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Signed Up November 14, 2012
Last Posted May 5, 2016 at 12:37 AM
Posts 682 (0.2 per day)
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Headphones Sennheiser HD 280 pro
Monitor LG 37LH40
1 ⋅⋅ 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 ⋅⋅ 45
#68 The Weapon Balance Megathread in TF2 General Discussion

So, this isn't going to be a popular opinion, but oh well.

My team at the beginning of last season placed me as the Engie. I was a demo/pyro main before hand, although I obviously had time under all classes, but I began to focus very heavily on Engie when I was selected for it. Before, I thought the wrangler and Mini were kind of annoying, but as I actually focused on the class, I realized something fairly simple.

I ask a question: In Highlander, what is the Engie supposed to do on offense?

Now you can quickly say "build stuff, duh!" But after the teles are down and the Dispenser is up at a choke, what then? You could build an L3 in the back to maybe catch flanks, but you become useless for the frontlines. I dare you to try and get an L3 up on the frontlines, or even just an L1, against a HL team that has even a remote idea of what its doing. Besides that, all you have is the shotgun. You're a slow, fat scout, and with less damage output.

After practicing and focusing on the class, I realize Minis and the wrangler are absolutely needed. Minis are designed for the very purpose of going into the front line in the middle of battle. If you remove either the full health spawn or the health regen, the mini will die 9 times out of 10 without firing a single shot. Once anyone sees a mini being deployed, its focused, and without BOTH the health and regen, the mini dies in seconds and becomes utterly useless.

The wrangler is situational. Defending first on Badwater comes to mind. Without the wrangler, the L3 above the tunnel exit becomes an easy target. You can't return fire to snipers, soldiers, demoman charged sticky shots, anything that can fire from the hill, and they will, and do spam the gun from the hill. Without the wrangler, it is an easy and quick kill. Its shield is necessary because it is ALWAYS spammed and focused, and its range is needed to help cover the needed areas. Wranglers are not perfect weapons, they make the engie completely defenseless himself, and easy pray to a spy, sniper or bombing soldier. Once the engie is killed, the sentry is idle for plenty of time to kill it without it returning to firing mode.

All the talk of "ban the wrangler and mini!" are unhelpful, because in the end, annoying != OP. It may be annoying, but so are sniper headshots and spy backstabs, but no one is looking to ban those. Without them, the engie is heavily gimped as an offensive class, and becomes near worthless on payload blu. The Engineer is the only class in TF2 where nearly all of the unlocks are viable, and they are mostly all needed depending on the situation.

EDIT: All that said, I do believe the auto-aim on the Wrangler should be removed, it feels unnecessary, and honestly is a problem for both the attacker and attackee. No one should be a fan of control being taken from them. The engie should have the skill to aim the weapon to use it. Its shitty for those being attacked, and is shitty for the user as it makes picking different targets from a distance more of a pain and less accurate.

posted about 11 years ago
#116 Fatal1ty vs relic - Taipei 101 in TF2 General Discussion

Did I miss it? Whats goin' on?

posted about 11 years ago
#367 How to Get to In-Game Comp Lobbies in TF2 General Discussion

I'm still not sure why the discussion is on 6s balance. Trust me, I am ALL, ALLLLL for using more unlocks in 6s to help its stale, predicable state...but thats not the point of the thread. We're supposed to be brainstorming this for HL, its what Valve will do. You can make a million spreadsheets and have a total agreement of what to use in 6s form the whole community, Valve isn't going to care. They're thinking about doing lobbies for HL, not 6s. Can we please shift focus?

posted about 11 years ago
#290 How to Get to In-Game Comp Lobbies in TF2 General Discussion

This thread

They should support 6s instead. The guy who created the game has no idea what hes talking about. The game mode we play is better. I'm gonna look a gift horse in the mouth because its not exactly what I wanted.

I can't wait for us to blow it and then have a huge thread about "Why doesn't valve support comp tf2???!11?!"

edit: Valve may be giving us HL lobbies. You're not going to talk them into making 6s lobbies right now. We've gotten nothing for years and now we have the possibility to have something huge. Lets please try to not fuck this up.

edit2: seriously, thanks Sal and eXtine for getting us this far.

posted about 11 years ago
#54 Fatal1ty vs relic - Taipei 101 in TF2 General Discussion

if anyone watches those shitty esports shows with egwheat and the like, let us know if this comes up

relic if they invite you in as a guest, give a tftv shoutout

we will use your fame for our own benefits


the301stspartanOn a sidenote, I never understood why CPL pooped so much money into Painkiller. Isn't it like, more obscure than comp tf2?

The same reason LoL is popular in a way, the dev pumped it hard to tourneys and the like. Riot was just better at it.

posted about 11 years ago
#51 Tip of the Hats: TF2 Item Ideas in TF2 General Discussion

I feel like a lot of guys are over thinking this.

Why not just a tipped hat?

It doesn't need to be an animation, just a nice looking hat tipped to one side (or for the soldier, tipped forward over his eyes). It needs to be unique, obviously, but nothing too crazy. Truk was talking about mascots and all that, but a tipped hat kind of already is.

posted about 11 years ago
#35 Fatal1ty vs relic - Taipei 101 in TF2 General Discussion
FogWear a TFTV shirt

Also, hype as fuck.

posted about 11 years ago
#58 If tf2 was going to be comp centric in TF2 General Discussion

Any game that needs to be altered to be "playable" fails as a competitive game. Smash bros is another example of this. While there is more DM skill in 6s, it lacks the overall appeal TF2 has because it takes away so much that makes the game fun (class limits, unlock bans, map type bans).

To be honest, Highlander is and has been the biggest shot at making TF2 big, as much as a lot of people don't like to hear it. HL takes all the things that make TF2 fun, and makes it competitive. As much as I like watching 6s, I'll always enjoy HL more in both observing and playing because it uses far more aspects of the game. 6s, right now, is the TF2 equivalent to No Items, Fox Only, Final Destination in Smash Bros. It may be more competitive, but its more limited, and brings in far less people.

Anyway, this is all fairly offtopic from the OP but w/e.

posted about 11 years ago
#15 If tf2 was going to be comp centric in TF2 General Discussion

I feel that all Valve would need to do to make TF2 a larger comp game is add a gametype/lobby system for it. Realistically it would likely only be for HL, as Valve has shown a lot of HL support and virtually none for 6s (that I've seen)...but still, it would open the door.

posted about 11 years ago
#50 TeamFortress.TV Top 10 March 2013 in News

Question, will there be any HL highlights in this series or is it strictly 6s?

posted about 11 years ago
#15 Happy Birthday Kurt "TRUKTRUK" Russ in Off Topic


posted about 11 years ago
#19 Happy Birthday Sean "seanbud" Stradley in Off Topic


posted about 11 years ago
#30 What class is the most 'fun' to spectate for you? in TF2 General Discussion

In HL: Spy, Sniper and Engie. I love seeing creative play from an Engie utilizing all of his unlocks.

In 6s, probably roamer and demo.

posted about 11 years ago
#38 tf2 dream caster duo in TF2 General Discussion
alec_Lange and Ggglygy
posted about 11 years ago
#20 twitch sniper/ flick aim in Off Topic
KhakiAlso doesn't quake require exceptional tracking?

I never said I was good at it. Just twitch rails and rockets. I was always shit with the LG.

posted about 11 years ago
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