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Signed Up March 14, 2013
Last Posted July 5, 2020 at 6:22 PM
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#62 best team name in TF2? in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 4 years ago
#1 pocket lft low open in Recruitment (looking for team)

sorry if this is late, but im lft low open pocket. im making the transition from ugc 6s into esea 6s.
in ugc, ive played roamer and demo, but to some success. Ive taken a break from ugc and ive been playing soldier in lobbies and ive grown to a point where i feel like i can play pocket in a higher level than just tf2centers. I want to test myself by playing against better and more experienced players and working on my teamwork as a pocket.
i want to improve my overall gameplay and get better in this game. some pocket related goals i have is to improve on my gamesense and maincalling, as i love to take charge and be the leader of pushs. im free from 8pm-1am est sun-thurs. from friday and saturday i am uncertain of my schedule but i will do my best to make it known. at the end of the season i would want to be a mid open pocket. :]
also can be a sub for any class, but i feel comfortable as a pocket!!
add me to try out: link

posted about 8 years ago
#69 Best tf2 team names? in Off Topic


posted about 9 years ago
#34 ti5 in Esports

CDEC had to play to actually get into TI and now they are in the top 4.
Chinese teams man. Aggressif is too good.
and secret man what a throw

posted about 9 years ago
#12 ti5 in Esports
dangoKind of off topic but do any of the players vlog throughout the event?


posted about 9 years ago
#192 Emotional Experiences in Off Topic

in middle school i was bullied a lot by most of the boys in my class.

i was a very garrulous boy before middle school, and that was how i made friends before, so i kept this talkative personality for middle school. unfortunately the boys in my class seemed to not like it and bullied me for it, always calling me annoying and to screw off. I remember i was sick for like two days and when i came back, the boy who sat next to me told me that it was literally heaven without "an annoying kid sitting next to me". i knew i was being bullied but i took no action to prevent it and i guess it was my fault. by the end of 6th grade, i had one friend.

in my 7th grade, i was still being bullied. i remember 7th grade was the year i asked a girl out, but i was rejected. i respected her decision, but somehow every boy in my class knew. they always ask me if i asked her out, and would answer "obviously you're so annoying she would never go out with an annoying kid." that really fucked me up to this day. Even my teachers bullied me. I remember i did extremely poorly on a math test (i got a 30 on it), and my teacher made an announcement just to tell the class i did bad. he said "you guys did great on the exam, except kenneth (me). he received a 30 on the exam". thats was really fuck up and the kids all looked at me with shame. well i would be ashamed if i got a 30 an exam, but i dont think it was very mature of a fucking teacher to make an announcement just to humiliate a 12 year old. at the end of 7th grade i was fully aware i was being bullied but didn't do anything.

in 8th grade, the same shit happened, getting bullied. i really started to give up on life by then. the bullying was constant i couldn't stop it by then. i always told myself one more year. i always blame myself for not seeking help. i was bullied for who i was as a person. they bullied me for my personality and i was about done with life. the last day of school, my class was going to go to the park to play and chill but didn't invite me.

in high school i met some great people who actually liked me for who i was. however after middle school, i was so paranoid of being bullied like that again, i didn't show my true personality. i was being fake to most people because i didn't want to be emotionally hurt again. i only showed my personality to people whom i believed to be a great friend. so far its been great, but i am still tormented by those people who bullied me.

i live in nyc and still go to high schoool, so for those who live in nyc, you must know that a majority of high school kids use MTA trains to get to school. to this day, i am paranoid of the people who bullied me. i am afraid that i will see those people again; to an extent where if i see them, i will simply wait for another train; even if it takes 30 minutes for it to come. if i see them it will remind me of those days.

for all those bullies out there, this is what a result of bullying can do. please stop

posted about 9 years ago
#89 shitty gut knife giveaway in CS2 General Discussion


posted about 9 years ago
#41 huntsman giveaway in CS2 General Discussion


posted about 9 years ago
#57 favourite high school subject in Off Topic

really liked roman history and latin poetry

posted about 9 years ago
#70 Super Bowl in Off Topic

The sea hawks threw the game
The biggest throw I've ever seen ;_;

posted about 10 years ago
#55 whos your favorite nickelodeon charater in The Dumpster

posted about 10 years ago
#10 what do you think of hong kong's umbrella movement in Off Topic
CHERRYkaiserRegrunescape_boy_420M4TTAs title suggests.I haven't heard about it so you might want to explain what it is.Same here. I know there are protests but not why.Cause someone thought 100 years is as good as forever and once that ended and Honk Kong got incorporated into China it's being stripped off of freedom unlawfully.
One recent example may be China not letting British MPs enter it even thought it has seperate immigration policy and passport board and should decide on it's own in that matter.

they are also fighting for democracy. china like handpicked people to be like president, and tells hong kong to vote for one of them. hong kong wants to elect its own people to be president i think.

posted about 10 years ago
#719 It begins! in Off Topic

thank you <33

posted about 10 years ago
#28 book recommendations in Off Topic
But I remember "The Joy Luck Club" being pretty good.

I read Joy Luck Club over the summer for school and it was really good. It really points to the American Dream theme directly and if you like extremely emotional writing, Joy Luck Club is the book to read. It has some mother daughter sad boys stuff in there.

posted about 10 years ago
#56 Why that class? in TF2 General Discussion

pubbers complain about sticky spammers and its funny

posted about 10 years ago
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