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Could i invite myself ballistic overkill
posted in Other Games
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Hello I wanted to ask if someone could send me a key of a game (or me to invite the game) called ballistic overkill I know qe boring be begging here or a Brazilian player and I love this game that launched a little time I'm sorry if English I'm a bit of a bad spelling because I'm taking an English course a short time ago my nickname on steam is: SpokenPrawn

Hello I wanted to ask if someone could send me a key of a game (or me to invite the game) called ballistic overkill I know qe boring be begging here or a Brazilian player and I love this game that launched a little time I'm sorry if English I'm a bit of a bad spelling because I'm taking an English course a short time ago my nickname on steam is: SpokenPrawn
1 Frags +

great post, someone give this man his game

great post, someone give this man his game
2 Frags +

Your spelling is fine tbh th but your grammar needs work

Your spelling is fine tbh th but your grammar needs work
14 Frags +

you dont even have tf2 why are you here

you dont even have tf2 why are you here
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