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Signed Up December 13, 2014
Last Posted May 24, 2024 at 12:35 PM
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#3872 PC Build Thread in Hardware

im building a new pc pretty much from scratch and feel like it could be improved a bit, but the how is beyond my knowledge. the main games i play rn are hunt: showdown, apex legends and potentially total warhammer 3 with a bit of pub tf2 now and again. ideally, i would like to get as close to 250 fps in hunt and apex as possible and maintain at least a playable framerate in total warhammer 3. i only do the occasional streaming/video editing so thats pretty much not a consideration at all with this build.

the cpu and mobo is quite possibly just a stopgap measure until new gen comes out and hopefully(?) drives down the prices on current higher end cpus like the 5800x3d a little bit. also worth mentioning that ALL of the components will be purchased used where thats possible. is there anything i could do to save a bit of money while not cutting down on performance? the less i spend on this build the more ive got to import a fucking viewsonic xg2431 (thanks for eu sales dickheads) and silk bedding for me and the wife.

edit: noise is a HUGE factor for me, i would like the pc to be as silent as possible while maintaining performance and am willing to spend extra money on that if need be

posted about a year ago
#67 the competitive tf2 culture canon in TF2 General Discussion
Alfieanyone got that vid of nevo and eemes arguing about going to mid? its on granary

solid clip

Listen to me; we are not going to mid.

posted about a year ago
#6 earbuds recs (2022) in Off Topic

moondrop chu or if youre willing to go a bit higher than 50 the aria is a nice upgrade

posted about a year ago
#9 WoW in Other Games

key word
writing in wow has never been good and was only okay up until wotlk
playing that game for the story now will be a very disappointing experience for u

posted about a year ago
#7 WoW in Other Games

playing the hard pve content is really fun and challenging in wow nowadays, but the grind involved in getting to the point were ur even ABLE to step foot into mythic raiding or high keystones is incredibly tedious and all interesting content is hidden behind a literal time-gate (ur only allowed to grind out a certain amount of resources each day/week). u will basically have to spend at least 3 months once youve hit level cap, just playing catch up to acquire the entry level stuff thats needed for u to start even remotely enjoying the game.
its a very cancerous system designed to honey trap u with the promise of letting u do content u enjoy only after uve spent literal months doing content that no person in their right mind would enjoy (torghast, grinding up ur keystones, maw dailys/weeklies, grinding up the flavour of the month covenant rep, etc.) that u cant just bang out in one sitting bc the game only allows u to do an hour or two of these "chores" each day. u will be tricked into paying 12 quid a month for a game u can only meaningfully play for 2-3 hours a day before ur locked out of resource gathering.

having said that, the pve content at the top is immensely enjoyable as long as ur not trying to participate in the race for world first """events""". mechanics are fun, challenging and satisfying, there is more variety to character builds and minmaxing than there used to be and everything is fairly viable, even if not always optimal. race for world first however has been blatantly pay to win for a while and the top guilds are so inbred that u will never have any chance of competing, ever.

theres some truth to what wan said before me, the game is very fun to start getting into and learn, but once u realise what their business model is set out to achieve, it leaves a very bad taste in ur mouth imo. there is a very good reason that wow is and has been in massive decline for years. outside of pvp and organised raiding its an incredibly barren and soulless corporate product rather than a game.

posted about a year ago
#44 the competitive tf2 culture canon in TF2 General Discussion

someone post that i52 sideshow vid where his ancient morris minors brakes stopped working on the motorway

posted about a year ago
#16 What do you do to market yourself? in The Dumpster


posted about a year ago
#6 I am totally spooked rn in Off Topic

i told u how to set up the Box properly so u must have fucked up somewhere

posted about a year ago
#7 How exactly do crit arrows work? in TF2 General Discussion
waxvaniThe difference is anywhere between 2-7% faster, 1 second to switch back and forth + 200ms for aiming leeway. Crossbow doesnt have startup time, you can shoot on the first frame & switch back immediately.

There is very little benefit to go for 1 frame arrows imo, not just for crit heal arrows but arrows in general. If you shoot 10 arrows and switch to the medigun on 1 frame after shooting compared to 200ms of leeway you're looking at a gain of less than 2 seconds, so even less than 5% uber.

tell me youre a virgin without telling me you are a virgin

u play the game just as much as he does except u suck ass

posted about a year ago
#6 another prem casualty in TF2 General Discussion

ok we saved tf2

posted about a year ago
#36 TF2 update for 6/21/22 (6/22/22 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion

so did we save tf2?

posted about a year ago
#33 book megathread in Off Topic
brodyWandumThe Song of Achilles by Madeline Millerthe iliad (ideally the lattimore translation) is just straight up a perfect book dont know what the purpose of a retelling would be except to miss the point

weirdly elitist perspective of a classic text that reeks of a first year literature student. why not read the ancient greek text instead if ur gonna bash someone about which translation theyre reading? why not read classics as they were "meant to be read"? why not huddle around a fire while some guy with a harp recites the whole thing from memory, making up his own version throughout the course of multiple nights? to stan someones english translation so hard is to completely miss the point of studying classics. ive read multiple translations, lattimores, popes and fagles' included, and vastly prefer caroline alexanders, a much more recent and easy to read one. literature, especially classics, is not about gatekeeping.

posted about a year ago
#35 Insomnia 69 (26-29th August 2022) in LAN Discussion


posted about 2 years ago
#9 university help in TF2 General Discussion
kindredmge michael is severely skewing the mean

ngl at 16 i was already taller than him and hes not really grown since as far as i can tell

posted about 2 years ago
#94 tf2 scene in 2038 in TF2 General Discussion
ZestyYeah, I'm guessing if its a well regarded community member during that era of tf2 it's likely I would have been. Idk what to say about that, it's fucked to think that someone you were friends with was an awful person the whole time.

in retrospect im just very sad and disappointed by the fact that players who are idolised to this day by much of the community knew about and were complicit in the abuse and enabled her behaviour. telling a 16 year old kid that trying to commit suicide over being manipulated and betrayed by a much older adult is somehow an unnatural and unacceptable response is beyond vile. i dealt with that whole thing and it took a fair bit of time to put it behind me but to this day it just kinda rubs me the wrong way to know that if i were to tell the whole story i would be doubted at best and completely disregarded at worst because of how well respected those players are even now

posted about 2 years ago
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