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frkn lft S14
6 Frags +

Sup, I'm looking to play on an open (playoff) team for S14, preferably as roamer. I have a couple seasons of ESEA experience, the second of which we made playoffs (and proceeded to go 0-2). Ringing and trying out for high open teams has made me realize what I need to work on, but they're mostly things that are best fixed through scrimming with an actual team, not playing with a different team every other night. I can scrim 3-4 nights a week, and do plenty of dm/mge on my own time.

Give me a shot yo

Sup, I'm looking to play on an open (playoff) team for S14, preferably as roamer. I have a couple seasons of ESEA experience, the second of which we made playoffs (and proceeded to go 0-2). Ringing and trying out for high open teams has made me realize what I need to work on, but they're mostly things that are best fixed through scrimming with an actual team, not playing with a different team every other night. I can scrim 3-4 nights a week, and do plenty of dm/mge on my own time.

Give me a shot yo
3 Frags +

I've known freakin pretty much since I started playing 6v6, he's a pretty solid player IMO.
Give him a chance, once in a team environment he'll improve rapidly.

I've known freakin pretty much since I started playing 6v6, he's a pretty solid player IMO.
Give him a chance, once in a team environment he'll improve rapidly.
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hi :>

hi :>
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I've got a couple prospective teams but also looking for more tryouts

I've got a couple prospective teams but also looking for more tryouts
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bump maybe who really knows what I'm doing with my life

bump maybe who really knows what I'm doing with my life
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bump will roam or pocket

bump will roam or pocket
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