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Hey racist man
posted in The Dumpster
0 Frags +

Unban me from discord Unfair bans and racist Ban me for saying U only has white admins? Yeaa truth hurts


Unban me from discord Unfair bans and racist Ban me for saying U only has white admins? Yeaa truth hurts
-4 Frags +

nice thread

nice thread
15 Frags +
reasongarbage spam in modhelp and asking black person if they're "really black"
[quote=reason]garbage spam in modhelp and asking black person if they're "really black"[/quote]
-4 Frags +


-5 Frags +

Hey ire you wanna talk to me face to face or u gonna be a lil cunt saying shit behind a mask

Hey ire you wanna talk to me face to face or u gonna be a lil cunt saying shit behind a mask
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