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Signed Up October 18, 2012
Last Posted October 28, 2017 at 6:46 AM
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#79 Mass shooting in Orlando in Off Topic

That's pretty pathetic... There's plenty of perfectly reasonable comments in that big list of removals.

posted about 8 years ago
#8 Opion on using 2 diffrent sensitivites in TF2 General Discussion
BurningSmileDear god, Ill have that fixed.

No offense intended btw... It just sounded hilarious when I read it to myself in my head. Sensitivites might be my new favorite word.

posted about 8 years ago
#5 Opion on using 2 diffrent sensitivites in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 8 years ago
#52 Mass shooting in Orlando in Off Topic


posted about 8 years ago
#36 Mass shooting in Orlando in Off Topic
trippaIf you adjust those numbers for population skeej, America only has about 6 times the average. That's still bad though.

The gun murder rate is adjusted per capita already?

@vibhavp: I think that's a fair point (although I wonder how many of those guns started out as legally owned guns). I don't think it's the gun laws themselves that are to blame, but the cultural climate that both perpetuated those laws and is being perpetuated by such laws. There's a kind of feedback loop going on there. Suddenly banning guns the next day won't change anything, I agree. But action can be taken to reduce these numbers in a slow and gradual way.

@new comments: How about not just the mental health system but the entire penitentiary/criminal justice system on the whole?

posted about 8 years ago
#30 Mass shooting in Orlando in Off Topic
crwriotbzcrwReligion of peace strikes again.this is more the fault of gun laws than religionTwiggyand yet america will find a way not to blame their gun laws...
Belgium and France have strict gun laws, did that stop anyone?

"Data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control show that on an average day, 91 Americans are killed with guns."

"There are nearly 12,000 gun murders a year in the U.S. – and despite falling crime rates, that number has barely changed since the late 1990s."

"America’s gun murder rate is more than 25 times the average of other developed countries."

Proper sources supplied @

posted about 8 years ago
#21 Mass shooting in Orlando in Off Topic
crw89zombiezcrwSo you are saying this isn't islam?
Well we'll see, I don't know any other group that wears bombvests and shoots gays.

Literally any other mentally unstable person could have done it, not all terrorism is done by islamic people. Cmon dude get a grip.
Most of such terrorism has to do with islam. It's the most likely possibility.

Regardless of the motives behind this specific horrific event, if you're talking about US domestic terrorism, then no (unless you are really creative with picking your data). And there's no "whatever", facts are just facts.

posted about 8 years ago
#24 RIP Christina Grimmie in Off Topic


posted about 8 years ago
#32 Medic heal setting in TF2 General Discussion

Valve autoheal builds the fastest uber.

posted about 8 years ago
#60 Beer in Off Topic
SchweppesKanecoSchweppesTripel Karmeliet

Golden Dragon
I've never really tried those but so much head looks disgusting tbh.
It's just an image lol
you're not going to get that much realistically unless you fuck up or try to do it intentionally

It's not that far off considering the amount of carbonation and yeastiness on those beers. It's actually what puts me off from some of those beer styles (like Duvel, way too much carbonation)

boomerMy current fav

Also Prarie from Tulsa, OK makes some amazing brews. Grab one if you get the chance

Yeah Citra Sunshine Slacker is an amazing Session IPA. Haven't had anything from Evil Twin that wasn't top notch.

Prairie are pretty great. I like that lots of what they brew has some kind of unexpected twist. Their tequila barrel aged OK-Si was damn tasty.

posted about 8 years ago
#48 Beer in Off Topic
Schweppesskeej an underwhelming Belgian beer leffe royale underwhelming?
skeej this is blasphemy and you know it

Like I said, to each their own, but it's a typical macro brewery belgian strong ale. Bit sweet and sour, not much depth to the malt profile, and while it's supposed to be hoppy, the hops are hard to even detect at all. It's even not very rare for there to be undesirable aroma's that are indicative of problems with brewing or storage.

posted about 8 years ago
#34 beverage in Off Topic

posted about 8 years ago
#43 Beer in Off Topic
Schweppesamerican beer?
america does a lot of things very right
beer is not one of them

Leffe Royale

To each their own of course, but if you make such a blanket statement about American beer, and then proceed to start your own list of favourites with such an underwhelming Belgian beer, then I'd have to say theres probably a huge array of beer types for you to discover. I'd happily help you with that ^_^

I made a list but it became too retardedly big. I can still post it if anyone is interested. My favourite beer styles are IPAs and Imperial Stouts. My untappd:

Beers listed in this thread that I really like too: Halve Maan Brugse Zot Blond, Emelisse Smoked Rye IPA, Flying Monkeys Chocolate Manifesto, Van Moll Ons Blackie, Westvleteren 12, Mikkeller Vild, Rochefort 10, Dochter van de Korenaar Finesse / Embrasse, Emelisse Imperial Russian Stout

Beers listed in this thread that I'd really like to get my hands on: Cigar City Jai Alai, Bell's Two Hearted, Dogfish Head 90 Minute IIPA, Stone Arrogant Bastard, Muskoka Mad Tom IPA, Off Color Apex Predator

DifferThe Lucky Lab, a local brewery, makes something called Zinger Bier seasonally, and that's one of my go-tos. Just a very refreshing ginger beer. I also like a lot of doppelbocks and stouts. No one favorite brand for either.

I had their Super Dog IPA, was pretty good! Super grapefruity (probably lots of Amarillo in there) albeit maybe a little too caramel-malty for my tastes. A local bar had it in stock, and I've seen it at my local specialty liquor store too. I guess the brewery is doing pretty well!

erynnand the majority of the time, my homebrew.

Sweet! What do you brew?

posted about 8 years ago
#39 Thaigrr joins on roamer in News
sheepy_dogs_handskeej can you stop getting so worked up over posts on a video game forum. If I really cared so much about people on a pointless video game forum "not giving me slack" i would have stopped posting quite some time ago.

I never understood this type of reasoning. In the end, we're all just people, talking to eachother. A computer connected to a series of tubes being the medium for communication doesn't change anything about that. Being a dick online counts towards your personality.

Also: In general, the act of saying 'I don't care' defeats the meaning of the phrase, because, if you actually really didn't care, you wouldn't post at all. You care, and everybody cares. Maybe in varying degrees, but don't say you dón't care. Especially when you seem to really enjoy pointing out how others are getting 'upset' and 'worked up'. It's not a contest of 'who cares the least and is therefore the coolest' or something.

posted about 8 years ago
#34 Thaigrr joins on roamer in News

Wow thanks sheepy, that's nice and also very much based on facts.

I don't understand; you already cope with certain personal problems that give you a hard time communicating with people, yet on top of that you are also actively and consciously being a geniune dick. Do you realise that people would probably cut you a LOT of slack if you at some point at least tríed to not be a douche? And I don't mean posting excuse topics after the fact.

I always found that you can be a pretty chill dude. It just seems that most of the time you choose not to be one.

posted about 8 years ago
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