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Signed Up July 18, 2012
Last Posted May 1, 2014 at 12:53 AM
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#350 my new hud. in Customization

Just committed slightly redesigned engineer menus because my original ones were unnecessarily large.

posted about 11 years ago
#347 my new hud. in Customization
remaxxHey omp, really nice hud here. How hard do you think it would be to add a background to the medic who's healing you's uber percentag(bottom of the image), like the background on the players name(top of the image)?

There's really no good way to do this. If I add a background, it would always be visible, even when there is no text there (for all classes besides medic and spy), which would look strange.

remaxxAlso how would I go about enlarging the ammo and health numbers while keeping them centered where they are?

To make something larger, change the font size. You would probably have to change wide/tall values of the element as well, and the xpos/ypos to keep it centred. For example, if you increase the wide value of something by 20, you would have to decrease xpos by 10 to recentre it.

Roololi dunno if this is just me or it's suppose to be like this but when i spectate someone i can't see their name at all on the hud

I think it might just be you. Never had that problem here.

posted about 11 years ago
#10 PSA in TF2 General Discussion
Not_MatlockI think the last time I was on it you would get that weird stuttering screen effect every time you moved.

Yes, that had been a problem nearly every time I played on that server.

posted about 11 years ago
#341 my new hud. in Customization
Kirkm2) What are they controlled by, then? They work perfectly for all other HUDs I've had.

Hmm, I'll take a look at it; I could be wrong. Might take a couple of days as I'm in the middle of some final exams.

[edit] Yup, works fine here at that aspect ratio.

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Headphones in Hardware

Audio-Technica ATH-AD900.

Very comfortable and great sound quality. (My old Sennheisers feel like a clamp on my head after wearing these for a while.)

They are at a great price right now, and they are one of the few good mid-range headphones that do not need an amplifier to drive them, which also saves you a bit of money. I'd personally consider them the best sub-$300 headphones.

I suggest staying away from closed sets as they tend to get tiring when worn for extended periods of time, at least from my personal experience.

posted about 11 years ago
#2 how to add hud crosshairs to a hud in Q/A Help

ray shud.

posted about 11 years ago
#339 my new hud. in Customization
tracehow to make the damage text would stay until it got replaced by the next attack?

You can't.

KupkakeBreaking News! omp is amazing and so is his Huddy

posted about 11 years ago
#50 tf2 on lunix in TF2 General Discussion

I had some free time, so I repartitioned my hard drive and installed Linux Mint (64bit). Steam seems to be working fine, and I played TF2 earlier today and it was stable and performed well.

Now that I know my hardware handles it fine, I have a more ambitious task for when I have free time again. I will replace Linux Mint with a 64-bit install of Arch Linux and attempt to get Steam running in a 32-bit chroot environment. The real goal here is to avoid clutter on my actual system. (I don't want to use things such as PulseAudio simply because Steam needs them.)

I will report back with how it goes, but it may take some time as I'm going to be busy with finals, followed by travelling.

posted about 11 years ago
#335 my new hud. in Customization
hanbroloOn another note, I really really want to use konr's crosshair on my mac but the font is all screwed up. Do you know of a free font editor that I could use to make the font mac-compatible?

I don't think you need to do anything to the font to make it work fine on Mac systems. To my knowledge, the only problem is misalignment, which is not really a problem for crosshairs, as the position can just be adjusted to centre it. You've probably made a mistake somewhere if you are having problems.

KirkmompIt has come to my attention that at a resolution of 1920x1200 there are problems with the resolution of somethings such as net_graph 1 and cl_showpos 1. The hud will cut off the end of these things and they will not properly fit on the screen.How can this be fixed?

1) You need to work on your quoting.
2) I don't believe those elements are controlled by the HUD.

posted about 11 years ago
#332 my new hud. in Customization
BigTicketi'm using a 4:3 mon, and it cant show part of the scoreboard!!!
plz help!

This is answered on the website, linked in the first post of this thread and the README. Several alternate scoreboards are included. To use one of them, replace resource/ui/ScoreBoard.res with the desired file. ScoreBoard_bottom.res moves the secondary information panel from the right of the scoreboard to the bottom, making it compatible with 4:3 and 5:4 aspect ratios.
posted about 11 years ago
#15 New headset in TF2 General Discussion

I found these on Amazon and I'm thinking of buying them. I don't know much about them, but they have a ton of positive reviews and aren't that expensive.
disengageGet a mic + headphones combo
posted about 11 years ago
#330 my new hud. in Customization
KirkmIt should normally work for 1920x1200 though, right?


KirkmWould I still have to change the xpos and ypos of all of these things?

The only things you'd have to alter are HUD crosshairs, if you choose to use them. They require different positional settings at different resolutions.

posted about 11 years ago
#328 my new hud. in Customization
KirkmI mean about the health and ammo. The numbers overlap and are about the size of this text. The ammo is not working properly and is just shown as the stock ammo hud. I think that the problem is in the hudlayout.res but I'm not sure what the numerical values should be for the resolution of 1920x1200. Does this help?

User error. Try re-installing it.

posted about 11 years ago
#326 my new hud. in Customization
ProdigyHow do I add a black outline around damage numbers like clockwork's broeselhud?

Open HudDamageAccount.res and change both instances of FuturaHeavy20 to FuturaHeavyOutline20.

posted about 11 years ago
#325 my new hud. in Customization
KirkmWhat are the xpos and ypos of all the things in the HUD for 1920x1200? I really like the HUD, but it doesn't work. I don't know anything about HUDs and what I would do to change them to. Help please!

I have no idea what you are asking. Be more specific.

posted about 11 years ago
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