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Country England
Signed Up September 5, 2012
Last Posted September 23, 2021 at 2:47 PM
Posts 1339 (0.3 per day)
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1 ⋅⋅ 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ⋅⋅ 89
#2 Why noone has unusuals in competitive? in Q/A Help

No point in spending money on hats when you don't even make money from the game

posted about 8 years ago
#3164 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
biskuitThis is the only way to "hide" the domination elements from the scoreboard.
Works on every 16:9 resolution I think, not sure about 4:3.
Basically, it makes the domination elements tiny (width 4 on nemesis_width) and then creates a bar for each team that stays on top of the domination icons. More details about how to install this on your custom HUD on the .zip.

That is the ugliest thing I have ever seen but god damn do I respect that initiative. Fair play, I would not have thought to do something so simple lmao.

posted about 8 years ago
#6 QTCHud and a HUD Video in Customization

Nice shit man. Would you be alright with me making a news post about this on

posted about 8 years ago
#75 WoolenHUD by blungo in Customization
Blungoyou really do talk a lot of shi.

No, that's called truth my man.

Blungoim sorry that i refused to delete some code when enabling minmode causes the hud to look nothing like woolens hud, thats the point im not touching it.

That last point makes no sense.

Blungoi dont struggle with huds i dont take them as seriously as you do because instead of making money off of code that i make im gonna get a real job :*

You totally struggle with HUDs, you fuckin' liar lmao. The amount of messages I got from you in a week, despite me telling you that I don't give HUD support on Steam because it eats up so much of my time, was ridiculous. It's almost like you thought I was kidding about me not giving HUD support on Steam.

Luckily for me I have a full time job already and my seriousness in HUD Development has gained me an additional chunk of cash every month plus I get to work on awesome projects for the community such as Tip of the Hats.

Blungonow onto the winpanel, i read your fucking thread. i tried the animations and shit. didnt work, and i appreciate the person that told me about the hudanimations entry, because thats kinda what a thread is for.

You clearly didn't read the thread I posted, because if you did, you'd have seen that the second part of the post was titled Changes to Win Panel/HUD Animations, which covers the hudanimations_tf.txt fix that Pinkie posted in this thread. It also covered everything else, including the following changes, which in my experience with fixing it were needed:

Literally in my postYou'll also be required to make changes to "BlueScoreBG", "RedScoreBG" and "WinPanelBGBorder" inside resource/ui/winpanel.res. You also need to make sure that the "BlueLeaderAvatar", "BlueLeaderAvatarBG", "RedLeaderAvatar" and "RedLeaderAvatarBG" elements are also defined correctly in this file as well. Failing to do so will result in the Win Panel incorrectly loading the Team Names and Score (for some reason).

I gave you shit because your attitude is shit. Don't develop a HUD if you're going to be lazy or stupid in putting in the legwork. Nobody has to give you the answers, and yet I post the answers to new updates on every time there is one. I got thanks from other HUD devs I helped out with that specific post about the win panel, so clearly you were doing something wrong.

posted about 8 years ago
#26 mkHUD in Customization

That's a TF2 thing, not a HUD thing.

posted about 8 years ago
#53 WoolenHUD by blungo in Customization

The fact you refuse to help someone out with a simple minmode issue (which by the way, is an issue that is your fault), no wonder you struggle with HUDs as a whole and can't even figure out what's wrong with the winpanel.

posted about 8 years ago
#3145 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

Are you editing a button that is controlled by gamemenu.res? You might have to set the image in that file.

posted about 8 years ago
#3 question about phishing in Off Topic
sourcei actually got banned from leaky stream for asking this although i asked it in a super shady way.

anyway i was wondering if a phisher is able to disguise a phishing link in a hud or graphics config. im not gonna phish someone if it is possible, im just asking out of curiosity

It's entirely possible, just be careful with what you're downloading and where you're downloading it from.

posted about 8 years ago
#12 TF2 Tournament in TF2 General Discussion

No smart person is going to play in this.

Give it a rest.

posted about 8 years ago
#13 mkHUD in Customization

Accepted the submission. Excellent work on the HUD, always nice to see new ones pop up.

posted about 8 years ago
#105 Serpents qualifies for DreamHack Summer in News

If you have no intention of going to Dreamhack and are playing a qualifier/invite cup just for the money, it's just bad manners. A team who would actually show up to support more TF2 LAN event growth could have used that cash.

It's not much more than that truly.

posted about 8 years ago
#36 New OW animated short in Other Games
indecencythey arent, this is the last one and they wasted a spot on literally the blandest hero in the game

Just because he's not a young man anymore doesn't mean he's bland

posted about 8 years ago
#25 DisplayPort(DP)? in Hardware
themannibalThat site doesn't measure speed in calculations per second and is therefore irrelevant

Don't challenge Setsul on computer knowledge it's just not a good idea man

posted about 8 years ago
#67 in Customization

New Submission System is Live!

posted about 8 years ago
#18 New OW animated short in Other Games
indecencyIve talked about this with multiple people but i still dont get when genjo puts his sword away and his capsules on his body sorta just like open ip to air out???? Like yy????

They literally shoot dragon spirits at each other and this is what you question

posted about 8 years ago
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