I like pvhud so i modified it for 1024x768 stretched, still looks good on other stretched resolutions but you will need to move the medic uber percentage under the crosshair to the right of the screen.
To do this go to:
custom/pvhudmin/resource/ui/hudmediccharge.res, under "chargelabelsmall" modify the xpos till its in the middle of your screen, do the same for "chargelabelsmallshadow" but add +1 to xpos so it shadows the text.
This is still a work in progress a few things are a little dubious such as the scoreboard at the moment.
DL link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/amsume1tl6smr8e/AAAgPncXKB0PD7sj5StJwSOoa?dl=0