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Signed Up July 22, 2012
Last Posted January 2, 2019 at 12:35 AM
Posts 65 (0 per day)
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#16 anyone here program? in Off Topic

For a living I've done Java (both server-side and Android apps), C++, Python, and Objective C (iPhone programming). On side-projects I've also dabbled in frontend, doing HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Definitely can't make a good living out of those yet.

(And yes, while Python will make you hate Java, hunting down memory leaks in C++ will make you respect it, but maybe not love it.)

posted about 10 years ago
#161 Fatal1ty vs relic - Taipei 101 in TF2 General Discussion

This was linked to on Twitter, so... it seems reasonable something happened.

But who knows what.

posted about 10 years ago
#12 Newbie Mixes Friday in Events

Join the Mumble server, and then choose the channel corresponding to the class you want and your skill level. Then Noona et al will start organizing teams, where each team has at least one coach, and you'll be whisked off to a server for some hot 6v6 action.

posted about 11 years ago
#60 ESEA S14 Rules & Maps in TF2 General Discussion
KillingHigh Five Taunt is now banned from league play.

Never again.

posted about 11 years ago
#41 Time-sink tv series? in Off Topic

The IT Crowd is excellent and was on Netflix last I checked.

If you like cartoons Archer is good right now, and Harvey Birdman Attorney at Law was taken off the air way too soon. (Voice acting by Stephen Colbert and Gary Cole, Lewis Black showed up a few times... So good.)

posted about 11 years ago
#32 would it help? in TF2 General Discussion
NIU_NIU- snip -

This looks awesome. My only thought is that "High Rollers Gaming vs. Apocalypse Gaming" in the title is redundant since that's pretty obvious from the image. You could replace that with the name of the map that's being played. (Looking back, why is that always missing... huh.)

Maybe a good way to fit everything could be:
upper-left: ESEA week X + map name + start time
upper-right: cameraman + casters
center: teams/rosters
lower left: esea logo
lower right: logo

Again, it looks really good!

posted about 11 years ago
#17 would it help? in TF2 General Discussion

I was going to make them the same color as the body text... But then I realized that I didn't even have the photoshop skills to do that, so I just used half of each image >.<

posted about 11 years ago
#14 would it help? in TF2 General Discussion

I'm pretty much the last person you'd ever want using photoshop, but I messed around with it and tried to make it feel tighter. Here's what I've got:

posted about 11 years ago
#178 LAN Discussion! in TF2 General Discussion

Start by going to 6:06 and watching HRG vs mix^.

posted about 11 years ago
#9 Lemons in Off Topic

It's like the video was shot in the style of Garry's Mod. And he reminded me of the heavy.

posted about 11 years ago
#17 Newbie Mixes in Events

I played in my first mixes last night and had a total blast! It was very well organized and the coaches were very helpful. I learned a lot. Thanks to all who contributed their time and resources to this! Definitely looking forward to next time.

posted about 11 years ago
#169 What's your job, TF.TV? in Off Topic

Lead developer on Burner (

I just kinda lurk here.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Making TwitchTV VoDs and YouTube faster in Off Topic

You can read about the solution here:

Loaded up some 1080 videos on YouTube and it seemed to go significantly faster. (Note that this probably only makes Twitch VODs faster, unless somehow live-streaming also goes through the CDN?) Here's the short explanation of how it works:

[ISPs are] throttling downloads from servers (CDN) that host cached videos. By rejecting these IP address ranges you will force the video to be served to you directly.

Hope it helps.

posted about 11 years ago
#8 Learning web design in TF2 General Discussion

Assuming you're considering website design as building web apps like and not just static web pages, there's really two parts: The frontend, which is all the HTML/CSS/JavaScript you see, and the backend, which handles requests from the web browser and reads/writes the database.

For the frontend, start with HTML/CSS and ignore JavaScript for now. What you'll be doing won't really be programming, which may feel weird. I've heard amazing things about Long ago I learned HTML from, and I still swear that the best book to learn CSS from is

For the backend, you should build on your experience in Python. My go-to web framework for Python is Flask because it's so damn simple: The tutorial alone takes you through building a small micro-blogging site like Twitter:

As for, yeah it's free. But it's more like a reference, and when it comes to accuracy, you're getting what you pay for...

posted about 11 years ago
#28 TF2 Web Spectator in TF2 General Discussion

All good. Looking at it seems that string_t is just a typedef for char *, so you need to be careful.

Another thought is that you should replace sprintf with snprintf, which takes a size parameter and will avoid buffer overflows. (I'm tellin ya man, ya gotta look out for them.) You could rewrite the code above to:

#define BUFFER_SIZE 1024

char *buffer = (char*)malloc(BUFFER_SIZE);
int length = snprintf(buffer, BUFFER_SIZE, "%c%d:%d:%s", WSPacket_PlayerDeath, victim, attacker, STRING(weapon));

That way if whatever the string format gets expanded to is greater than BUFFER_SIZE, then the end of the text is truncated. The client getting incomplete data is better than the server crashing.

Also, log the hell out of everything. When you get crashes and need to figure out what happened, they're your only resource. You want to be able to trace what happened up to the crash.

Okay, that's all from me... Good job so far, and good luck!

posted about 11 years ago
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