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Snailed It LF backups
0 Frags +

snailed it (prev weiner bros) is looking for a handful of backups for this season of IM.

we don't have any at the moment so whatever classes will be accepted but please be available at match/scrim times. scrims are sun-thursday 9:30-11ish

if you're interested add me or shiki


snailed it (prev weiner bros) is looking for a handful of backups for this season of IM.

we don't have any at the moment so whatever classes will be accepted but please be available at match/scrim times. scrims are sun-thursday 9:30-11ish

if you're interested add [url=http://steamcommunity.com/id/nitsirT/]me[/url] or [url=http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198015331708/]shiki[/url]

4 Frags +

their new name is accurate given how they hold last HEHEHE

nah but skag slays and peyote is the smartest fat italian plumber since luigi mario

their new name is accurate given how they hold last HEHEHE

nah but skag slays and peyote is the smartest fat italian plumber since luigi mario
1 Frags +

shiki and rolling slay on soldier, only other person i've played with is peyote and he's good

shiki and rolling slay on soldier, only other person i've played with is peyote and he's good
1 Frags +

good team

good team
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