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Signed Up September 19, 2013
Last Posted May 1, 2022 at 3:46 PM
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#26 Useful stuff to buy? in Hardware

fire extinguisher.

posted about 3 years ago
#65 The Case for Elijah in TF2 General Discussion

Can't support something like this. Your bibliography doesn't have hanging indents, meaning it wouldn't survive even the first round of peer review in a scholarly journal.

posted about 3 years ago
#26 lf US citizenship in Off Topic
nikoSevenIf you have a close relative here, that's the easiest way. If you don't, there's no way unless you're skilled enough at something for an employer here to apply for an H1B visa. Even then, you might not get in because there are only a limited number of visas allocated per year. And even if you did get the H1B, your employer would have to then apply for a green card for you to stay beyond the temporary period allowed by the H1B. It takes around 6-10 years to get a green card after applying and another 5-6 years for citizenship.

Needless to say, this is extremely difficult. Don't think that because getting a visa here is difficult, crossing the border illegally is a walk in the park. There are skeletons in the Sonoran and Chihuahuan desert, and they aren't all Bobcats and Peccaries.
OK i do have a couple of close relatives who are living in the U.S, My moms best friend (not related by blood) and my moms half sisters

You need either a parent, spouse, or child in the U.S. to move here legally. Your mom's half-sister isn't close to good enough, sadly. I'd seriously try moving somewhere else in Europe - There just isn't any way you can come to the U.S. legally.

posted about 3 years ago
#21 lf US citizenship in Off Topic

If you have a close relative here, that's the easiest way. If you don't, there's no way unless you're skilled enough at something for an employer here to apply for an H1B visa. Even then, you might not get in because there are only a limited number of visas allocated per year. And even if you did get the H1B, your employer would have to then apply for a green card for you to stay beyond the temporary period allowed by the H1B. It takes around 6-10 years to get a green card after applying and another 5-6 years for citizenship.

Needless to say, this is extremely difficult. Don't think that because getting a visa here is difficult, crossing the border illegally is a walk in the park. There are skeletons in the Sonoran desert, and they aren't all Bobcats and Peccaries.

posted about 3 years ago
#289 The nicest player? in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 3 years ago
#27 pogchamp is dead in World Events

Historians will write about the death of PogChamp to underscore the caustic nature of this political era. An event as momentous as it is tragic.

posted about 3 years ago
#58 do americans really feel obliged to tip? in Off Topic
Failw1zardbearodactylyea as if ppl not tipping is gonna make the owners think "aw man lemme reconsider the pay, this waiter really cant make it and i need to be more ethical" they dont give a single fuck and wouldn't even notice if 50% of the population stopped tipping because it's not even on their radar
They would notice because the majority of their staff would leave for better pay, either to different industry or a better organization.

As for unionizing, it isn't viable in food service for a multitude of reasons. Talking about unionizing in food service is just a fun way to get fired.

how would they all leave for a different industry lol? this hypothetical mass non-tipping movement wouldn't suddenly expand demand for labor in other industries so it's not like they could just all find jobs being hourly-paid janitors.

also how would they join another organization within the same industry if this happens? the entire point of the lots of people not tipping is that it impacts a fuckton of different restaurants so it's not like taking a job as a waiter at a different restaurant would be any better, you're not being tipped there either.

posted about 3 years ago
#11280 stream highlights in Videos

does anyone have a different link? it doesn't work now lol. i gotta know what this was.

posted about 3 years ago
#37 trump china virus in World Events
Nub_Danishmustardoverlordbatemani get that a lot of americans fucking hate their politcians and thats quite understandable I also hate a few of mine but is it really okay for so many of you to want them to die? I dont think thats right
I can throw in netanyahu, naftali bennett and ayelet shaked for you if you’d like
Ayyyy the super far left guy hates the Jews what's new?

Hey dude you're right, equating individual Israeli politicians with Jewry as a whole is totally normal and not at all anti-semitic by itself. That's why if you're Jewish and don't like Joe Lieberman for denying millions of people healthcare, you're actually just a secret self-hating Jew. Duly noted.

posted about 3 years ago
#35 trump china virus in World Events
MenachemSevenI would be deeply disappointed if Trump died now because I want to see him lose in November.I really really think he's going to win. It hurts my heart but in 4 years I have never once been able to get someone who says they like Trump to change their minds. Idk, maybe I'm just not very persuasive, but unless dems come out in a big way we lose. And I don't think that anyone who didn't care in 2016 is going to have changed their minds now. He did what he said he'd do, it's made us worse as a country, and people don't give a rats ass. They will shout and moan about what the other side should have done until global warming and some superbacteria put every last one of us in the ground.

I mean I could cite like ten pages of polling data and write a bunch of paragraphs about why this isn't the same as 2016 and why the polls weren't even that off in 2016 and why even if they were as off now as they were then Biden would still probably win and why polling errors can go in both directions and how polls now weight for education and why anecdote isn't the same as data but I'm tired and don't feel like it.

posted about 3 years ago
#25 trump china virus in World Events

I would be deeply disappointed if Trump died now because I want to see him lose in November.

posted about 3 years ago
#15 Generally not well known films.... in Music, Movies, TV

City of God (2002) - Brazilian epic crime movie about gangs in the Cidade de Deus suburb of Rio de Janeiro. Not obscure at all but lots of English speakers haven't seen it.

klassyCome and See (1985) - About a Belarussian boy who joins the resistance against the invading Nazi Germany during WW2. No question about it, this is the most creepy, insane and terrifying war-movie I've seen yet.

Seconded. Absolutely.

Lots of people don't know that Belarus lost a higher percentage of its population during WWII than any other country. Belarus lost twenty-five percent of its entire population during the war. Come and See is an absolutely brutal and necessary recreation of what that was really like.

posted about 3 years ago
#50 Which pill would you take? in TF2 General Discussion

how good would you actually get at sniper if you took the green pill? Does being the best in the world just mean you would get a slight advantage over the current best sniper in the world (or possibly the best sniper ever, so sheep/jukebox) or does it mean you literally become a human triggerbot?

if it's the latter then green pill would unambiguously be the best, and you wouldn't even have to pick sniper. a pyro who hypothetically never missed a flare would just annihilate entire teams from long range lol

posted about 3 years ago
#8 metarealism discussion in Off Topic

thoughts on Baudrillard???

posted about 3 years ago
#135 yomps has passed away. in TF2 General Discussion

This is incredibly sad. I could not believe it looking at this thread. My heartfelt condolences to his friends and family. Guy was so vibrant on stream and had such an infectious personality.


posted about 3 years ago
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