hey guys, i'm redd.
My previous experience in 6's has been roamer on Heroes of Low Open, (http://play.esea.net/teams/77575)
and a long history of tf2 mix's and pug.na's
i really don't have a huge preference on what class or role to play, so pick me up and we'll go from there!
i'm free to play most weeknights, and really want to improve.
hey guys, i'm redd.
My previous experience in 6's has been roamer on Heroes of Low Open, (http://play.esea.net/teams/77575)
and a long history of tf2 mix's and pug.na's
i really don't have a huge preference on what class or role to play, so pick me up and we'll go from there!
i'm free to play most weeknights, and really want to improve.
still looking! i also come with my own 14-slot server if you're interested
still looking! i also come with my own 14-slot server if you're interested