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Last Posted November 10, 2019 at 11:38 AM
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#7 Bud[9] Daily: cp_process_rc2 review in TF2 General Discussion

In the future I will probably do it later in the evening and have 1 or 2 of the BEAMS stop by to help out.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Bud[9] Daily: cp_process_rc2 review in TF2 General Discussion

sup buds. I'm going to be doing weekly map reviews throughout the season covering the ESEA map of the week. I'll try to go over each class and their roles on the map during holds, pushes, mids, and other things.

I'll be doing it today in 1 hour at 3pm cst on my stream @

If you have any suggestions on topics to cover for cp_process or the map reviews in general please let me know.

Here is a general outline I will try to follow:
Offclass options

-Pocket: Ubers
-Roamer: Positioning

Sticky traps

Heal rollout
Holding positions

Like I said if you have any specific questions you can post them here or just stop by in stream chat and ask during appropriate sections I will try to answer them. I will probably end up watching a demo of mine from scrims during the past week or so at the end but no promises.

posted about 11 years ago
#7 FULLY CHARGED Discussion and Feedback Thread in TF2 General Discussion

that's true but the tangents can tend to get offensive when you talk about what went into certain players getting cut or whatever. just my 2 cents.

cbear u a sellout bro? its so obvious ur using the fuly charged to dictate us , all u want is power by given haatz its really not cool. And ur takin pplz stuff at will too!! i have to unfollow now cuz i dont want u u to take all of alt accounts and ban tehm. this is bullshit cosmo. i cant believe u would go on a power trip like this man why do u gotta do this to us. i used to like ur streams but then this shit happen. Ur streams not even that good anymore and now u want to take our stuff man ur such a greedy bitch. UNFOLLOWED.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 FULLY CHARGED Discussion and Feedback Thread in TF2 General Discussion

i liked the format you 3 covered lots of stuff but djc knows EVERYTHING about tf2 which is a good/bad thing because it'd probably be better for the show to leave out some of the personal stuff to avoid offending a bunch of people.

posted about 11 years ago
#41 if i did it in TF2 General Discussion

you ever feel so fucking ignored you could just die?

posted about 11 years ago
#8 if i did it in TF2 General Discussion

Lange, ever since I met you I've loved you more and more every second I spend with you. I don't ever want to spend another day without you.

Will you marry me?

Please respond.

posted about 11 years ago
#8 ESEA Holiday Break? in TF2 General Discussion

they probably want to get another month of premium out of the league players. oh well.

posted about 11 years ago
#45 laser beams in TF2 General Discussion

justin demo
pure scout


posted about 11 years ago
#36 laser beams in TF2 General Discussion
n0gravIs it going to workout having seanbud and zbryan both on the team?

dont see why it wouldnt he backed up for us on laser beams v1.0 and we never had problems

posted about 11 years ago
#17 laser beams in TF2 General Discussion

there's nothing sexual about it. this promotes synergy between the pocket/medic and we can softly whisper comms that don't apply to the rest of the team leaving the mumble channel less cluttered.

posted about 11 years ago
#13 laser beams in TF2 General Discussion

if we make the LAN lange and I will be playing like this.

posted about 11 years ago
#2 laser beams in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 11 years ago
#51 the invite poll in TF2 General Discussion
However, what's the motivation for IM teams if they are going to absolutely get murdered? That's not being competitive - it's simply easy wins for the top teams at this point. Let's take chess club...this is a team that would probably have wiped the floor with IM last season. They have an extremely talented roster, skilled players - they got to the playoffs due to beating the other teams close to their skill level (and FFW's from the teams that died). They made a great effort to compete at LAN, but got stomped....bad. My hat goes off to them more than anyone for sticking it out...but not many people want that scenario. Realistically if they couldn't even win one match against the top 3, and DTP has already said they are just a casual do the math.

You could argue how great an effort they actually made. I think they scrimmed exactly 1 night in the weeks leading up to LAN. Also they had roster issues at the last minute. And are you arguing that them stomping IM would have been better than them getting stomped in invite?

The fact is not everyone wants to be invite, or put in the long nights and hardships of becoming a top team. Yes TF2 is different than CS. Is Putting/forcing a good IM team to go invite and potentially getting a record like 0-16 really worth it? Harb, i understand you have fun with your friends...but how do you think the other team feels when your team off-classes 'for fun' in a match and still destroys their team? Also, invite isn't always about fun with friends, because friends get cut or chastised when they under perform - and the whole community then gets to know about it. Not every team wants to go through that.

Not wanting to be invite does not mean you should keep the same roster in IM just because they don't want to play invite. It's not good for the IM division to have a top team just sitting there for multiple seasons just because they don't want to try hard. No, maybe it's not good for the team to force them into invite, but it is good for the division.

Since ruwin/pyyour are supposedly gone - why not give 2 top IM level players a chance to join mix?? Would you be willing to go through some growing pains and losses (as well as not winning LAN or potentially even not making playoffs) to help bring in some new blood and build a new team? Or is it easier to get mesr/yz/moose to play and know you'll lock in one of those top spots? Just look at the 2-3 "new teams" forming now- it's still almost all top players split up from last few seasons - and why?? Simply put because they WANT to win and i don't blame any of you for wanting to win. Knowing you have the chance to win and make LAN is what drives some players....but not everyone shares that same desire.

Very few teams would be willing to try something like this. People don't want to be forced to pickup new players with no guarantee how they will perform or how well they will get along with each other. Teams have to enjoy playing with one another and have to be confident in one another's abilities. This is kind of comparable to the highlander invite player limit and it is equally dumb. People are going to play who they want to play with.

If a team feels they would be more competitive in IM, why force them to move if they don't want to? I mean wasn't there a team like a season or two ago that was begging for votes to get to Invite, and they didn't get in because someone else was moved up??? I'm not trying to give anyone a hard time, you just need to see it from the other side of the fence.

because if a team wins IM and then goes to killing and says "listen, we don't want to play invite", killing can't just let them sit in IM or it will destroy the division. Who is going to sign up and pay for playing in IM if the same teams are going to just sit at the top season after season because they are afraid of losing or afraid of the LAN or whatever.

posted about 11 years ago
#48 the invite poll in TF2 General Discussion

not being willing/able to attend the LAN should disqualify them from the invite poll anyways. props to doggles for making everyone aware of ur situation so that if you did manage to be put in the poll, people should not vote for you.

they were, however, top 3 IM and i don't like seeing a "we don't want to try" post from a team that could be moved up and just don't want to be. in the past killing has taken steps to prevent IM sandbagging and after seeing something like this i wouldn't be surprised to see a roster/player restriction thing.

posted about 11 years ago
#10 when was the last time we used esea pugs in TF2 General Discussion

i think the pug system is fine. during the season when the majority of the community has premium we should take advantage of them. i know we stopped using them for invite pugs for a couple reasons.

1 was the no spectator slots. you would end up with 5 people auto-retrying to try and get into the pugs so if someone crashed they could never get back in.

the other main reason some people did not like them was that there were sometimes CS players that would come in and play, and they would not use mumble and just in general some people(mackey) hated them and would insult them non stop. i think the pug system encourages new players to try playing and i remember when i was a little CS newbie i would get a boner when one of the pros joined my team. personally i think this could be a good thing for community growth.

once the freemium starts back up i can try getting some going.

and yeah ty i agree i thought the esea scrim mod would be handy and for some teams that would mean not having to buy a server for the season.

posted about 11 years ago
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