
We take great pride in our thriving global community and want it to continue to exist as a healthy medium to exchange ideas and discuss TF2 and other topics. We will enforce the following rules in order to protect our community and its members:

  • All for-profit/self-serving advertising and soliciting is NOT allowed (including trading).
  • Do not post any content that is NSFW (Not Safe for Work).
  • Do not make personal attacks of any kind. Keep trash talk within the realm of TF2.
  • No racism or bigotry is allowed.
  • No links to pirated/illegal material

If any of the forum rules are broken, an appropriate action ranging from a post/thread deletion to account suspension will be taken.


The following topics fall in the gray area and will be moderated at admin discretion:

  • Obtrusive animated .GIFs
  • In-jokes
  • Spam
  • Bumping old threads

Our focus regarding forum rules and guidelines is on fairness and mutual respect. We encourage everyone to participate, give feedback, and speak their mind. If you have any comments for us, we'd love to hear them. Simply make a post in the site suggestions subforum. If you need anything from our moderating staff, you can make a post in the requests subforum or directly private message any of the admins/moderators in our discord.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How does the Star system work?
The stars a simple measurement of how active a particular user is on the forums. Stars are gained as you make more posts and complete your forum user profile.

Can I make an appeal if my account gets banned?
Yes. You can message an admin in our discord to discuss your ban.

How do I change my forum account name?
You can request to change your forum account name by posting in the requests subforum. If you do make a request, please be patient. Every couple of weeks, an admin will go through and process all of the name change requests in a batch. If you haven't made your account yet, make sure that you pick a name that you really want!

How do I get my stream listed on
Getting your stream listed on the website is easy. You can find the instructions here: