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Last Posted July 3, 2015 at 1:29 AM
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#20 Electrified-TF2 Frag Movie in TF2 General Discussion
BubbaPrototypesIn almost all of your videos you use music that has been in other frag videos. Try to find different music.I did not know that Laurence was used in that video until my movie was a decent way along, so I wasnt changing it

This isn't true.

I don't think that preview was "a decent way along". Just say you liked it and you wanted to use it anyway. I used a song that had already been used for my first frag video.

That said, a lot of the criticism in that thread still applies. It's gone a long way, but it's not as good as it could be. Keep at it, brah.

posted about 11 years ago
#8 It's Arrested Development in Off Topic
KillingIs the netflix vod super laggy for anyone else? I get really shitty fps.

I live in a really shitty area and I haven't had this issue. It will refuse to play a few episodes for like 10 minutes though, so there's that.

posted about 11 years ago
ProwerI'm pretty sure SrcDemo intercepts anything written to the folder when its mounted. Whether it blends it on the other hand, is dependent on if its a tga file.

See my thought is that it takes the a_0000-a_X names as intercepted from the designated folder, blends them and names the output frame a_0001, and so on and so forth. Hopefully that clarifies what I meant.

posted about 11 years ago
Admirallemaidosdoesnt appear that srcdemo is working with almie recording tool since theres only tga files visible on the folder once u stop recording as srcdemo only pick up tga files when its there :(
Yeah, I don't really know how srcdemo works and i haven't ever used it, so i don't know how to integrate it, and I will add it to the list of things i will look into, but at the bottom I am afraid, as there are more important things that I need to do first.

Srcdemo intercepts all the TGA's being written into the designated recording folder. It stores them in the memory and will merge as many frames as you designate with the blendrate. It will then write the blended TGA file into the designated output folder.

I'm assuming since srcdemo works off of Lawena's a_0000 naming system that might be the reason it isn't working?

posted about 11 years ago
#14 The Australia/New Zealand i49 LAN Fundraiser! in TF2 General Discussion

The whole i49 yards is one of the best puns I've seen in a long time. Brilliant.

posted about 11 years ago
#108 next gen xbox reveal in Off Topic

I don't understand...how can they let a system, that was announced quite some time ago, STILL have better hardware than theirs....gg Xbox.

If you watched the press conference, it wasn't focused towards the specs or power of the system. So it makes sense why it isn't striving to outdo the PS4 hardware-wise. Additionally, it's probably to drive costs down. At the beginning of a console's lifespan, the company loses money on every console sold since they subsidize the price of the console.

posted about 11 years ago
#102 next gen xbox reveal in Off Topic

A few good things though

Xbox Live subscription is now for the console, not the account. This means your friend without XBL can come over, sign into his account, and play online with you. Secondly, it's been confirmed that you do NOT need to pay to play used games. It was a mistake and the Xbox Support Twitter account has been trying to clear that up since the announcement yesterday. Third, you can pause your game literally anywhere and go to a friend's house and pick up the game from EXACTLY where you paused. Not a savegame, literally a pause.

posted about 11 years ago
#12 A Guide to FOV in TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

Valve's way of calculating FOV is in no way strange, it is the standard to use Vertical FOV as opposed to Horizontal FOV as the older games did.

Here's a good resource: http://youtu.be/blZUao2jTGA

posted about 11 years ago
#10 Clean logs.tf display on stream. in TF2 General Discussion
JayRawrSpoonclorgbut sizzlin stats is better
ss has precisely zero usage in highlander though

Basically I was trying to say the post is still very useful for highlander streams, which is apparently a bad thing? idk

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Clean logs.tf display on stream. in TF2 General Discussion
clorgbut sizzlin stats is better

ss has precisely zero usage in highlander though

posted about 11 years ago
#68 next gen xbox reveal in Off Topic

Those features are actually really nice. I have a Logitech Revue and it does most of that shit and it's... really freaking great. Tells you what movies and TV shows are currently playing and selecting them takes you to the channel that is showing them. It's actually incredibly nice and useful to get the most out of cable TV.

My big issue is a couple of things. Firstly, the fact that you can turn it on with voice activation really worries me. It means the microphone is always on. Secondly, I'm afraid that watching TV will cause the xbox to inadvertently do things. This is an issue already on the Xbox360 with Kinect, I generally disconnect the thing because it keeps thinking I want to do voice commands when I'm just talking to my friends. With TV it'll be worse as you don't even have to make voice commands for the Xbox to take them.

Also, why do both the PS4 and Xbox One not support 802.11ac? Routers are already coming out supporting the standard and my motherboard (which I bought in July 2012) has integrated wifi with 802.11ac support. It just seems silly to stick with 802.11n when ac is just around the corner.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Ozfortress Winter League 9 Highlights in TF2 General Discussion

I'm not a fan of how long it took before the colors came in and I was incredibly confused as to why the saturation was so low. But besides that one little thing I loved it and I thought it was fantastic. :>

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Broken smooth ? in Off Topic
1dn111Ok so I am having trouble with saving my smooth, idk whats my problem but when I press SAVE its doesn't give me a copy of my demo and smooth inside of it/

That's weird. I have a few other issues with smoothing but this isn't one whatsoever. The only thing I can think of is the demo name being too long for TF2 to load it (since that can apparently happen)

posted about 11 years ago

You think you can make it have two custom HUD options? Like Custom1 and Custom2?

Anyway, I fucking love you, I am going to keep track of this :3

posted about 11 years ago
#27 Is algerbra a waste of time in school in Off Topic

It's not just math that algebra is good for, it's much more than that. It's an entirely new form of thinking that facilitates so much. The essential steps for algebra in identifying the problem, creating steps for the solution, and then executing them extend far beyond mere math problems and apply everywhere from management to programming.

posted about 11 years ago
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