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Signed Up July 31, 2012
Last Posted July 29, 2013 at 10:17 PM
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#6 "foggy" effect in tf2 since last patch in Q/A Help

r_pixelfog was it! Thanks so much :)

posted about 10 years ago
#4 "foggy" effect in tf2 since last patch in Q/A Help

ha nice one fog.

tf_particles_disable_weather is set to 1. It seems to be a distance-based setting but I have no idea what it could be.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 "foggy" effect in tf2 since last patch in Q/A Help

Ever since this most recent patch the game has looked "foggy" or "smoky", especially at distance. Anyone know what might be causing this? I'm guessing some config setting that may have changed recently or that I used to be using that isn't supported anymore.

Here's a picture

The reddish tint is from f.lux but that's always been there.


posted about 10 years ago
#23 tf2 fantasy league in TF2 General Discussion

Could do categories like a lot of fantasy leagues do. I just finished a head-to-head 9-category fantasy basketball league and it was a lot of fun. Categories could be like, KDR, damage, kills, assists, healing, captures, etc. Set limits on the # of each class you can start each week (or that you can draft, since I'm not sure how sophisticated you guys want to make this).

edit: whoops #6 already posted something similar. It's a good idea though :)

posted about 11 years ago
#47 What yall think of... in TF2 General Discussion

OK minus frag me :/

Guess my opinion doesn't count cause I'm not a professional.

posted about 11 years ago
#38 What yall think of... in TF2 General Discussion

No way he's hacking. His movements are completely natural and he misses a lot as well. I'm not a great sniper, but his sniping style is almost exactly like mine (though I miss a lot more), relying more on prediction and twitch-guessing than control and reaction. The result of that is that sometimes you guess correctly and hit awesome looking shots, while other times you guess wrong and miss badly. He looks so much better because the idiots he's playing against have awful, predictable movement.

posted about 11 years ago
#38 Lange needs headphones in TF2 General Discussion

Hey before you buy, don't forget to read reviews about comfort. I'd say it's second to audio quality in terms of what really matters when you buy a pair of headphones. I bought some open air (aka not noise-cancelling) Sennheiser HD485's and they're the most comfortable things I've ever owned. They don't even touch my ears and I can wear them for 6+ hours without any discomfort.

posted about 11 years ago
#42 whats your sensitivity ? in TF2 General Discussion

3.6"/360 for me (1800dpi/2.5 sens in game). I never could get used to moving my entire arm when I aim so this is about as far as my fingers/wrist can move the mouse.

posted about 11 years ago
#47 Demoman's Balance (Is he truly balanced) in TF2 General Discussion

I think the high level of damage that both pipes and stickies do at any range is a bit ridiculous. Soldiers have to deal with damage falloff, but demos hit hard from anywhere.

On the flipside of things, I think it's equally ridiculous how much self damage you do, and if someone is attacking you close range you're basically going to die, even if you kill them.

That's sort of the tradeoff of the class, though. High potential damage output but a very small window for error. I think that a demo who is anywhere from decent to above average is a solid contributor to a team, but not necessarily OP. Once the skill level gets higher, as others have said, demo can get pretty nasty. And because in 6's the team is sort of built around the demo's damage, it seems more OP than maybe it really is.

posted about 11 years ago
#114 Little TF2 things that annoy you. in TF2 General Discussion

When you're dodging spam like a boss and then your teammate eats a pipe in the face and you both die.

posted about 11 years ago
#21 Attempting a frag edit in TF2 General Discussion

i liked the song

posted about 11 years ago
#55 TF2Center Ranking System in TF2 General Discussion

You can't use stats to determine player skill. The only thing that matters is whether or not that player wins more often than he loses. There are plenty of ways that a person can contribute to a team's victory that don't involve things that get recorded in stats.

I completely agree with #30 that HON's Elo system was great. Some people definitely did get annoyed when they'd lose a ton of ranking for failing to carry an awful team, but at least most matches overall were decently good.

I'd recommend using a class-based Elo that is dependent on whether or not your team wins, otherwise you'd end up running into issues where players could drive up their Elo on their best class, and then if they ever offclass it will result in very unbalanced games.

posted about 11 years ago
#25 Movement in TF2 General Discussion
mwhen i asked powah about dodging, he just said hes trying to always be baiting your next shot, trying to make you rush your shot when you think you have an easy shot when you REALLY have a hard one

Baiting is key, especially as scout. Sometimes I "play dumb" to bait what should be an easy rocket/pipe/headshot but because I know when he's going to shoot it I've already moved. A lot of players shoot at max firing speed and once you get used to that rhythm you can predict when the next shot will occur, and force them to shoot at the wrong spot. You can also think about this when you're the one attacking, and oftentimes if you skip a half beat in the shooting rhythm you can get a much cleaner shot than you would have had otherwise.

posted about 11 years ago
#45 What music do you listen to while you play? in TF2 General Discussion I've had this account for way too long, but I just got Spotify Premium as well and it's awesome. I listen to pretty much anything, though I like listening to Trap while I play tf2.

Also apparently Crafty and I would be music friends

posted about 11 years ago
#90 TeamFortress.TV DM Servers Changes in TF2 General Discussion

Can someone link the IPs for Fog's servers (or point me in the right direction)?

thanks :)

posted about 11 years ago
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