This is the end, my only friend, the end
It hurts to set you free
But you'll never follow me
No, this isn't the end of times, but TF2Connexion's twilight. Indeed the mighty french league, a gateway to competitive Team Fortress 2 for french speakers, is about to end. From season to season, the number of participating teams is dropping and has led the staff to this conclusion, unable to find a way to differenciate TF2Connexion from a growing ETF2L or UGC.
But if the current state of TF2C isn't glorious, the pride remains, and with it the will to provide (for one last time) quality services and one day cup fun events one last time like no others can do!
The schedule will be (roughly) as follows :
From september to november : TF2 Connexion season 16 : it will be the last regular season organised by the french website. So be sure to participate if you want games , TF2 items and our gorgeous medals, it's open to all european teams! You can register here until September 30 and expect first matches on Monday, October 5th.
Early november : GA'lloween 2015 : THIS COULD BE THE LAST FRENCH TF2 LAN SO COME WHILE IT'S STILL HAPPENING! We'll gladly help any european fellow with organisational questions on this very thread. Unlike insomnia events, french admins guarantee a minimum of 12 maps to be played by anyone, with 2 separate brackets in function of your skill level! Plus it's cheaper!(more informations on this thread later on)
December : last One Day Cups : GG200, BBall, and other fun gamemodes to celebrate Christmas!
All the TF2 Connexion staff invites you to enjoy this last season of what was a good adventure. New players or veterans, everyone is welcome!