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SteamID64 76561198266675080
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:153204676
Country Faroe Islands
Signed Up May 24, 2016
Last Posted July 30, 2017 at 5:10 AM
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#13 - website about TF2 YouTubers in Projects

The website is back, with the options to filter for Tourament Medals:

Do you have a comp YT channel which is not on the website yet? Please apply via

Or if you have suggestions on which comp channels to add your welcome to do so!

posted about 6 years ago
#16 Player distribution in TF2 over map/gamemode in Projects

The steam stats are hugely inflated, at least what I can see from the server stats. There is an offset of about 20.000 players when comparing the server stats with those from steam. That means either a large portion are bots, idling in main menu or just plain wrong stats.

And yes, I've scanned ALL gameservers from Valve and Community servers out there, at least the ones reported by the gamecoordinator. You can only evade the gamecoordinator by not using Casual/serverbrowser at all, which no-one seems to do.

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Player distribution in TF2 over map/gamemode in Projects

So I've used the datasets created from community quickplay to generate some more accurate graphs about what maps and gamemodes are played on Valve servers and Community servers.

Player distribution over map in Valve servers March 2017

Player distribution over map in Community servers March 2017

Player distribution over gamemode in Valve servers March 2017

Player distribution over gamemode in Community servers March 2017

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Player and server statistics for comp TF2 in Projects

It has been 4 weeks ago since I've launched a new version of, more geared towards community server quickplay and statistics gathering and I thought these statistics might be valuable to the comp scene as well.

The website gatherers all game server info from the TF2 game-coordinator and processes those servers run by the community into the quickplay segment, and uses all the other data for statistics:

Live statistics about TF2:

Competitive lobby/league providers:
Overview / ratio of in-game players:
Valve game-servers only:

Note that these stats only include players that are actually in a game-server, not counting bots or people idling in main menu. Also note that Valve comp is not included in the competitive stats, because there is no way to distinguish between casual and competitive valve servers.

If you take glans you can see that the average peak of comp. TF2 is ~500 players in-game for about an hour a day. If you go to the overview/ratio page you can disable valve/community players in the history graph to see the exact amount of comp. players.

Another interesting fact is the huge difference in the way that Steam reports playing users, compared to what is being observed of in-gameserver players as noticed by MR SLIN. I cannot be 100% sure about this, but I'm pretty convinced this difference has to do with the way that Steam counts, which would by done by counting the Steam accounts reporting back to steam they have TF2 open. Because there are a lot of Steam bots, and people might only have the main screen open this huge difference can be somewhat explained. Other factors might include: queuing up and farming metal (I've seen huge metal farms during my scans). At last they might count per users time-frame instead of one snapshot.

Oh by the way, I've also created some other statistics charts in the past in case you're interested:

posted about 7 years ago
#1 - website about TF2 YouTubers in Projects is a directory of all YouTubers that play(ed) TF2 and posted videos of them. The idea is to provide better engagement between viewers and YouTubers by presenting them with a filterable list of YouTube channels about TF2.

Edit: we are back

The website is back, with the options to filter for Tourament Medals:

Do you have a comp YT channel which is not on the website yet? Please apply via

Or if you have suggestions on which comp channels to add your welcome to do so!

posted about 8 years ago