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Country Rainbow Nation
Signed Up April 8, 2013
Last Posted August 23, 2024 at 6:18 AM
Posts 379 (0.1 per day)
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ⋅⋅ 26
#45 Waka Flocka Flame showing his true colors. in Videos
WakaFlockahire WakaFlockaHow much did @yaara pay you to say this?



posted about 5 years ago
#2 Selling monitor and old pc in Hardware


posted about 5 years ago
#8 blue snowball? in Hardware

? the scissor arms clip to like a 10cm x 5cm space anywhere on your desk (you dont even have to use the top of your desk, you can put it on sideways too) and you can full 360° the arms and tilt back/forward or extend/retract in any direction, as long as you're within 90cm of your table you should be fine


this completely negates any noise coming from mouse/keyboard, if you put a $5 popfilter on and mess around with an open threshold on a mic filter like voice meeter it cancels out any unwanted background noise too

posted about 5 years ago
#35 whats ur ms in Off Topic



2nd time

posted about 6 years ago
#141 Ban Pred and Degu v2 in Off Topic

maybe i missed it but i dont think anyone ever said "omgggg its only a month guyss why u care so muchh", even if they did it's not even the crux of the argument in favour of it

i told you to stop because you're performing logically invalid mental gymnastics by cutting ties to tweets about terrorism and mass shootings, in that case the analogy lies in liking a tweet that praises mass shootings and terrorism, not the coverage of it, but maybe you didn't see that the argument was that he liked pred's tweet, not uberchain's

the original argument does read a little shitty though

also i haven't taken up any position in this discussion so i dont know why you accuse me of arbitrarily banning people, i'm not even admin anymore

posted about 6 years ago
#135 Ban Pred and Degu v2 in Off Topic


posted about 6 years ago
#99 Ban Pred and Degu v2 in Off Topic
Gazquintoshyou're still free to name whenever someone's been harassed, they've reported it to the admins and it's gone unpunished, otherwise you might as well stop pretending to be the saint that sees the big picture where admins are only biased towards certain people
This happened numerous times on TFTV, Twitter and even their own website. I don't see why I should name these situations. My point is that people did not care previously. You imply that ETF2L punished these kind of people before, but consider that a minor warning for flaming isn't the same as a deduction in prize money plus a 2-month and a 12-month ban.

for one thing, as far as im aware etf2l's policy has always been that if something is not reported, they won't deal with it. the uberchain incident has clearly been reported, and it probably wasn't just the initial twitter posts that got them banned but also the ignorance, blame shifting and name changing on steam after the major backlash from their actions

2nd off, people behaving like ass have been punished in the past, especially in the forums. most of the time people are banned from posting in the forums, have their avatars removed, and in the past they've also banned a player (taimou) for finding other ways to be racist on etf2l (such as changing team names)

thirdly, prem players have always been treated differently from the rest of the league in return for being able to shape the league's ruleset, whitelist, map pool, awards and winning money

all three points combined resulted in a case of precedence, funnily enough my ban back then has also been one and i know it sucks, but it's the right thing to do to show the league's stance on certain things.

after all certain possible sponsors have voiced their take on these people being able to play in the league and a sponsorship will keep competition going longer than toxicity, which kind of kills it. if you look at the old thread there's several ex-top players and other people who have done a ton for the community coming back after a long hiatus to express their thoughts on this kind of behaviour, with the underlying reason that it was probably why they stopped playing.

posted about 6 years ago
#74 Ban Pred and Degu v2 in Off Topic
Gazquintoshu can start by naming some
Please, people only starting to care now that Uberchain has been a victim only confirms that people didn't give a shit about this matter in the first place

you're still free to name whenever someone's been harassed, they've reported it to the admins and it's gone unpunished, otherwise you might as well stop pretending to be the saint that sees the big picture where admins are only biased towards certain people

posted about 6 years ago
#69 Ban Pred and Degu v2 in Off Topic
stephis it seriously that hard to ban people who are transphobic, homophobic, racist, etc.?? is it really THAT hard??


GazStinson_OutOur statement:


What a fucking joke

I'm not hating on Uberchain here, even though people lacking basic reading skills will surely think I am, however it's retarded that ETF2L and especially this community have ignored similar situations in the past and only now reacted to it because it is Uberchain. People talking about this never being acceptable under any circumstance are the same people that wouldn't have given a fuck if Pred and Degu would've harassed personXYZ instead, even if personXYZ would call them out for it publicly. This community surely isn't going to be better if people only care about a select few instead of everyone. Again, what a joke.

u can start by naming some

posted about 6 years ago
#43 future goes to valve in TF2 General Discussion
porky14:35 - o5.proky: ?
posted about 6 years ago
#8 changing logs? in TF2 General Discussion

L 05/15/2018 - 14:26:50: "twitch.tv/b4nny<4><;[U:1:10403381]><Spectator>" disconnected (reason "Double ragequit.")

posted about 6 years ago
#4 changing logs? in TF2 General Discussion

Cole the Engy 21 engineer.tf (Score:20) defeats twitch.tv/b4nny (Score:11) on Viaduct Middle.
You gained 11 points.
Cole the Engy 21 engineer.tf : Haha b4nny I beat you as engineer while your playing soldier in front of 5 thousand viewers!
*SPEC* twitch.tv/b4nny : Nooooo!!!! I got beat by a engineer main!!!
*SPEC* ♔ peremptory proceedings: Holy shit b4nny you got fucking destroyed bro. That Cole Conagher gentlemen has only 3 thousand hours on his main account (he switched because he got account compromised/hacked) and you have over 15k+ wowowoww,
twitch.tv/b4nny left the game (Disconnect by user.)
Cole the Engy 21 engineer.tf : Yes that is right b4nny, because you see, engineer deserved a place in the 6 v 6 meta, because it is a superior class to soldier. But pretencious 6v6 elitists like you are biased against engy becasuse your jealous of his high skill ceiling P.S. Coheed and Cambria blows.
*SPEC* twitch.tv/b4nny : FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-
twitch.tv/b4nny left the game (Disconnect by user.) <---- LOOOOOOOOOL
*SPEC* ♔ peremptory proceedings : Can I add you Cole?
Cole the Engy 21 engineer.tf : Maybe

posted about 6 years ago
#18 tf2center running another newbie tournament thing in TF2 General Discussion
viperthis is gonna be won by either cheaters or alters 100 fucking percent

yea like every other newbie tournament

posted about 6 years ago
#9 Downfrag me in The Dumpster


posted about 6 years ago
#57 Florida High School Shooting in World Events
Starkiewhy do these threads get made

to inform people
just because you're tired of it doesn't mean other people aren't interested in a discussion

posted about 6 years ago
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