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Signed Up September 7, 2012
Last Posted January 30, 2018 at 3:27 PM
Posts 300 (0.1 per day)
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#19 aimbotter in fogs dm in Off Topic

you guys care more about people hacking in dm servers and lobbies than people who have been caught cheating and admitted it and are playing in esea and ugc...

posted about 10 years ago
#67 ESEA-IM Power Rankings Week 8 in News
League rules say record > h2h > rf.

I don't even understand anymore. :>

3. frago
4. jav
5. 6c
6. sals

posted about 10 years ago
#128 quickfix in TF2 General Discussion
heroPer ESEA rules:

All packs that come out during the season are automatically banned. Additionally, all sets are banned. If you complete one, intentionally or not, the punishment will be the same as using a banned weapon. All weapons released after May 8th 2013 will be automatically banned.

I kind of find this entire thread to be pointless if rules are taken seriously in this league.

yeah if quickfix is banned via "rules", im guessing so will the escape plan, winger, shortstop, medic crossbow, etc.

posted about 10 years ago
#119 quickfix in TF2 General Discussion
TaggerungThe Quick Fix should be banned until next season due to its mid-season change and then re-evaluated during the off season(just like a mid season unlock). The new Quick Fix drastically changes the pacing of 6v6 and it needs to have a proper look at before being put into the league.
I'm not saying I hate the thing, or it should be banned forever. But it shouldn't be thrown in during a season, it should be evaluated during the off season and (hopefully) be introduced in the next season.

Until a decision is made, we will be practicing playing with Quick Fix and seeing what ways you can play against it with Kritz and Uber. Currently it seems that using Kritz is the only effective medi-gun you can run against it. But even then, its only slightly effective.

no, tf2 is significantly more fun to watch with it being used.

posted about 10 years ago
#56 ShinyHUD Redux in Customization

got some friends using the hud, for some reason they say the hud background for health and ammo is purple, any idea why? also is there a way to change the ammo and health color?


posted about 10 years ago
#50 ShinyHUD Redux in Customization

have an option to crate your own server in mainmenu? also have items go to loadouts not straight to the backpack like in broeselhud.

posted about 10 years ago
#89 Escape Plan Proposals/ideas in TF2 General Discussion
marioKeep the mini crits but have it disappear right when you switch weapons. It would add a decent area of skill for players that want to avoid mini crit damage by timing the weapon switch correctly.


posted about 10 years ago
#41 ShinyHUD Redux in Customization

in clientscheme, can you explain what milky bg and bf refer to?

also is there a way to get outlined damage text?

posted about 10 years ago
#51 ESEA-IM Power Rankings Week 8 in News
cozenI've been mentioned so many times on the forums recently. Please someone make and dedicate a hud for me. Plsss gib blu name :)

give me your hats and we'll see what happens.

edit: all of them

posted about 10 years ago
#21 IM Playoff Spots -- Here we go! in TF2 General Discussion

knights of grillz will probably take it with strat playing. no scout in im can contend.

posted about 10 years ago
#16 Huge, game-breaking glitch discovered in TF2 General Discussion

probably should have tested it before making the thread

posted about 10 years ago
#45 Update 7/10/13 in TF2 General Discussion

well there goes using the winger

posted about 10 years ago
#5 Got scammed on PayPal please help in Q/A Help


posted about 10 years ago
#126 SHOW YOUR CROSSHAIR! in Off Topic
KanecoRuelelMind sharing?
Would like that black outline with a cross with dot

posted about 10 years ago
#98 When is it time to quit? in Q/A Help

a video game has made you discouraged, i think now is the time to quit.

posted about 10 years ago
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