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Signed Up September 20, 2014
Last Posted July 6, 2017 at 1:44 PM
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#117 CNN vs reddit user in World Events

I'm glad everyone has taken such a measured approach to the president posting a meme on his twitter

posted about 7 years ago
#87 Who is the best? in TF2 General Discussion

Schocky deserves more votes I think, he was a fucking beast when he was on epsilon, and he was scout of the season a shit ton of times

posted about 7 years ago
#12 theresa may plans to make new regulated internet in World Events

its alright at least we can vote for labo... oh wait no

posted about 7 years ago
#78 Macron projected to win French presidency in World Events
niteinteresting that you are similarly willing to disregard every single aspect of fascism other than the element of dictatorship in order to feel better about supporting an openly fascistic candidate

I'm not a Le Pen supporter, i would have voted white if I was french

Aside from not being anti-democracy, Le Pen's policies don't involve lots of staples of a fascist regime, like imperialism, militarism, planned economy or a cult of personality in any way

Also by your definition Nigel Farage is a fascist

posted about 7 years ago
#74 Macron projected to win French presidency in World Events

I think it more points to the fact that he doesn't just disregard the entire history of what fascism truly is so that he can slap a pejorative label of 'neo-fascist' on right wing politicians

posted about 7 years ago
#68 Macron projected to win French presidency in World Events
StingusLet's make it clear. Both options are same shit. Fascist and Guy who wants more emigrants.

Can you please explain what parts of le pen's policy make her a fascist

posted about 7 years ago
#70 8values political quiz in Off Topic


posted about 7 years ago
#80 Scream Fortress VIII has arrived in TF2 General Discussion

valve decides the mm map pool by throwing darts blindfolded at a board with all the map names on

posted about 8 years ago
#106 Leaked Donald Trump Comments in World Events

ignorant question ik but what is Trump's appeal?

posted about 8 years ago
#10 ETF2L S25 Preseason Playoffs: Animate vs. Stevie Wonder's Aim School in Events

18:18 - (⌐■_■) yak: nah they're trash
18:18 - (⌐■_■) yak: we've never lost to them
18:19 - (⌐■_■) yak: if we lose ill be angry lol

posted about 8 years ago
#27 please ban stupid shit from dm in TF2 General Discussion

generally sticky aim is what separates the good demos from the bad ones, not pipe aim

posted about 8 years ago
#376 Global whitelist unveiled in News

loving the fact we shit on valve for making poor decisions with no prior warning or communication that are often contrary to what we want as a community, and then the people within our own community do the exact same thing

posted about 8 years ago
#180 Best tf2 player of all time in TF2 General Discussion

personally I'd put Mike and cw over b4nny because their skill level is just fucking off the charts. Stark is also in there somewhere too

posted about 8 years ago
#21 How do the nations play? in TF2 General Discussion
Orang3EU has better scouts wutface

Clockwork, B4nny, Shrugger, Yz50, Enigma, and Quad are from na.

all are inactive except b4nny and quad is danish

posted about 8 years ago
#99 i58 LF: froyotech vs. Full Tilt in Matches

no clockwork no win

posted about 8 years ago
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