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Country United States
Signed Up April 5, 2016
Last Posted May 28, 2018 at 5:26 PM
Posts 35 (0 per day)
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#7 Show me your internet in Off Topic


I get this for pretty cheap so I don't feel inclined to upgrade

posted about 6 years ago
#15 TF2 for High School E-sports League? in Esports
lewdrudeandnudeglasswhere are these schools that have "esports advisors"throughout the country, you can persuade your skool to get a esports club

only thing is that most schools will make you follow student athlete grading rules, so you can't just coast your classes if you start a team.

posted about 6 years ago
#15 bad habits in Off Topic

I get way too confident on my knowledge on e-sports and make myself look like a headass infront of my league friends

posted about 6 years ago
#11 TF2 for High School E-sports League? in Esports

Put in my support. I remember talking to our schools esports advisors about starting a TF2 team and his reply was "not enough interest". If this gets accepted then that would be amazing. LETS GO TITANS

posted about 6 years ago
#22 future goes to valve in TF2 General Discussion

I met this dude in a pub once and he seemed like a nice guy, he asked me to follow him on instagram (we talked in chat for a while) and I followed him, didn't know he was this much of a loon. I was always sorta creeped out by him but wowza

posted about 6 years ago
#8 lagbots in TF2 General Discussion
Tino_quadjackhaven't seen these, how do they actually lag out the server? just through really high ping?
that is pretty petty. though I wouldn't NOT expect this from a person who made hack accounts.

Its more or less just a DDOS attack.

Bot joins server, bot gets IP, IP is sent to a client farm, clients ping the fuck out of server for lag.

Nothing special about it.

not even something interesting or something to look into, just some NEET ddos'ing servers

posted about 6 years ago
#4 lagbots in TF2 General Discussion

haven't seen these, how do they actually lag out the server? just through really high ping?
that is pretty petty. though I wouldn't NOT expect this from a person who made hack accounts.

posted about 6 years ago
#3 Moved setup, low FPS in Q/A Help

The only time I've ever had a situation like this was with my laptop, is your house old? If so, maybe the outlet is too low of a wattage.

posted about 7 years ago
#1 reasons to get a mouse bungee in Hardware

i dont understand how it helps, eli5

posted about 7 years ago
#47 To: HUD DEVELOPERS Subject: MEET YOUR MATCH in Customization

so we are stuck with these new dropdowns or? I can't seem to get the original buttons back

posted about 7 years ago
#18 To: HUD DEVELOPERS Subject: MEET YOUR MATCH in Customization

Is this modevents.res new? I can't seem to find it anywhere in my hud directory.
im an idiot

posted about 7 years ago
#11 Fully Charged Episode 44: The Meet Your Match Update in Events
riotbzwho is uncle dane?

sometimes streamer/youtuber/hl engie main, pretty knowledgeable on competitive highlander competitive
i got alot of downfrags wow.

posted about 7 years ago
#160 How did you get your alias in TF2 General Discussion

i really dont know why my name is quadjack, i think i just thought the word quad was cool and added jack.

posted about 7 years ago
#9 New newbie mixes site? in Projects
armadilloI emailed the creator a few months ago to ask for information,It was a project I created when I was first learning web development back in 2012.
I never ended up launching it, but it should be functional (except there aren't actually any game servers hooked up right now). Here's the source: https://github.com/dy-dx/newbiemix

I wouldn't suggest using it or building on it, but there might be 1 or 2 ideas in there that could be useful.

Ah, that sucks. Maybe someone can take up the source code and finish it.

posted about 7 years ago
#7 New newbie mixes site? in Projects
ErraticquadjackdrshdwpuppetThat is not an official Newbie Mix project. We have no website front end and can only be accessed via mumble, Fridays at 9pm EST

mumble info:
It's quite obvious its not a site from you guys, I'm saying its a different group of people.
But who, is what I want to know.

I'm guessing a person is gonna post a similiar post soon enough about ownership

posted about 7 years ago
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