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LFT Demo IM/Main 6s
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Hello! I’m looking to get back to playing 6s in S4 after a hiatus.
I’ve had experience playing in RGL Main, ESEA Open, and multiple seasons of UGC Silver back in the day.
I’m ready to grind this coming season with a chill team that is looking to make a run for playoffs.

I’ve played demo, scout, and medic all up to Main - but am looking to focus on playing and maining demo.
I can maincall and am available every weekday.

RGL - https://rgl.gg/Public/PlayerProfile.aspx?p=76561198028752566&r=40
ESEA - https://play.esea.net/users/1967008

Add me on steam - https://steamcommunity.com/id/zaktf2/
or message me on discord - zak#2881

Hello! I’m looking to get back to playing 6s in S4 after a hiatus.
I’ve had experience playing in RGL Main, ESEA Open, and multiple seasons of UGC Silver back in the day.
I’m ready to grind this coming season with a chill team that is looking to make a run for playoffs.

I’ve played demo, scout, and medic all up to Main - but am looking to focus on playing and maining demo.
I can maincall and am available every weekday.

RGL - https://rgl.gg/Public/PlayerProfile.aspx?p=76561198028752566&r=40
ESEA - https://play.esea.net/users/1967008

Add me on steam - https://steamcommunity.com/id/zaktf2/
or message me on discord - zak#2881
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Played for my team in etf2l open season 36. Did amazing on european servers with stable 140ms in ping, would recommend.

Played for my team in etf2l open season 36. Did amazing on european servers with stable 140ms in ping, would recommend.
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