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Country Australia
Signed Up August 4, 2012
Last Posted October 12, 2022 at 8:54 AM
Posts 1582 (0.4 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity .7
Windows Sensitivity 6
Raw Input 1
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech G Pro
Keyboard Leopold FC750R
Mousepad Zowie G-SR
Headphones Beyerdynamic DT880 PRO
Monitor XL2411Z
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#36 Wisdom Teeth removal in Off Topic

i was delirious as fuck after mine and that was the first thing I did

i got a dry socket and it hurt like fuck, painpills helped a lot with that though

My mom is dealing with a dry socket right now. How long did it take to recover? It's been about a week and her face is still swollen and she seems to be in immense amount of pain.

I think they're usually about a week. Should probably hit up your dentist by now

posted about 8 years ago
#25 Wisdom Teeth removal in Off Topic
crossfirebeen over a year since i had my lower and upper right wisdom teeth removed by a dentist (not a surgeon). still have slight nerve damage on the right side of my mouth/tongue making it hard for me to taste/chew on that side. never got my left side taken out...

note that my wisdom teeth were fully grown in when i got them removed and i was only numbed during the removal...although this was probably a freak accident, i'd definitely recommend a surgeon for those who's wisdom teeth are fully grown in...

I had 2/3 taken out by a dentist but the 3rd one was up against a nerve + at the bottom row so he said I should have a surgeon do the last one.

posted about 8 years ago
#23 Wisdom Teeth removal in Off Topic
HueyLewisWhen I had mine taken out they didn't put me under, just gave me shots in my gums. I was completely awake and could feel everything... but it didn't hurt at all. It was amusing to watch the dentist basically just grab a pair of pliers and pull my teeth as hard as he could (so hard his arms were actually shaking from the strain) until they separated from my gums. Did all of them at once. Accidentally dribbled blood on my shirt on the way home because I literally couldn't feel that I had a mouthful of blood rofl.

Did you not have gauze in?!?!

Bucakethe301stspartanI think it's standard to do it asleep when they take out all 4
not here, unless it's changed since mine were taken out (~4 years ago). i got all 4 taken out and had to do it in 2 goes, with regular local anesthetics.

He means in one go. It'd be too much otherwise.

posted about 8 years ago
#6 Wisdom Teeth removal in Off Topic

Had all of them taken out recently, but at different times (one on one day, another a few weeks after). Good to not be having that pain again

Don't fucking use a damn straw, do warm salt rinses from a day or so after (do a few a day), don't SPIT during the first few days either. Don't forget to take your meds and eat regularly and sleep lots.

posted about 8 years ago
#24 b4nny: "blaze is back, clockwork is playing ow" in TF2 General Discussion

Not surprising but a bit of a disappointment having it confirmed. I knew he'd been playing a lot of OW recently. I guess it came true when he said he'd only really play "...if I have friends/cool people to play with" (paraphrase)?

that or $$$$$$$$$

posted about 8 years ago
#10 CoD4 remastered? in Other Games
Kanecomaybe its nostalgia but I loved CoD 2 way more than 4 or any othe cod. That game was so good and so fun. Probably the best multiplayer I've played other than Enemy Territory

COD 2 and 4 were equally good for different reasons imo

posted about 8 years ago
#17 prec recommended features thread in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 8 years ago
#17 dota 6.87 in Other Games
sleeepyyukisleeepyyukitoo many fuckin changes. They should focus more on balance and fixes as opposed to making the game completely different almost every major patch
Other than the scan what makes this completely different? This patch honestly seems tame by dota standards.

hyperbole my friend.

All these different items, almost completely changing some items, agh upgrades, spell dmg increase with int, more hp at lvl 1 & others definitely change the game a huge amount. Didn't think I had to point these out

I don't think you read the same patch notes as me. Other than abyssal none of the items were completely changed, and the new ones (other than hurricane pike) don't seem that huge (I could be wrong on this, echo sabre may be a thing on bashers/Sven). Spell scaling is probably the most overrated change this patch and in most games will be around a 10% damage buff. Might as well buy a veil. Level 1 hp change ends up being 35-45 actually and may be the most important change. Anyways compared to recent patches this is basically nothing so I don't see what you mean.

edit: forgot to talk about aghs. Other than Shaker and maybe Oracle none of these will ever see any use. Shaker one looks dope though so can't really hate.

Highlighted appropriate text for future reference - I also used some hyperbole in my follow-up post too btw

posted about 8 years ago
#12 dota 6.87 in Other Games
sleeepyyukitoo many fuckin changes. They should focus more on balance and fixes as opposed to making the game completely different almost every major patch
Other than the scan what makes this completely different? This patch honestly seems tame by dota standards.

hyperbole my friend.

All these different items, almost completely changing some items, agh upgrades, spell dmg increase with int, more hp at lvl 1 & others definitely change the game a huge amount. Didn't think I had to point these out

posted about 8 years ago
#4 dota 6.87 in Other Games

too many fuckin changes. They should focus more on balance and fixes as opposed to making the game completely different almost every major patch

posted about 8 years ago
#5 Valve & Lionsgate to bring Movies on Steam. in Music, Movies, TV



Unavailable in your region

what is it?!?!

posted about 8 years ago
#20 TF2 2D clone for iOS/Android in Other Games
fr3fousmakersIt's more disturbing to me that you people are willing to throw money at an individual who illegally copied something just so he could profit from it. =P
will there be a problem if he makes the game free ? (legal issues i mean)

probably only if it gets any traction

posted about 8 years ago
#8 mumble comm quirks in TF2 General Discussion

"x is destroyed/owned/raped/etc" after dealing 10 damage
"lets brawl em" as opposed to "let's pressure point"

posted about 8 years ago
#56 last.fm in Off Topic

made an account recently
i listen to more music on my phone though

you can also scrobble your phone ;)

posted about 8 years ago
#7 Zowie EC2-A out of stock everywhere? in Hardware
SchweppesDecided on this mouse after looking up some reviews, but it seems like you can't even buy it anywhere? Every site I visit says it's out of stock, amazon says delivery will take 2 months. That's ridiculous... Anyone know whats up?

Similar situation. I wanted the FK2 and it was out of stock everywhere. Settled on some ebay store and it's arriving today! Pretty awesome considering it's from the UK to Australia and they predicted it wouldn't get here til Friday :D

posted about 8 years ago
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