped in. Because this is supported by the official client, it seems that this is allowed, which is surprising to me. To test these options, I created a transparent PNG on my computer using GIMP, then uploaded it to Imgur. I then copied the image URL and pasted it in the Scope Image box. The result with black boxes off is no obstruction of vision while scoped in as Hunter. Use these options while you can, I guess. Based on Twitch streams, I know that at least a few others are doing something like this.

Using Utilities to activate Unlimited FPS is only an option on the client.

posted about 5 years ago
#15 (web FPS) in Other Games
bsiani had a lot of fun with this game a while ago but it seemed like there were a lot of cheaters, has anything been done to address it?

The dev actually released a patch on Thursday with anti-cheat measures, and I noticed a conspicuous absence of hackers compared to when I first started playing. However, due to the browser-based nature of the game, I imagine hackers will be able to circumvent those measures pretty quickly, unfortunately. If you want to ensure that your server has no cheaters, you can host a private match and give the link only to trusted players. I've had fun playing small FFA matches with friends.

PootisJrIf this game had CPMA movement it'd be the best fps. I like this game. Would recommend.

I think the fact that you can combine sliding (crouching while falling from a jump) with bhopping to increase your momentum helps make movement fun in this game, but I do find myself missing the ability to airstrafe.

DreamboatDetective feels OP though, was rolling on it

Detective is definitely strong. This is partly due to a high movement speed and partly because the revolver does 63 bodyshot damage (players with sniper rifles only have 60 HP).

A few more things to note:
- If you get a 25 kill streak, you gain access to a nuke (triggered by pressing "1" on your keyboard). This triggers a 10-second timer, then eliminates all enemies who are alive.
- Limb shots do less damage, according to the wiki.
- If you want skins, I wouldn't recommend doing the Starter or Elite Spins. Unlike the Heroic Spin, these other spins don't have a chance at giving you a Relic weapon skin.
- Downloading the client is extremely recommended. This lets you configure a custom crosshair and uncap your framerate so that you aren't locked to 60 FPS.
- By toggling "Challenge Mode" in the top-left corner of the menu before entering a match, you can earn 150% KR per match at the cost of your maximum health being halved. Additionally, health regeneration is disabled. This is probably the mode you want to play on consistently after you get used to the game.

posted about 5 years ago
#1 (web FPS) in Other Games

Found out about this game after watching a streamer play it in between matches. It's a multiplayer FPS that runs in the browser and apparently has been out for a while. As TV Tropes describes it:

TV TropesIt is currently a notable mix of gameplay styles and influences: the main default map, burg, is a a remake (or demake?) of the iconic De_Dust from Counter-Strike 1.6; the fast-paced movement approaches that of arena shooters like Quake and Unreal Tournament; the class system resembles early Team Fortress 2, while the Regenerating Health and ADS-focused weapon physics remind most people of Call of Duty.

The game is free (there are banner ads in the menu), and you can play it as a guest at without making an account. It's fun IMO, but friends have noted that it's also pretty easy. Head hitboxes in particular seem large.

Note: if the game runs slowly for you, make sure you have hardware acceleration enabled for your browser (or download the client). Directions:

edit: Made a Discord server for Krunker players:
edit2: Clan tag is tftv if you want to join. You need to be level 10+ to join a clan.

posted about 5 years ago
#14 What would you like to see in a "mix" website? in TF2 General Discussion
TamirWasn't the FreakPugs system just like PugChamp? It's basically what I'm trying to avoid in order to make the competitive scene more welcoming to new players.

Yeah, frkshw and I literally copy-pasted the source code for PugChamp from GitHub and threw it up on a free Heroku instance lol. No programming knowledge required; shout-out to HANK for providing solid TF2 servers. Our goal was to make a place for UGC and low open players to pug since there was almost no way many of them would get picked on PugChamp. People seemed to really enjoy it overall, but it turns out that tsc did not like what we did (which was understandable), so he added an explicit "copyright notice" in July 2017 to restrict people from making clones:

Brief history lesson aside, making a TF2 pug/mix site is very difficult when you realize that the relatively small size of the competitive scene means that you have to seriously consider the tradeoff between getting pugs running "quickly" and keeping pugs fun and evenly matched. People don't want to wait forever to play a pug, but they also don't want to finally get picked for a pug only to get rolled 5-0 in 15 minutes.

In my opinion, the "ideal" mix site would keep 4 skill ratings for each player (corresponding to skill on scout, soldier, demo, and medic) and disallow switching classes with teammates through plugins. Creating a good team balancing algorithm that takes these ratings into account is challenging if you are set on restricting the pool to 12 players for each pug, and it becomes even more challenging if you decide to implement a system where medics can choose a particular player to play with. You can simplify things by keeping only 1 rating per player, but the underlying issue remains.

In general, any mix system will produce lower quality pugs than a captain draft system due to the fact that it is very hard to establish accurate skill ratings for all players in the pool. Therefore, it's better to have trusted captains make the teams, but if you are targeting your site towards people in "low divs," they probably won't know people very well and will just pick their friends even if this would make the pug noticeably imbalanced.

I'm not trying to discourage you from working on this project, but I wanted to make sure you understand what you're getting into. Setting up a mix site worth using will take a lot of effort, and much of it may go unappreciated unless you knock it out of the ballpark from the get-go. Best of luck.

posted about 5 years ago
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