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LFM pocket scout in main
posted in Mentoring
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i need to know what i can do differently, i could use someone with a good amount of advanced+ experience that can break down pocket scout with me over demos (even if you don't play pocket scout). preferably someone who i can contact every so often when i play a match or have a demo i have questions about

add me on discord @ heavyslash
or this steam account (dont add tftv steam): https://steamcommunity.com/id/messymezi/

i need to know what i can do differently, i could use someone with a good amount of advanced+ experience that can break down pocket scout with me over demos (even if you don't play pocket scout). preferably someone who i can contact every so often when i play a match or have a demo i have questions about

add me on discord @ heavyslash
or this steam account (dont add tftv steam): https://steamcommunity.com/id/messymezi/
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still looking, currently putting a team together and scrimming so getting some learning ahead of time during the off season would be great

still looking, currently putting a team together and scrimming so getting some learning ahead of time during the off season would be great
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