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Signed Up August 17, 2012
Last Posted February 7, 2023 at 12:43 PM
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1 ⋅⋅ 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ⋅⋅ 122
#225 BTS 2020 LAN cancelled in News

Just want to clarify, gemm is right about the message being a little off and the wording of it "being cancelled for a third time". This isn't entirely accurate as the LAN was never confirmed or even on for a third time for us to cancel. Probably could have worded it better, but people hopefully understand the message that is being sent regardless.

posted about 4 years ago
#23 TF2 Player Jeopardy in TF2 General Discussion

what did tyrone promise yz50 s8 if hed replace cringe at lan

Jordans wasn't it?

why couldnt tlr make it home after stealing the trophy

Water falling from the sky

what map did eMg throw a match on, who were they playing and why

a51 on grans iirc? And a lan spot

posted about 4 years ago
#205 BTS 2020 LAN cancelled in News

Hey guys, I know this isn't the most ideal situation, since the success of the Rewind LANs, organizing another TF2 LAN in the Los Angeles area has been an ambition for many in the community. While support for such an event remains high, there are significant obstacles community organizers must overcome in order to host a successful tournament. We have tried our best to salvage what we can, but considering the time frame that has been placed on us, any event that we could run would not be at a quality that can justify the costs. Although we do have options, venues we were hoping would be able to work with us have not responded, and the ones that did we don't have the money to crowdfund for. Events that have crowdfunded amounts like $5000 before us, were able to promise higher quality of production and a better experience for viewers than what we would be able to present.Unfortunately, not for lack of trying or lack of support, attempts to salvage the "BeyondTheSummit TF2" event have not been successful and the remaining organizers have decided to cancel the event. The time crunch has only been getting more severe and while there was progress on many of the key issues the remaining problems are too severe to solve before the previously scheduled dates.This is of course not what we had wanted, but many staff can sympathize with the situation, having spent money ourselves to be in LA that weekend. that being said, since many of us will be in the area, we will be trying to organize some activities that means we can all hang out and get to know each other

While this concept for a LA LAN has now been cancelled for a third time, the crew of organizers behind this recent attempt remain optimistic about the future of Team Fortress 2 LAN tournaments in North America. While there are other events under discussion, NA community members can look forward to the inevitable TF2 presence at the unannounced RGB 5 in Philadelphia.

posted about 4 years ago
#71 frag videos that inspired you to play competitive in Videos

Either of these



posted about 4 years ago
#59 Half-Life: Alyx in Other Games

Super excited to actually have a possible AAA game for VR. Beatsaber is great and all, but a true high quality game built ground up for VR will really show where the tech can go in the future.

199... err 2020, the year where Half-life and Doom will be some of the most talked about games. What timeline is this again?

posted about 4 years ago
#10 TF2 player nationalities by toxicity in Off Topic
gibuscanada should be d tier. have you ever played with a french canadian?

This comment is amazing because it manages to piss off Canadians and Quebecois at the same time but for opposing reasons. I love it.

posted about 4 years ago
#63 Why crossbow is bad for TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

Ban the bow and #bringbackgpit

See you in 3 months when we do this again.

posted about 4 years ago
#120 BTS 2020 LAN cancelled in News
What ever happened to BYOPC?

We possibly have teams coming from EU and SEA. BYO isnt viable for them and many of the NA players are not local as it is.

I can rent out a fire hall for a few hundred a night.

And if we did that I don't think many people would be interested in showing up. Its a catch 22, it needs to be to a minimum level or people will not bother.

I would assume everyone who would be interested in casting already has a PC and a microphone. I don't know about you but i was perfectly happy with the production quality we had in 2009. Once again i will state we are not a big esport and we shouldn't be out to impress anyone.

BYOC isn't viable for everyone and on top of that you need lighting, cameras, switchers and audio setups. None of that shit is cheap.

There is a certain level of quality expected from the community at this point, and maybe you are right people need to expect less and we should go back to mumblecasts or something. But the fact of the matter is many people will not be happy with that and the event will either be ignored or people will bitch about how its not up to standard. Fucked if we do, fucked if we dont really.

posted about 4 years ago
#118 BTS 2020 LAN cancelled in News
CBTAndKennethCBTJust find a esports venue in the area and hold it under a different name. People already bought their tickets and the prize pot was comunity funded anyways. We have had how many LANs without BTS? This isn't the end of the world.
The reality is that even without funding a big prize pool, these orgs lose money on TF2 LANs, and massively subsidize what should be the ticket price. I mean I'd hope that the remaining crew can pull something together but to say that it would be simple/easy/cheap is just not the case.
I think you turbo nerds are overcomplicating things that don't need to be. Back in my day we rented a fire hall, grabbed a few 24 port switches and it was just as fun as any "modern esports event" i have been to. We are not a big esport and the sooner we get over that and just start having fun with it the better off we will all be.

I think you are underestimating what it costs to put on an event to even the small scale people want. PC rentals can cost thousands for 8 teams. Venues are not cheap at all and to rent them out costs thousands. Streaming and broadcasting hardware to stream the event out can cost thousands. Putting on an 8 team event in a warehouse would still probably run you 10-15k before any prize pool or travel expenses.

posted about 4 years ago
#79 BTS 2020 LAN cancelled in News

Because we know how much this event matters and because many of us have already put hundreds if not more into the event we will be pushing to put in on still. I cannot promise anything at this point in time but please know that the people who are still remaining are pushing to keep this shit alive. Look for more updates in the next couple of days.

posted about 4 years ago
#364 BTS TF2 insanity in TF2 General Discussion

Because we know how much this event matters and because many of us have already put hundreds if not more into the event we will be pushing to put in on still. I cannot promise anything at this point in time but please know that the people who are still remaining are pushing to keep this shit alive. Look for more updates in the next couple of days.

posted about 4 years ago
#71 BTS 2020 LAN cancelled in News
trippai’m aware we’re fucked now, but the only person with any actual necessary skill to run an event was dashner

Well no, there are probably 2 or 3 people that can fill, me being one because I am going to school for fucking TV and live production.

So I ask again, do you want to bitch and blame, or do you want to fix shit.

posted about 4 years ago
#66 BTS 2020 LAN cancelled in News

Yeah well im out almost $500 and people are out thousands AND we have a team from SEA planning on attending. So are people going to throw a bitch fit about how bad everyone is or do they want to try and fix it?

posted about 4 years ago
#63 BTS 2020 LAN cancelled in News
trippayou could’ve just gotten someone else to fill in your shoes, or tsc’s shoes, or dashner’s shoes. i’m sure you manchildren aren’t that hard to replace

I mean its not dead, want to fill any of those roles? Shits not easy AND on top of that we need to somehow convince BTS that this is still worth it after this. I am already trying to contact people but its not a fucking easy thing to do.

posted about 4 years ago
#2 How much money are you losing? in LAN Discussion


posted about 4 years ago
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